ces 2017回顾

CES 2017已经接近尾声,回顾过去,这是一个非常有趣的一周。撇开新闻不谈,看到整个会议齐聚一堂真是一件令人印象深刻的事情,成百上千的公司蜂拥到沙漠中部,在演示和主题演讲中展示成千上万的产品。整件事让人感觉是精心设计和策划的——事实上,几乎就像百老汇的演出。...

CES 2017已经接近尾声,回顾过去,这是一个非常有趣的一周。撇开新闻不谈,看到整个会议齐聚一堂真是一件令人印象深刻的事情,成百上千的公司蜂拥到沙漠中部,在演示和主题演讲中展示成千上万的产品。整件事让人感觉是精心设计和策划的——事实上,几乎就像百老汇的演出。



ces 2017,歌曲


We're here in Vegas for this year's C***umer Electronics Show To see the latest gadgets, gizmos, TVs, toys, and car autos From crazy thin OLED displays to Bluetooth sharing **art pillows And drones and headphones with release dates purely theoretical

Amazon and its Alexa voice a’ssis’tant is everywhere In cars, speakers and fridges and some other more diverse hardware From table lamps to wearables to Huawei's new Mate 9 **artphone To answer questi***, order food, and control things in a **art home (To answer questi***, order food, and control things in a **art home, x3)

Of cars this year we've seen a lot, but most will likely never ship Faraday Future came to town and drove a real car down the Strip Chrysler’s mil'lennial van this week has been a major source of quips At least no one will have to drive on endless future family trips (At least no one will have to drive on endless future family trips)


Two thousand seventeen has TVs thinner than ever before With LG's latest model scarcely thicker than the wallpaper Meanwhile Sony finally is making an O-LED TV While Samsung puts its money on its quantum-based Q-L-E-Ds

Windows laptops in new designs came back with a ferocity Asus showed off a nine thou'sand dollar curved screen m***trosity Razer unveiled a three screen model that was a just a prototype And HP's laptop's thicker but adds 3 hours more batt'ry life (And HP's laptop's thicker but adds 3 hours more batt'ry life, x3)


Crazy weird gadgets like silver cellphone blocking **art underwear Alongside strange misguided brushes with Wi-Fi for combing hair Yes here in Vegas for this year's C***umer Electronic Show There are a ton of gadgets, gizmos, TVs, toys, and car autos (There are a ton of gadgets, gizmos, TVs, toys, and car autos)

We saw new VR demos and a gorgeous-looking turntable Summoned Vergethulhu, a horrific m***ter shaped out of Play-Doh Electric scooters, rideables, a Wi-Fi-equipped garbage can Plus a mirror for wrinkles and some selfies with a 3D scan

There's been a lot of USB-C docks, adapters, and dongles Self-driving cars and laptops that have lots of LEDs that glow Yes, this year at CES there's an awful lot of gadget news From lots and lots of keynotes, briefings, booth visits and interviews (From lots and lots of keynotes, briefings, booth visits and interviews, x3)


We spent a week in Vegas but our time here has come to a close, We’ve headed out, packed up all of our suitcases, laptops, and clothes. We're done now for this year and so from our trailer we all must go, But we'll be back here for next year's C***umer Electronics Show But we'll be back here for next year's C***umer Electronics Show!


  • 发表于 2021-05-09 09:52
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  • 分类:互联网


ces 2018:索尼想再次取代你的狗

...ones with Microphone - Hi Res Audio and Active Sound Cancellation - Black (2017 model) BUY NOW ON AMAZON ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-11 22:23
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... 我有一个谷歌主页。我回顾了谷歌主页,并对它非常满意。但是每一个设备都需要Google助手或Alexa吗?这不是我们第一次抱怨亚历山亚,这是多么的愚蠢,但值得重复! ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-11 22:38
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...年度评论。而Facebook也不例外。Facebook不仅**了自己的年度回顾,还为每个用户**了一些视频。不管他们是否想被提醒2017年。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 23:46
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... 今天,我们回顾一下上周的科技展,评估哪些进展顺利(不多),哪些进展不好(很多)。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 00:48
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...本。它的时尚,坚固,做的一切旧版本。 相关报道:HTG回顾了Pebble:智能手表市场的最佳选择 新的钢模型又提高了100美元的价格,所以如果你选择买一个,你的鹅卵石钢就要降价250美元——尽管与大多数高档手表相比,这还是...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 12:56
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vergecast 010:vergecast在ces 2012:第一天

 01:20:00-Acer Aspire S5
 01:22:50-PlayStation Vita:回顾、发布日期、游戏、视频等
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  • 发布于 2021-04-21 01:30
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the verge is live at ces 2014:准备好

...和更长形式的报道。事实上,随着CES2014的预展和去年的回顾,这种情况已经发生了。除了中心,我们还有一个CES 2014新闻专线,将作为您的CES新闻消防水管。

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 23:44
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CES到处都是名人,但50美分实际上是作为公司创始人来的。当天气改变了他从纽约飞往底特律的航班时,他最终在机场呆了12个小时,飞到洛杉矶,开车4个小时到达拉斯维加斯。他为他的耳机公司SMS Audio(Beats by Dre的竞争对手)...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 02:02
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...丽·巴拉(Mary Barra)将于今日在消费电子展(CES)上发布2017款Bolt-on stage的量产版,这款紧凑型全电动汽车的电动续航里程有望超过200英里,税后价格优惠约为3万美元(这款车将于今年晚些时候上市。

  • 发布于 2021-05-02 23:52
  • 阅读 ( 156 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-09 05:53
  • 阅读 ( 107 )

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