肯莫尔精英(kenmore elite)和非精英(non-elite)的区别



    Kenmore is a brand of home appliances that is under Sears but is produced by different manufacturers like LG, Panasonic, and Whirlpool. Aside from the ordinary Kenmore appliances, you also get the Kenmore Elite line-up. Both the elite and non-elite versi*** serve the same purpose, but the elite version is the more up-scale version of the two.

    Of course, it is already a given that the more up-scale version of anything costs more than the standard version. And that is the case with the Kenmore elite and Kenmore non-elite appliances, and costumers need to pay a premium to get the elite versi***.

    With the premium you are paying, one expects to get a number of advantages to offset the price. With the Kenmore elite line-up, you get a number of features that are not available on the lower end non-elite versi***. The actual features vary from appliance to appliance and from one model to another. So you need to examine the actual models you want and compare them to each other in order to weigh if the price is worth it or not. Kenmore elite models are also more aesthetically pleasing than the non-elite models. The differences between the two stem from different designs as well as the use of better materials like aluminum instead of the cheaper but less sturdy plastic. This is also a major contributor to the jump in price as plastic is c***iderably cheaper to acquire and form than metals. It may not contribute to the functionality and usability of the appliance but it gives your home a more elegant and classy feel.

    If you just need the basic functionality of a washing machine, refrigerator, or microwave, the non-elite models of Kenmore should be adequate for your needs. But if you also want to c***ider how the appliances would look in your home, you may prefer to get the elite models. The price would also not be a bad thing since the price of the appliances also add to the appeal.


    1. Kenmore精英版是升级版阵容,而非精英版是基本阵容
    2. Kenmore精英版比非精英版要贵
    3. Kenmore Elite比非Elite版本有更好的功能和更好的美学效果

  • 发表于 2021-06-24 08:45
  • 阅读 ( 163 )
  • 分类:通用



... 另一大特点是定制耳朵校准。使用一些简短的测试,精英耳塞可以测试您的听力和定制他们的输出,以满足您确切的听力档案。 ...

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这是一个forza品牌的xbox one精英控制器

...的Forza 6站发现了这些:配备Forza品牌拇指棒和多面D-pad的精英控制器,庆祝特许经营10年(第一辆Forza Motorsport于2005年5月首次亮相)。

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新的xbox one捆绑包配有1tb混合驱动和elite控制器

微软新推出的Xbox One将在今年秋季进行精英升级。该公司的新精英捆绑功能既美丽的精英控制器宣布在今年的E3和1TB的混合动力驱动器。这款游戏机将于今年11月在GameStops和微软商店首次亮相,售价499美元。

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playstation 4现在有了自己的仿xbox one精英控制器

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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 12:11
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 21:50
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如果你有你的眼睛在Xbox的新精英2控制器,你可能想考虑吃塔可钟午餐。微软与塔可贝尔公司合作开发了一款新的**版Xbox One X游戏机。这不是该公司第一次做这样的推广,但这次**版游戏机附带了一些额外的东西:新的Xbox Elite 2...

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...器总是放错地方。 亚马逊还将开始直接销售西尔斯的肯莫尔产品,这对这家陷入困境的连锁百货公司来说是一个重大的好消息(也是一个新的销售渠道)。据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,该公司承认,多年来一直在努力与零售业竞...

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