
Illustration for article titled A Gun Lingo Glossary for Those Unfamiliar With Firearms




  • 自动柯尔特**:自动柯尔特**的缩写。指定了各种约翰布朗宁子弹设计和口径主要用于科尔特和Fabrique Nationale de Herstal半自动**,如.45 ACP、.380 ACP和.25 ACP。
  • AK-47:米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫在苏联研制的一种非常流行的自动突击**,1948年首次用于现役。他们是非常可靠的,成本非常低,使他们成为许多军事和革命装备的选择枪。截至2004年,“在全世界估计的5亿支火器中,大约有1亿支属于卡拉什尼科夫家族,其中四分之三是AK-47。”
  • **(**):包括**、起爆剂和装在弹壳中的射弹的组件包。**的数量是用子弹来衡量的,这是装进枪里的量。**有数百种大小,必须与火器匹配才能使用。
  • AR-15:代表ArmaLite**-15,而不是“突击**”。它是一种轻型半自动**,有多种型号。他们被认为是“现代运动**”的一些和“突击**”的其他人。AR-15的变种曾在美国许多备受瞩目的大规模枪击案中被使用,包括桑迪胡克、奥罗拉、圣贝纳迪诺、萨瑟兰温泉教堂、拉斯维加斯srip、斯通曼道格拉斯高中枪击案,以及最近在田纳西州纳什维尔发生的华夫饼屋枪击案。
  • 突击**:一种选择性**的技术术语,通常由军队或警察部队使用,从可拆卸弹匣中发射威力较小的**。它可以半自动或全自动模式开火。例如AK-47s和M16s。
  • 攻击性武器:一个政治术语,而不是技术术语,它的变化取决于谁在使用它。康涅狄格州将攻击性武器定义为“选择性射击武器,可根据用户的选择进行全自动、半自动或突发射击。”维吉尼亚将其定义为弹匣容量大于20发的任何武器。联邦攻击性武器禁令于1994年通过,但现在已经到期,它有自己复杂的定义攻击性武器的指导方针清单。
  • 自动枪:只要按下或按住扳机,弹匣里还有**,就可以连续发射子弹的枪。更常被称为“机关枪”
  • 弹道学:研究弹丸发射、飞行、行为和效果的科学。弹道学专家可以确定子弹的发射地点、去向和作用。
  • 贝雷塔:一家意大利火器**公司Fabbrica d'Armi Pietro Beretta。它是世界上最古老的武器部件生产商。他们生产半自动**、左轮**、***、**、***、机关枪等等。
  • 空弹:装有黑**但没有子弹的子弹。常用于电影、电视、戏剧、军事演习和赛跑。
  • 一次射出一发子弹的**。一旦发射了一颗炮弹,使用者必须手动拉回一个叫做螺栓的金属圆柱形机构,卸下空炮弹,然后将另一颗炮弹装入炮膛。
  • 枪弹:一种****,含有中型或大型弹丸(直径0.24英寸或更大),能从**的炮弹中一次发射出去。用于自卫和狩猎大型猎物。
  • 子弹:装在**筒或子弹中的子弹。当***被击中时,**被点燃,子弹被推下枪管朝着目标。
  • 弹壳:弹壳或子弹的容纳单位。它装着**,弹丸,还有一个内置的引燃器(用来点燃**)。**和**通常用金属制成,**用塑料制成。有时被称为“壳”
  • 口径:枪膛的直径(枪管的内径),以英寸为单位测量。它还决定了枪能发射的**的大小。例如,“.22 cal”或“.45 Calible.”口径也可以用毫米来测量,如“9 mm”,但没有小数点,因此“Calible”一词被删除。
  • 剪辑:多个剪辑的单位 **子弹(通常储存在金属条上)是 准备好快速装入**或**库,而不是一次装入一支枪。此外,通常用作杂志的俚语(见下文)。
  • 旋塞:用手把枪的锤子拉回来,使锤子在扳机时释放,从而使武器开火的动作。许多武器,特别是那些内置锤子的武器,可以通过扳机自动扳机。这是当僵局升级时,你在电影和电视中看到和听到的动作和声音。
  • 双击:简单地连续两枪快速射击,通常在两枪之间不重新瞄准。
  • Firearm: By federal definition, under the 1968 Gun Control Act, it’s a rifle, shotgun, or handgun using gunpowder as a propellant. Air guns and other devices that fire projectiles without combustion are not c***idered firearms.
  • Flash suppressor: An attachment at the end of a firearm’s barrel that lets hot air and gas escape the barrel. It makes for a **aller flash of light when a round exits the barrel, improving visibility for the shooter.
  • Folding stock: A rifle or shotgun stock that can be doubled over for compact storage.
  • Gauge: This is the bore size (the width inside of the barrel) of a shotgun, similar to the way caliber is for rifles and handguns. It’s based on the number of round lead balls of bore diameter that equals a pound.
  • Glock: A series of popular semi-automatic handguns designed and produced by Austrian company Glock Ges.m.b.H. (or GLOCK).
  • Hair trigger: A trigger that can be pulled (or “breaks”) with little pressure and an extremely light touch.
  • High-capacity magazine: In most jurisdicti***, it’s any magazine that holds over 10 rounds. Some high-capacity magazines can hold as many as 100 rounds. Note: many modern semi-automatic pistols have magazines that hold between 15 and 18 rounds; modern semi-automatic rifles come standard with magazines holding between 20 and 30 rounds.
  • Hollow-point: A bullet with a concave nose designed to increase expansion and fragment upon penetration of a solid target. Does more internal harm to the target, but is c***idered safer for innocent bystanders who might be otherwise struck with a bullet that passes through a target.
  • Magazine: A container that holds cartridges or rounds under spring pressure to be fed into a gun’s chamber. Magazines are usually detachable and refillable. With a semi-automatic or automatic weapon, a full magazine is inserted into the gun, the hammer is cocked, and rounds are automatically loaded into the gun’s chamber from the magazine as it fires.
  • Pistol: A type of handgun that fires bullets. It’s a **all, portable, concealable firearm designed to be easily fired from one or two hands. They can be single shot, semi-automatic, or fully automatic in the form of a machine pistol. Glocks, revolvers, snubbies, and Desert Eagles are all pistols.
  • Pistol grip: An extra handle attached to a rifle or shotgun behind the trigger like you’d find on a pistol.
  • Point blank: The distance at which a firearm can be directly aimed at a target without worrying about trajectory. Believed to come from old bowmen terminology in England and France, referring to practice conducted with white bull skull targets. Point blank, or “point blanc,” meant the archer was standing very close to the target and could easily point their bow directly at the white of the bull’s skull.
  • Private party transfer: A second-hand purchase of a firearm involving you exchanging cash for a gun from a private party, no questi*** asked, like at a gun show. Some states require records to kept for such purchases, but most of them don’t.
  • Recoil: Often referred to as a gun’s “kick,” or the backward force the gun exerts when it’s fired. The heavier the bullet and the faster it leaves the barrel the more recoil there is.
  • Revolver: A handgun or pistol with a multi-chambered cylinder (usually holding six to eight rounds) that rotates with each pull of the trigger. If you’ve ever seen a western, they’re all using revolvers. “Single action” revolvers require you to manually cock the hammer back before firing each round.
  • Rifle: A gun with a long barrel that’s fired from the shoulder and used for precision shooting. The barrel has helical pattern grooves cut into the bore walls (the inside of the barrel), a process known as “rifling.” They come in many varieties, including bolt action, semi-automatic, and automatic.
  • Round: A complete unit of ammunition (also known as a cartridge) that has a casing, a primer, a propellant, and a projectile.
  • Safety: A mechani** on modern firearms that prevents a gun’s trigger from being pulled, thus preventing the gun from being fired. Typically, the safety should always be left on until a user is ready to fire their weapon.
  • Saturday night special: A colloquial term used for any inexpensive handgun, especially a very **all pistol that can easily be concealed in your pocket. They’ve also sometimes been called “******* specials.”
  • Sawed-off shotgun: A shotgun that has had its barrel shortened to less than 18” (often by sawing it off), or a shotgun with an overall length less than 26”. These types of guns are federally restricted.
  • Scope: A magnifying tube attached to the top of a rifle, shotgun, or pistol that allows a shooter to see and aim at distant target more easily.
  • Semi-automatic: A self-loading firearm. It fires one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, but also performs all necessary mechanical steps to prepare another bullet to be fired. Once a magazine is loaded into a semi-automatic gun and the gun is cocked, a user could pull the trigger over and over firing bullets until the magazine was empty.
  • Shells: A popular, slang term for the leftover casing of a round. Also, sometimes used to describe shotgun ammunition.
  • Shotgun: A firearm fires groups of **all pellets or very large slugs instead of bullets. They’re designed for shooting fast moving targets, like birds, deer, or rabbits, at close range.
  • Silencer: A slang term for a suppressor. This device is attached to the end of a gun’s barrel and reduces the sound of its discharge, or altering the sound’s characteristics so it’s less intense. They are tightly controlled under federal law.
  • Snubby: Slang for a revolver with a very short barrel. They can be c***idered to be “Saturday Night Specials” (see above).
  • Stopping power: A term often used to describe an ammunition’s ability to cause a human or animal to be incapacitated when shot with it. It’s an imprecise term, but basically, a cartridge or round with high stopping power is doing more damage per each shot than a round with less stopping power. Self-defense rounds are usually marketed as having high stopping power.
  • Strawman purchase: When you have someone else purchase a gun for you, then they hand the gun over to you for a much lower price or **all fee. It’s illegal, but it’s hard to stop in states where Private Party Transfers aren’t regulated.
  • Waiting period: The legally mandated time between purchasing a firearm and receiving the firearm, anywhere from seven to 25 days. It’s designed to give law enforcement officials time to perform a background check on the purchaser, and provides a “cooling off” period to help prevent impulsive acts of violence and *******s.
  • 发表于 2021-05-15 02:48
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 06:34
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  • 发布于 2021-06-21 12:19
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  • 发布于 2021-09-04 16:54
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01 03年的 拥有枪支会导致谋杀 枪支权利倡导者和其他极端分子有时表现得好像每一次试图制定合理合理的枪支法规都是对他们自由的徒劳的法西斯攻击,但只要看看事实,就会发现杀人和枪支所有权之间存在着令人毛...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 02:18
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在枪支展上,官方枪支零售商和个人都向大量潜在买家和贸易商出售和交易枪支。在大多数州,这些枪支转让不受法律管制。 这种缺乏监管的情况被称为“枪支展示漏洞”。这一漏洞受到枪支权利倡导者的赞扬,但受到枪支...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 02:19
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什么是像各州一样拥有枪支(gun ownership like state by state)

...据。 手枪是枪支拥有者最常见的枪支选择,尤其是那些只拥有一件武器的人。南部是枪支最多的地区(约36%),其次是中西部和西部(分别为32%和31%)以及东北部(16%)。 皮尤表示,男性比女性更有可能拥有枪支。39%的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 03:07
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...,美国的一些事件导致了该法的产生和颁布。为了拒绝向那些滥用枪支的人提供枪支,它要求枪支经销商对所有步枪、猎枪或手枪的潜在买家进行自动背景调查。 布雷迪比尔历史 1981年3月30日,25岁的约翰W。小辛克利试图用...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 03:34
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...大部分论点都是基于这一部分,即“管理良好的民兵”。那些试图破坏修正案的人声称,携带武器的权利只适用于民兵,自18世纪以来,民兵的数量和效力都有所减少,因此这项修正案现在没有意义。 地方和州政府机构经常试...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 03:54
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...制和枪支禁令,压倒性的答案将是民主党。因此,如果不熟悉克莱克研究的人只看了他的作品的标题,并将其与他的政治意识形态进行比较,他们可能会认为他会支持枪支管制。 在《瞄准枪支》一书中,克莱克透露了他在多个...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 20:39
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  • 发布于 2021-09-06 20:54
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