
Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018


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Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 There is some sort of loving energy in the world.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 A lot of people feel that if they’re not worried, they’re being irresp***ible. [But] worry actually does not help.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 To see so many other people getting so much benefit perks me up as a researcher.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 It was absolute obliteration of any categories of experience. I’m talking about self, gone. Time, gone. Place or space, gone. It was just existing in this field of pure energy


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 I’ve really been encouraging my clients to get offline and think about meeting people in your world. You know, people that are in proximity to you.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 If there was an infidelity-generating machine, it would basically be Facebook.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 ‘The mother died a year ago and I should be better.’ What does that mean to her? What does she, where does she think she should be? That it doesn’t bother her at all? Uh, no. When your mother dies, it can be 20 years later. If you were close with your mother and you think about it, you might tear up. That doesn’t mean you haven’t grieved correctly.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 It was just me with an idea written down. And I was sleeping on my mom’s couch. I went back to my mom’s block that was still the place where I was only allowed to parole. And I came there and I was waking up every morning and during the workout in the street and I would run side by side next to a female wearing yoga pants and start pitching them.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 There’s this thing called spontaneous sobriety where people just say, ‘I’m done. I’m sick of this.’ They make a single decision. And statistically, the research has shown that people who do that, just spontaneous sobriety, no rehab, no treatment, make one permanent decision in their lives that they’re just done with this substance are on average three to five times more likely to stay sober than AA.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 The best part of getting to do this business has nothing to do with, you know, fame or going to premiere parties, actually that’s the difficult part. But the best part of it is really to find these moments where I can let down my guard, because a lot of times I feel like we’re in a performance of ourselves ... And it’s ironic that in this medium of acting where you’re pretending to be someone else, it gives me a chance to let down my performance of myself.


Illustration for article titled The Best of The Upgrade 2018 You can steal a big roll, you can steal a **all roll... I mean, look. Any paper can be toilet paper.



  • 发表于 2021-05-14 08:56
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...认为自己掌握了流行文化的脉搏,那就应该玩谷歌的2018年度游戏。这个简短而简单的测验测试你在2018年之前人们在谷歌上搜索的内容。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 07:13
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每年的这个时候,各种各样的出版物决定了它们的年度“…”。就字典而言,它是年度词汇。字典网已经决定2018年的年度词汇是“错误信息”。讽刺的是,这不是误传。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 14:27
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...即下载以立即获得最新功能。 windows 10 2018年10月更新的最佳功能 在Insider Preview开发过程中,Windows 10于2018年10月的更新代号为Redstone 5,也称为Windows 10版本1809。它关注的是您可能实际使用的功能。这里没有新的绘画3D风格的应...

  • 发布于 2021-04-04 09:32
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  • 发布于 2021-05-14 09:07
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  • 发布于 2021-05-14 09:22
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生活就是我们的生活。有时我们对他们的感觉非常强烈,世界需要知道。这是我们2018年最精彩的演讲。证实:女人裤子上的口袋真是胡说八道As you can see, the evidence is shocking (to men who don’t really talk to women that much).沐浴露是个骗...

  • 发布于 2021-05-14 09:38
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  • 发布于 2021-05-14 09:46
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  • 发布于 2021-05-14 10:13
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我们尊敬的性专栏作家凡妮莎·马林总是愿意钻研我们要求她研究的任何话题。我们的意思是钻研。以下是我们2018年的最爱。怎么吃**The anus has nerve endings and enjoys being stimulated. Because rimming is still seen as pretty taboo, there’s also an ill...

  • 发布于 2021-05-14 10:17
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 09:29
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