如何是液氮吗?(is liquid nitrogen?)

液氮很冷!在正常大气压下,氮气是介于63 K和77.2 K(-346°F和-320.44°F)之间的液体。在这个温度范围内,液氮看起来很像沸水。低于63K时,它会冻结成固态氮。因为液氮在通常情况下是沸腾的,所以它的通常温度是77K。...

液氮很冷!在正常大气压下,氮气是介于63 K和77.2 K(-346°F和-320.44°F)之间的液体。在这个温度范围内,液氮看起来很像沸水。低于63K时,它会冻结成固态氮。因为液氮在通常情况下是沸腾的,所以它的通常温度是77K。

Cannister of liquid nitrogen









  • 发表于 2021-09-24 00:57
  • 阅读 ( 280 )
  • 分类:化学


水循环(water cycle)和氮气循环(nitrogen cycle)的区别

...水从植物中通过蒸腾作用回到大气中。 什么是氮气循环(nitrogen cycle)? 氮循环是生物地球化学的主要循环之一。它描述了氮的转化为不同形式的过程及其在生态系统中的循环。氮主要作为氮气(N2)存在于大气中。地球大气中的...

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组织冷冻器(histofreezer)和液氮(liquid nitrogen)的区别

...一个简单的,单手使用低风险的用户。 什么是液氮(liquid nitrogen)? 液氮是液态氮。这种液体存在于极低的温度下。沸点约为−195.79°C。无色透明。科学家Zygmunt Wróblewski和Karol Olszewski发明了这种化合物。 图01:液氮 液氮是一种低...

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干冰(dry ice)和液氮(liquid nitrogen)的区别

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...ne group, also known as propanone. It is a colourless, volatile, flammable liquid which is used as a solvent. Most of the organic solvents do not dissolve in water, but acetone is miscible with water. It is very often used for cleaning purposes in the laboratory and as the main active ingredient in ...

  • 发布于 2020-10-28 18:52
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氮气循环(nitrogen cycle)和碳循环(carbon cycle)的区别

...——氮循环与碳循环的表格形式 6. 摘要 什么是氮气循环(nitrogen cycle)? 氮循环是自然界中最重要的地球化学循环之一。它解释了不同化学形式的氮在大气、陆地和海洋生态系统中的循环。主要的氮库是大气。它有大约78%的氮气...

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...eter)? A hydrometer is a device which measures the specific gravity of a liquid. Hydrometers are often used to measure the density of alcohol in breweries and to measure the level of dilution in milk. Specific gravity is a measurement that tells how dense a liquid is, compared to the density of w...

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表面张力(surface tension)和表面能(surface energy)的区别

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...rge of -1, however c***idering the charge distribution within the ion, the Nitrogen atom carries a charge of +1, and each Oxygen atom carries a charge of -(2/3), to result in an overall charge of -1. Generally, all nitrate salts are soluble in water. With water, the Nitrate i*** form nitric acid, wh...

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原油(crude oil)和页岩油(shale oil)的区别

...which c***ists of mixtures of hydrocarb*** and variable amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen containing compounds. In contrast to crude oil, Shale oil is a non-petroleum fuel, which naturally exist in a solid state as an oil shale rock or kerogen. This organic sediment should be thermally decompo...

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