投票:三星galaxy s8还是s8 plus?

评论已经出来了,对Galaxy S8和S8 Plus的赞誉几乎是普遍的。顶级的三星——至少在纸条收到之前——将于今天在商店出售,起价720美元。对于那些已经下定决心购买的人来说,这一次将是一个艰难的选择,因为手机不会受到通常的大小可用性权衡的影响。...

评论已经出来了,对Galaxy S8和S8 Plus的赞誉几乎是普遍的。顶级的三星——至少在纸条收到之前——将于今天在商店**,起价720美元。对于那些已经下定决心购买的人来说,这一次将是一个艰难的选择,因为**不会受到通常的大小可用性权衡的影响。


你看,Galaxy S8的可视区域比Galaxy S7多36%,屏幕现在覆盖了83%的前脸。这使得三星可以将更多的屏幕装进一个更纤细但更长的**中,现在更容易握持。尽管其他公司的超大尺寸**一直很笨重,但即使是s8plus现在也感觉可以管理。

以下是Dan Seifert在评论中如何描述新款S8的尺寸:

"A narrower phone is easier to use in one hand and both the S8 and S8 Plus are much easier to handle than other phones with similar-sized displays."

我让Walt Mos**erg详细说明一下局限性:

"It changed the aspect ratio of the screen and the dimensi*** of the body to make them taller and narrower. This makes the phone much easier to handle.”


“In one-handed use, the screen is now so tall that it can be impossible in one-handed mode to easily reach the notification shade or the top rows of ic***. So, Samsung has a feature you can engage that shrinks the whole screen image to a shrunken vestige of itself. This makes reaching easy, but it also makes everything look tiny and ugly. I prefer Apple’s technique of just moving down the top of the screen image, at full size, if you find something hard to reach."

弗拉德·萨沃夫惊叹于他能够轻松驾驭更大的S8 Plus,也许是因为他双手的“独特的平均性”:

"Yes, reaching the top of the S8 Plus to pull down the notification shade requires a readjustment of my grip, but the phone’s sides are so nicely contoured that I do that switch unc***ciously and with little effort.”


“The choice between S8 models should come down to how much you value having a larger screen and a longer-lasting battery. If it’s more than the price premium Samsung or your local carrier charges, go ahead and supersize your next phone. The traditional downgrade of ergonomics as you move up in size class just isn’t apparent with the Galaxy S8 Plus."



Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus

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  • 41%
    (2587 votes)
  • 58%
    S8 Plus
    (3703 votes)
6290 votes total Vote Now

  • 发表于 2021-05-10 20:06
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  • 分类:互联网


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