
今天上午任天堂展示了一系列的经验来任天堂开关,包括一个新的预告片超级马里奥奥德赛和揭示新的Metroid和Poké蒙族游戏。有了新的游戏机,新的游戏,以及像移动和订阅服务这样的新举措,任天堂将迎来非常繁忙的一年。就在公司的E3聚光灯前,我有机会和任天堂的美国总裁雷吉·菲尔斯谈了谈é 关于一系列的话题,从电子竞技到4K游戏机。这是他要说的。...

今天上午任天堂展示了一系列的经验来任天堂开关,包括一个新的预告片超级马里奥奥德赛和揭示新的Metroid和Poké蒙族游戏。有了新的游戏机,新的游戏,以及像移动和订阅服务这样的新举措,任天堂将迎来非常繁忙的一年。就在公司的E3聚光灯前,我有机会和任天堂的美国总裁雷吉·菲尔斯谈了谈é 关于一系列的话题,从电子竞技到4K游戏机。这是他要说的。



The Nintendo mission is to reach as many c***umers as possible and to have them engage and have fun with our [intellectual property]. That’s what we try and do. So inherently, we go for a more mainstream audience. Inherently, we want our products to be affordable. We want our products to be easy to pick up and experience, low learning curve. We want our IP to shine as we deliver these experiences.

That’s the way we approach it. And so, what that means is, a sweet spot of $300 for the Nintendo Switch, a platform that has Mario and Zelda and Splatoon. Going against a more limited c***umer pool, a higher price point, requiring investments in other ways — 4K TVs, what have you — that is a strategy that for us, candidly, is a bit too limited.


We’ve been fortunate with Smash Bros. to have a franchise that has been very active in this space. What we’ve been doing is educating our developers and candidly creating some expertise ourselves in how to engage with the community. Now we have a fantastic relati***hip with the Smash Bros. community; I would say that was not true fix, six, seven years ago. We think that Arms can support a very vibrant community.

We were in e-sports back in 1995 with the very first Nintendo World Champi***hips. We’ve been in this space. I think what Nintendo is doing, as we always do, is our unique view on this, and finding ways to make it a bit more mainstream and a bit more massive, maybe than others have done. We’re going to do it differently.


The reason we’ve delayed the full paid subscription, is we want to make sure that as we get all of our learnings, and we build all of the elements, that we launch something that is robust for the c***umer. And as they c***ider a $20 price point, they say ‘This is a no-brainer. This is something that I absolutely need to participate in given the full range of features that it provides.’

That’s why we’re delaying it, and it really is c***istent with the overall Nintendo development philosophy. We want, when we launch it, for it to be great for the c***umer. And not to be something that isn’t fully-featured and fully-capable. That’s why we delayed Breath of the Wild — and look at what we were able to finally launch.


We certainly look at what our community is saying. But arguably, if all we did was listen to our community, we would be creating content against a handful of [intellectual property] with a handful of feature sets, because that’s typically what the c***umer focuses in on. Things that they know, things that they’ve seen before.

  • 发表于 2021-05-11 13:55
  • 阅读 ( 149 )
  • 分类:互联网



任天堂(Nintendo)公布了它的下一代计划,推出了一款便携式/家用混合游戏机Switch。由于上一代Wii U的失败让人失望,这家日本公司的成败在此一举。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-16 02:18
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... wii u死了,万岁。。。任天堂开关? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-16 17:24
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任天堂已经发布了它的下一代游戏机,而且,正如预期的那样,它是一款家用/手持混合机。任天堂交换机本质上是一个Wii U和DS组合成一个整洁的小包装。因此,如果一切按计划进行,它应该为任天堂的粉丝们提供两全其美的服...

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... 在漫威终极联盟3中集合一队超级英雄,这是任天堂交换机的独家游戏。这款游戏是2006年《奇迹终极联盟》和2009年续集的完美续集。可玩角色的范围也令人吃惊。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 12:05
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...,你最好希望它有一个microSD插槽。从相机到智能**,甚至任天堂的开关都需要存储空间。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-19 04:06
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...现在不是时候开始接近你最喜欢的品牌与推销。你的潜在受众规模很小,你不能给品牌带来很好的投资回报。第一步是在Instagram上获得更多的关注者。 ...

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... 博客文章:如果你已经有一个博客,充分利用这一受众,定期发布关于你的帕特伦运动和那里不断增长的社区的博客更新。吸引读者参与其中。 社区:你会在你的Patreon页面上看到一个社区链接。在这里,你...

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任天堂已经生产了40年的游戏机和游戏。近年来,粉丝和专家都在网上报道这家日本公司的产品。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 20:15
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...和欣赏风景。 Abzú可用于Windows PC、PlayStation 4、Xbox One和任天堂交换机。 在哪里可以买到:PS4:PlayStation商店;Xbox One:Microsoft商店;Switch:Nintendo eShop;PC:Steam,Epic Games商店,GOG。 “星露谷” 星露谷结合了农业经典的最佳元素,收...

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ps4 vs xbox one vs wii u:哪一款最适合你?

...这些天来,只有三个主要的**商幸存下来讲述这个故事:任天堂,微软和索尼。 分别负责Wii U、Xbox One和PS4,每家公司都尽最大努力为客户提供绝对最佳的游戏体验,但你怎么知道哪一家最适合你或你的家人呢? xbox one 自从在...

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