如何以team fortress 2为灵感打造一款sandvich(make a sandvich inspired by team fortress 2)



  1. 放下一片面包。
  2. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 1
  3. 2躺在博洛尼亚。将其折叠并将折叠的部分分层。
  4. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 2
  5. 3把火腿放在博洛尼亚的上面。火腿和博洛尼亚的做法一样。
  6. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 3
  7. 4把瑞士奶酪片对折,放在肉上。
  8. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 4
  9. 5在上面放几片生菜。
  10. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 5
  11. 6在生菜上放上番茄片。
  12. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 6
  13. 7在上面放第二片面包。
  14. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 7
  15. 8将面包切成两半,但不要完全呈对角线。将其从拐角处稍微切下,以获得最佳效果。
  16. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 8
  17. 9添加橄榄。然后,最后但并非最不重要的一点是,用两根牙签刺穿两个青椒橄榄,并在每个三角形中插入一个。
  18. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 9
  19. 享受桑德维奇吧,胆小鬼!
  20. Image titled Make a Sandvich from TF2 Step 10



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