



Two of the highly regarded standards for professional accounting technicians are Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) and Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualificati***. CAT and AAT are technical level qualificati*** which entitle exam-passers to call themselves associate accounting technicians. However, they differ in certain aspects such as the historical background, level of global prestige and, curriculum coverage AAT is offered by the Association of Accounting Technicians, a London-based accountancy organization. It is global, housed in multiple branches alcohol and has maintained thousands of members worldwide. CAT, on the other hand, is run by ACCA. It is an international body that widely influenced and implemented the standards of the accounting technician profession. It also stands as one of the key sp***ors of qualification courses such as CAT and AAT. Their course and exams, c***isting of 9 components, could eat up to 1 and half years.

In the past, ACCA used to support AAT. But since the organization, then based in UK, remodeled itself and wanted a qualification that would perfectly match its international business structure, ACCA decided to break away from AAT and, instead, create something it can influence directly, thus the birth of CAT. Today, AAT is still recognized by UK’s, USA’s and other commonwealth countries’ Department of Trade and Industry as an academic and vocational course, while CAT is not. It is stand-alone. The latter is a mere qualification within ACCA standards. AAT examinati*** happen twice a year. A part of its benefits is that after an AAT-taker passes the exam, he’ll be eligible to work in range of 金融functi***, particularly at technician level. He also has the option to pursue studies on becoming a chartered 会计with the help of another exam held by one of its sp***ors, usually the 特许注册会计师协会 or ACCA. AAT certification is best for professionals who are self-employed. Furthermore, a CAT passer will have the right to append the letters CAT to their name and become a member of the sought after CAT alumni. It is c***idered the junior level qualification of the ACCA and will be a better choice if one is gunning at becoming a full chartered certified accountant. CAT proves to be a more appropriate choice over AAT if the taker is looking at becoming employed by multinational and local corporati***.

As far as curriculum is concerned, most examinees believe that the AAT syllabus is more advanced as compared to CAT’s. Also, AAT is also deemed to cater a wider range of niche accounting professionals. There are no restricti*** with what services an exam passer can offer. In addition, AAT includes employer accreditation services, a scheme that recognizes employer with an optimal and pro-employee approach that would be favorable in the development and growth of AAT members.

With regard to global prestige, both are well-known in most countries. However, the makers of CAT, ACCA, made it a point that the course and exams they offer is tailored for their globally-oriented business model. AAT, being an older counterpart, has gained it own sense of prestige especially in terms of its flexibility with other accounting standards. Summary

  1. AAT和CAT是会计技术人员的资格。他们都在英国,但在美国和其他英联邦国家也得到承认。
  2. CAT和AAT本身都是受人尊敬的资质,CAT适合员工,AAT非常适合自营职业者。
  3. AAT是独立的,是更高级标准的良好准备课程,而CAT则高度依赖于ACCA标准。
  4. CAT建立在全球现有业务结构的前提下。
  5. ATT包括雇主认证标准,作为开发毕业生潜力的一部分。

  • 发表于 2021-06-23 09:21
  • 阅读 ( 331 )
  • 分类:商业金融



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