社会学(sociology)和社会科学(social science)的区别


社会学(sociology)和社会科学(social science)的区别

The key difference between sociology and social science is that the social sciences is a broad area which c***ists of many sub-fields and sociology is a subfield of social science. Sociology and social science are study fields that are dedicated to the study of human beings and society. In simpler terms , it can be said that sociology is a sub-study branch of social science. Social science can be divided into various sub categories studying different aspects of society. Sociology, Political Science, History Studies, Law Studies are some examples for these sub-categories. Sociology, on the other hand, basically focuses on the human behavior and the features of a social structure. In this article, we are going to look at the differences between Sociology and Social Science in detail .



Sociology varies from micro level studies, such as family, gender, social class etc. to macro level studies, such as social organizati***, social change etc. Sociological knowledge can be c***idered indispensable in working with the humans because sociology deals with human behavior and nature. Moreover, sociological theories can be applied to many kinds of other disciplines, such as Politics, History, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim are some of the most famous pioneers of Sociology.


什么是社会科学(social science)?

The beginning of social science goes back to the 18th century, with the articles published by Rousseau and some other pioneers. Social Science is a vast study area which is focused on the human society. There are many sub fields of Social Science. Economics, Political Science, Geography, Law and Sociology, etc. are some of the major sub branches of social sciences. In a broader perspective, social science is an academic discipline concerned with the society and its relati***hips with individual members. The research subject disciplines like Anthropology, Linguistics, and Archaeology, etc. also come under social sciences. Since almost all the sub disciplines use the scientific methods in order to investigate facts, Social Science can be defined as a scientific study field, as of natural sciences.

社会学(sociology)和社会科学(social science)的区别


社会学(sociology)和社会科学(social science)的区别





Social Science: Social science deals with many aspects of the society since there are many sub braches for various fields of the society.



Social Science: Social science is a vast study area. Almost all the aspects of society are studied .


Image Courtesy: “Logo sociology” by Tomeq183 – Own work . Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Comm***

  • 发表于 2020-10-28 23:15
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  • 分类:教育


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