






There is a ton of promise on the software side for tablets running Honeycomb given the new access to 3D tools and system tweaking that Android allows, but right now it's a **all island in a sea of phone titles -- and the majority of those titles do not look right on a 10.1-inch screen at this resolution.


Tablet-friendly apps are still few and far between — even the big Twitter web and app overhaul didn't include any optimizati*** for larger form factors — and it does seem like everyone's waiting for ICS to arrive before investing too heavily in redeveloping software.

三星Galaxy Tab 2 7.0评论,2012:

Ice Cream Sandwich may have improved the core Android tablet experience, but it doesn't solve the OS's biggest problem: the glaring lack of good, tablet-optimized apps for Android. The number of tablet-friendly apps is certainly increasing, but it's still far too low, and most of the apps you download will still be blown-up phone apps

三星Galaxy Tab 2 10.1评论,2012:

Unfortunately, the list of great and useful tablet apps is otherwise still too **all, especially compared to the huge ecosystem of 9.7-inch apps designed and optimized for the iPad. Android has a handful of good apps — games in particular — but you're still going to be dealing primarily with upscaled phone apps that don't look very good on a 10-inch screen.

Nexus 7评论,2012:

While Google’s new OS and latest app initiatives are very, very good, Android on tablets still suffers from an incredible lack of developer support. Mainstream apps like Twitter have yet to be updated to an appropriate tablet-friendly design, while others, like Pocket, seem to be slightly optimized but not working 100 percent correctly. Some apps simply aren’t optimized for the tablet in any way. The Android 4.1 SDK is now available to developers, so hopefully that’ll be changing soon.

Nexus 10评论,2012:

The Nexus 10 feels like Google's open letter to developers. "Look how great Android tablets can be," the company seems to be saying, "if only you'd make great apps!" [...] Apple's tablet has 250,000-plus other apps that look and work great on a huge, high-res screen, and Android's ecosystem is leagues behind. [...]

Google's now proven conclusively that it can design great Android hardware, but until developers prove they can design great Android software it's still hard to recommend the Nexus 10 over an iPad.

Nexus 7 2013年回顾,2013年:

For three months, Google's been talking a lot about tablets. At I/O in June and again this week, it talked about the special section in the Play Store designed just for tablet apps, and the new tools for developers. It's about time, too, because though Android has made huge progress it's still not up to par with the iOS app selection. More and more apps I use are available on Android, but too many are still just blown-up phone apps, and there are still plenty of games and great apps (Paper and Djay come to mind) simply missing. Google's catching up, but it started the race way too late.

Nexus 9评论,2014年:

Though many of Google’s own apps are designed to work well on tablets, the vast majority of third-party apps in the Google Play Store still look ridiculous on such a large screen. For all that Google has done to improve the hardware on its Android tablets, the app situation is where Apple still has the farthest lead, and the Nexus 9 and Lollipop do nothing to close that gap.

Pixel C review,2015年:

One big problem is that most of the apps I use on Android tablets still aren’t truly optimized for tablets. Most apps are comprised of wide, wasted expanses of open space that are technically designed for any screen size but actually aren’t utilizing all this screen real estate. That’s problematic with third-party apps, but it’s unforgivable from Google’s own apps. Hangouts, the perennial forgotten child of Mountain View, is a mess on this device.

Nvidia Shield review,2016年:

And, at least until Google sorts out serious multitasking for its OS, eight inches is the right size for an Android tablet. It’s big enough to offer a meaningfully different experience over even a giant phone like the Nexus 6P, but **all enough to mitigate the fact that Android still just doesn’t feel all that great on a tablet. You’re still dealing with stretched-out phone apps, but at least on the Shield they’re not blown up to the ridiculous degree that you’d see on something like the Pixel C.

三星Galaxy Tab S3评论,2017:

Even though Android still doesn’t have the tablet app selection that iOS does, I was able to run basically everything I needed to on the Tab S3, including work apps like Trello and Slack to more powerful sketching apps like Adobe Draw. I was able to keep up two apps at once. And I was able to research and publish articles to this website without major issue.

But unfortunately, multitasking is still far from elegant, and it's what separates this device the most from a "real" computer. One issue I ran into immediately: even though Slack supports multitasking, the app only pulled in new messages when I was engaged with it; if I tapped on the other app I was running alongside it, Slack would sit idle and refuse to show new messages that were added to the conversation until I tapped on it.



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...采用360度键盘。用户可以将键盘翻转回去,将设备转换为平板电脑。我们将这些设备称为2合1的可转换笔记本电脑,因为它们可以从笔记本电脑转换成平板电脑。 ...

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... 平板电脑与智能**类似,但你可能不会想到用平板电脑给别人打电话。事实证明,尽管你在街上把一个10英寸的屏幕贴在耳朵上看起来很傻,但使用Android平板电脑打电话还...

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