


The angiosperms and the gymnosperms are part of the kingdom of plants.  The former is generally c***idered as flowering plants while the gymnosperms are those that are known as the ancestors of such plants. Scientifically, the seed bearing plants are divided into the angiosperms and gymnosperms.  One major difference that often defines these plants is the 种子that it contains.  The angiosperm seeds are those that are concealed within the fruit.  The gymnosperms seeds, on the other hand, are exposed and c***idered as naked seeds.  Basically, the seeds of the latter plant are those that are developed in the surfaces of specialized leaves.  The angiosperms are those kinds of plants who contain an ovary within the flower, and fruits are often produced from the ripened ones.  The gymnosperms are those plants are generally cone-bearing in nature.


When it comes to variety of the plants, the angiosperms are c***idered to be having more varied species that would include the trees, herbs, and shrubs.  The gymnosperms are those plants who are mostly limited to woody trees.  In physical appearances, the seed-bearing plants of the angiosperms have roots that will hold the plant in its position and gather minerals and vitamins for its nutrition.  The leaves of these plants are the main sources of food intake as the stems will be that main transport system to the entire body.  The gymnosperms are those that also have roots and stem but lack the ovary and the stigma found on the angiosperms.

In terms of sexuality, most plants are found to be asexual.  However, the gymnosperms are those plants who are c***idered to be unisexual in nature while the angiosperms are bisexual.  When it comes to reproduction, the angiosperms often have this 花粉receptive structures that are generally independent.  The gymnosperms have to work with natural agents for their pollination.  Thus, in most of the gymnosperm plants, the endosperm is produced as a haploid tissue.  This is because double fertilization and triple fusion are not found in the plants, as the endosperm is produced before fertilization.  On the part of the angiosperm, the endosperm is produced as a triploid primarily because it is created during the triple fusion.

The leaves of the gymnosperms are usually c***idered as needles as they appear to be so.  When it comes to their life cycle, they are found to stay alive and green all throughout the year.  The angiosperms are better called as “hardwood” and normally die during the season of autumn.  Regardless of the differences, both are c***idered are productive plants who help in the environment.


1. The angiosperms are seed bearing plants whose seeds are contained in an ovary inside a fruit.  The gymnosperms are those whose seeds are exposed and not enclosed in an ovule. 2. The angiosperms are those plants that have triploid tissues while the gymnosperms have haploid. 3. The leaves of the angiosperms are flat while those of the gymnosperms are cone bearing or needle like. 4. The gymnosperms are known as softwood as they have the ability to last during the winter while the angiosperms are known as hardwood and usually changes color during and die.

  • 发表于 2021-06-23 09:12
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苔藓植物(bryophytes pteridophytes)和裸子植物(gymnosperms)的区别

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