
Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018




Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 I receive an overabundance of spam/junk email. Most, I block. However, the tricksters have found a way to send it, using my own email address as the return address. Since I can’t block my own email address, how can I find the true address they are being sent from, in order to block them?


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 We recently upgraded our Comcast service to from 50 to 150 Mbps. That’s an important detail, because when I was checking the service from my Ethernet-connected desktop computer, I noticed I was only getting around 80–90 Mbps, not the 150–160 Mbps said landlord was finding on his tests. We repeated these tests across a number of days and times just to make sure there weren’t any weird network congestion issues affecting the speed results, and I c***istently found that I could never break past 100 Mbps, whereas he could on pretty much every test he ran.


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 For several years now, my laptop (a refurbished 2016 Acer Aspire V-3) has been destroying my home internet soon after it connects to the router. Some times the internet crashes within seconds. Other times it takes days. But usually it is within 10 minutes.


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 Is there a way to use my phone to provide wifi to my laptop and for on demand on my **art tv so we can say goodbye to the high price of internet via cable? I’m flabbergasted at the cost of internet!


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 It’s safe to delete photos from my iPhone, right?


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 Why is there still no easy way to move text messages from an Android phone to an iPhone? I know, different formats and all, but come on!


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 So, I’ll be honest, my boyfriend and I watch **** each separately on our phones. We each have gone through each others’ phone activity through Google, and when he looks at mine, there are items in there that I never Googled, like live cams chat room stuff. I have never in my life entered this into my Google search but I have a suspicion that they are pop ups from the **** sites. I want to know how and why they come up as my searches. And there are other things that show up that I supposedly googled but I know for a fact I didn’t.


Illustration for article titled The Best Tech 911 Posts of 2018 When the thing was up & running, I opened Safari for some reason. (OK it was a few months ago, so I don’t quite remember the sequence; don’t think it auto opened.) The VERY FIRST thing it did without any action on my part was to connect to a **** site. I immediately deleted it.
  • 发表于 2021-05-14 09:17
  • 阅读 ( 203 )
  • 分类:通用



...术和应用?2019年我们期待什么?继续阅读,发现我们的最佳选择! ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 07:06
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...期二在结束开幕词时说:“我的建议是,让业界自己制定最佳商业惯例,保护网站免受恐怖主义、儿童剥削和其他问题的影响。”。 这一观点也得到了委员会中资历较低的共和党人的认同。参议员本·萨塞(R-NE)批评了他的一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 08:58
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...·特朗普(Donald Trump)威胁说,要剥夺第230节保护的大型科技平台,以报复限制帖子传播的决定。这项法律允许像Twitter这样的公司对内容进行调整,而不必为攻击性帖子承担法律责任,尽管第一修正案可能是针对Twitter的具体情...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 14:57
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...其中有一些建议,并提醒CenturyLink这样的公司应该遵循“最佳做法”——没有罚款,没有命令,没有任何纪律处分。 官方方面,联邦通信委员会似乎根本没有就最近的911断电事件发表任何声明或发布任何公告。FCC主席Ajit Pai也没...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 03:11
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亚马逊go的无出纳技术最快可能在明年出现在whole foods上

...售商**这项技术后,美国食品和商业工人联合会批评这家科技巨头,称这种无现金模式“直接威胁到1600万美国零售业就业岗位,是尽可能多地消除好工作岗位的无情战略的一部分” 亚马逊拒绝就这一传闻置评。

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 08:27
  • 阅读 ( 148 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-22 04:05
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 07:42
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 09:37
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...·尚卡尔·普**德(Ravi Shankar Prasad)在一份声明中说:“科技仅仅是为了让人类生活变得更好,还有什么比用它来保障妇女的安全更好呢。

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 09:06
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...杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)在2013年收购了《*****》,为更多科技巨头树立了榜样“我认为杰夫·贝佐斯拯救了《*****》”,她在雷科德的代码会议上接受沃尔特·莫斯伯格和卡拉·斯威舍的采访时说我想很多人,他的很多同龄人和朋...

  • 发布于 2021-05-11 09:49
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