泰诺(扑热息痛)(tylenol (paracetamol))和阿司匹林(aspirin)的区别




Aspirin and Tylenol are both ****gesics (painkillers) but their mode of action is a very different. Aspirin acts by inhibiting prostaglandins (hormones which produce pain signals) but it acts locally and stops production of pain signals. Tylenol is also called as paracetamol and contains acetaminophen. Paracetamol is also a prostaglandin-inhibitor but it inhibits the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme. It thus controls pain by controlling the signals before they reach the brain. Aspirin has anti-platelet properties in low doses but has anti-inflammatory properties in high doses. Paracetamol is a very strong anti-pyretic, which means it helps bring down fever, but aspirin is a weak one. Aspirin is used in treating collagen disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthropathy as an anti-inflammatory drug to control inflammation and thus, reduces fever and pain of joints. Due to its anti-thrombotic property (prevents formation of lumps of blood in the blood vessels) it is used in cases of patients having undergone cardiac angioplasty and bypass. In the case of angioplasty, a new stent is placed inside a blocked artery of the heart. To prevent clogging of the newly placed stent, low dose aspirin is given to patients indefinitely. It also prevents coronary heart disease if taken daily in low doses on a daily basis. Aspirin is used in case of colo-rectal cancer, as it reduces the chances of cancer if taken regularly for 2 years. Further, it is used in ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attacks (TIA) patients that occur due to blood clotting. Earlier, aspirin was given in patients to reduce fever but it posed a threat in children of producing Reye’s syndrome (disease in which there is brain and liver disorder). This danger has lead to drastic reduction in the use of aspirin for controlling fevers. Paracetamol or Tylenol is a very powerful ****gesic. The pain-controlling properties are so strong that it can be used to control pain post-operation and in cancer patients of terminal stage. Paracetamol has very weak anti-inflammatory properties and if it is used for rheumatoid patients, it will only control pain mildly and the underlying immune reacti*** will continue to worsen. Paracetamol is better tolerated in patients with excessive gastric (stomach) acid secretion than aspirin, which erodes the gastric lining to cause gastric ulcer. There are plenty of adverse effects to both aspirin and Tylenol. The side effects common to both are liver disorders, but they are particularly common in case of paracetamol. Other side effects are angiooedema (swelling of face and lips), disorientation, pruritic rash (urticaria), gastric hemorrhage (bleeding in stomach) and thrombocytopenia (reduced platelets). Side effects of aspirin are bronchospa** (spa** of lung airways), gastric ulceration and gastric bleeding. One absolute contraindication of aspirin is a bleeding gastric ulcer, as it will further aggravate the bleeding. Summary: Aspirin is more commonly used as a long-term preventive drug in heart patients, whereas Tylenol is limited to acute conditi*** to relieve pain and fever. Tylenol and aspirin, though used for a lot of complaints, can prove fatal if used without c***ulting a doctor. http://comm***.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Extra_Strength_Tylenol_and_Tylenol_PM.jpg
  • 发表于 2021-06-24 13:46
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  • 分类:健康医疗




  • 发布于 2020-10-27 03:04
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...造成其他负面影响。 什么是泰诺(tylenol)? 泰诺是一种以扑热息痛为主要活性成分的药物品牌。这类药物有助于减轻疼痛,退烧,减轻过敏反应,感冒,咳嗽,头痛和流感的一些症状。扑热息痛,这种药物的活性成分,是一种镇...

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泰诺(the tylenol)和阿德维尔(advil)的区别

...肤或眼睛发黄。 如果您患有某些疾病,如严重肾病、对阿司匹林或其他非甾体抗炎药(如萘普生、塞来昔布)过敏,则不应使用阿维地尔。在使用Advil之前,询问您的医生或药剂师您是否有任何此类病史,如肝病、糖尿病控制不...

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泰诺3(tylenol 3)和percocet公司(percocet)的区别

...因素包括体重和其他现有的医疗条件。 Percocet是一种含有扑热息痛和羟考酮的药物。它是一种麻醉止痛药,与泰诺3不同,它用于治疗中度至重度急性疼痛。片剂有对乙酰氨基酚和盐酸羟考酮的6种组合。每个平板电脑的外观取决...

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...药。另一方面,泰诺的活性成分是对乙酰氨基酚(也称为扑热息痛),一种镇痛剂和解热剂。 对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬最适合做什么 布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚都是退热药。然而,一些研究表明,布洛芬在这方面略有优势。布洛芬...

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...国) 介绍 对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛)是一种广泛使用的非处方止痛药和退烧药。它是感冒和流感药物的主要成分。 阿司匹林(乙酰水杨酸),是一种水杨酸类药物,常用作止痛药以...

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