




Tidy up your desktop

I recently discovered the “snap to grid” feature on OS X, which automatically arranges any files you drag onto your desktop (or any specific Finder folder) into a grid. I suggested this as a full post and everyone said “duh, everyone knows that” but now I’m making it my upgrade, SO THERE.

Nick douglas, staff writer

Create tangible vacation keepsakes

My family is going to Disney World next week and I just bought an Instax Mini so we can have some tangible snapshots. I’m hoping that my four-year-old can meet the characters and get their autographs like this. Do kids still care about autographs these days?

michelle woo, parenting editor

Invest in your photography habit

I bought a new soft box lighting kit for my photography and film side projects! Found a great kit for an affordable price.

patrick allan, staff writer

“Switch” up your gaming setup

I recently purged my cozy apartment of quite a few video games, despite my devotion to the hobby since my older brother handed me a black Game Boy Pocket with Pokemon Red inside. The physical keep cases were taking up space, and the c***oles, dormant for months at a time, were simply collecting dust under my TV. The decision wasn’t an easy one, but I managed to ditch three c***oles along with dozens of games. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a freeing experience, though it did leave a controller-shaped hole in my heart. So I used the accumulated funds to add a new game c***ole to my pseudo-minimalist entertainment setup: the Nintendo Switch. Ditching old c***oles for a new one is certainly a bittersweet moment, but after snagging a hot commodity like the $299 Switch along with a few games and accessories for under $100, I think I’ll manage.

patrick austin, staff writer

Get a jump on your morning caffeine routine

I started setting up my coffee pot at night—grinding the beans, filling the water reservoir, etc., so I just hit a button in the morning. It has greatly improved my mornings.

claire lower, food & beverage editor

Make your own ink (!)

I made my own ink using the husks of black walnuts, which grow everywhere around here, including my back yard. All you do is boil them with a source of iron (I used steel wool) and eventually you get a dark liquid. I’ve got a twitter thread with some pictures here. I thought I was going to end up with some kind of weak brown soup, but it turns out walnut ink is excellent for writing and drawing. Supposedly renaissance artists used it; certainly people in America did before factory-made inks were common. Nowadays you can buy imitation walnut ink from art supply stores, but I don’t need to. I made my own for free!

beth skwarecki, health editor

Finalize your seasonal clothing swap

Fall in New York has been really gross and warm this year (it shouldn’t be 70-80 degrees in mid-October!!), but last weekend, I threw caution to the wind and swapped out all my summer clothes for my fall/winter opti***, tidying up my room and rearranging my clothing storage setup in the process. (I bought a few of these under-bed storage bags, which are working out quite nicely.) This also forced me to make a plan for how to store and preserve my nicer winter coats, which had previously been stuffed into one of those plastic Ikea bins that doesn’t close properly. I’m excited to feel like it’s fall, at least psychologically, and have gotten my home a little more organized in the process.

Virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 发表于 2021-05-15 13:50
  • 阅读 ( 228 )
  • 分类:互联网




  • 发布于 2021-05-14 00:21
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  • 发布于 2021-05-18 05:43
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  • 发布于 2021-05-22 19:05
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...但它看起来仍然很有趣。如果你不喜欢这种设计,你可以试着用花园里的软管适配器做一个,然后用arduino做一个你自己的转向信号装置。如何星期二:DIY自行车灯| Etsy

  • 发布于 2021-05-24 00:53
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  • 发布于 2021-07-22 14:15
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如何显示隐形墨水信息(reveal invisible ink messages)

...但这比用火点燃的可能性要小得多。 书写工具、墨水 试着用一根折断的牙签当笔,用唾液或柠檬汁当墨水。你甚至可以用清水来写这封信。 这条信息不会变暗,但当你第一次加热纸张时,纸张吸收水分时移动的纤维会凸出...

  • 发布于 2021-10-07 23:20
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如何制造隐形墨水(make invisible ink)

你想写一条秘密消息吗?试着做隐形墨水!这种隐形墨水技术的书写是用玉米淀粉完成的。用碘溶液来显示文字。 你需要什么 玉米淀粉 碘 水 牙签还是棉签 热盘子或火炉 纸张 制造隐形墨水 基本上,你想做一个薄玉...

  • 发布于 2021-10-14 04:12
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如何干净的橡皮图章(clean rubber stamps)


  • 发布于 2022-03-15 20:51
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如何清洁干衣机(clean a clothes dryer)


  • 发布于 2022-03-16 02:54
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如何清理钱包(clean a purse)

方法1方法1/3:整理你的钱包 试着每天一次扔掉钱包里的垃圾。为了保持钱包干净有序,最重要的步骤之一是经常检查和丢弃吃了一半的零食、口香糖包装纸和过期优惠券。让垃圾在你的钱包里堆积起来很容易,但试着更经常...

  • 发布于 2022-03-16 06:20
  • 阅读 ( 77 )

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