脑干(brainstem)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别


脑干(brainstem)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别


什么是脑干(the brainstem)?

Brainstem links spinal cord with the brain through nerve fibers and is crucial for many nerve functi***. It is subdivided into the medulla, oblongata, p***, and midbrain. Most cranial nerves, which tran**it sensory and motor information to and from nuclear groups, are attached to the brainstem and help to control the motor and sensory functi*** of the head. The brainstem controls certain complex functi*** such as respiration, cardiovascular regulation, c***ciousness, and sleep.脑干(brainstem)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别

什么是脊髓(the spinal cord)?

The spinal cord is a long tubular bundle of nerves that arises from the brainstem and extends down through the vertebral column until it reaches the space between first and second lumbar vertebrae. It is one of the main components of the central nervous system (the other part is brain). The main role of the spinal cord is carrying nerve impulses to and from the brain through the brainstem to the rest of the body.  The spinal cord is enclosed in the vertebral column (backbone), which provides protection from vibration and other injuries to it. In addition, it is also protected by three tissue layers known as meninges. The nerves arise from the spinal cord are called spinal nerves. Based on the regi*** where spinal nerves arise through vertebral column, there are three types of spinal nerves; (a) cervical nerves that control respiration and carry nerve impulses to arms, neck and upper trunk, (b) thoracic nerves that carry nerve impulse to trunk and abdomen, and (c) lumbar nerves which carry nerve impulses to bladder, bowel and sexual organs.脑干(brainstem)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别

脑干(brainstem)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别














  Image Courtesy: “Blausen 0114 BrainstemAnatomy” by Blausen.com staff. Own work. (CC BY 3.0) via Comm***  “Diagram of the spinal cord CRUK 046” by Cancer Research UK – Original email from CRUK. (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Comm***

  • 发表于 2020-10-27 07:52
  • 阅读 ( 694 )
  • 分类:科学


脊髓(spinal cord)和脊柱(spinal column)的区别

...它的宽度减小;因此脊髓的底端比它的上端窄。脊髓通过脑干与大脑相连。神经纤维从脊髓的背外侧进入并从腹外侧出来。脊髓神经又分为5个部分:颈神经、胸神经、腰神经、骶神经和尾神经。   脊柱(脊柱) 脊柱属于骨骼系...

  • 发布于 2020-10-16 05:22
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脑(brain)和脊髓脑膜(spinal cord meninges)的区别

脑脑膜和脊髓脑膜的主要区别在于硬脑膜的特征。脑硬脑膜形成硬脑膜皱襞,而脊髓硬脑膜不形成硬脑膜皱襞。 大脑和脊髓共同构成中枢神经系统。脑膜主要分为三层:硬脑膜、蛛网膜和软脑膜。脑膜保护大脑和脊髓。它们...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 06:14
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硬脑膜(dura mater of brain)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别

脑硬脑膜与脊髓的主要区别在于,硬脑膜位于颅骨的骨膜衬里上,保护大脑,而脊髓硬脑膜则靠在大孔上保护脊髓。 有三种脑膜保护中枢神经系统。硬脑膜是保护大脑和脊髓的最外层或最外层的脑膜。它还保存脑脊液,抵抗...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 10:22
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脊髓(spinal cord)和脊柱(vertebral column)的区别

...? 脊髓是中枢神经系统的主要部分。它大约17英寸长,从脑干延伸出来。它是由31对神经组成的一束神经。其中颈神经8对,胸神经12对,腰神经5对,骶神经5对,尾神经1对。 图01:脊髓 脊髓在脊椎内运行,保护脊椎。三层被称为...

  • 发布于 2020-10-23 04:39
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...5. 并列比较-脑干和小脑的表格形式 6. 摘要 什么是脑干(brainstem)? 脑干是大脑的三个主要部分之一。它位于大脑中部,连接大脑和脊髓。脑干由中脑、脑桥和髓质组成。中脑是脑干最前面的部分,与视觉、听觉、运动控制、睡...

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头盖的(cranial)和脊神经(spinal nerves)的区别

...神经(CNⅠ)和视神经(CNⅡ)来自大脑,其余神经来自脑干、中脑、脑桥或延髓。动眼神经(CNⅢ)起源于中脑-脑桥连接部。气管神经(cniv)起源于中脑,是颅神经颅内最长的部分。三叉神经(cnv)起源于脑桥。外展神经(CN V...

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白质(white matter)和灰质(grey matter)的区别

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脊索(notochord)和神经索(nerve cord)的区别

...脑、中枢神经系统、背神经索、外胚层、中胚层、脊索、脊髓、腹神经索 什么是脊索(notochord)? 脊索是指脊索类动物支撑身体的纵向柔性杆。它也发生在脊椎动物的早期胚胎阶段。在成年脊椎动物中,脊索成为脊椎的一部分,...

  • 发布于 2021-06-29 15:54
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上面的(upper)和下运动神经元(lower motor neuron)的区别

...per motor neuron)? 上运动神经元是起源于大脑皮层运动区或脑干的运动神经元。它把来自大脑的神经脉冲传递给下部的运动神经元。因此,它不参与神经冲动向肌肉的传递。神经冲动从上运动神经元传递到下运动神经元是由一种叫...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 16:17
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脊髓(spinal cord)和椎骨(vertebrae)的区别

...区别在于,脊髓是中枢神经系统的两个组成部分之一,从脑干延伸到腰段,而椎骨是脊柱的单个组成部分,包围着脊髓。此外,脊髓由神经组织组成,而脊椎由骨和一些透明软骨组成。 脊髓和脊椎是两种结构,特别是在脊椎动...

  • 发布于 2021-07-01 18:41
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