重力势能(gravitational potential energy)和弹性势能(elastic potential energy)的区别




什么是重力势能(gravitational potential energy)?


Imagine lifting an object with mass  through a height of  in a uniform gravitational field. The weight of the object is given by  . If the object is lifted at a c***tant speed so that all the work done from lifting the object is given to the object as gravitational potential energy, we can calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy of the body due to its rise. Since the object is lifted at a c***tant speed, the forces are balanced and lifting force would be  . Since the object is raised through a height  , the work done is given by  . This means that the gain in gravitational potential energy is given by:

什么是弹性势能(elastic potential energy)?


Difference Between Gravitational Potential Energy and Elastic Potential Energy - Rubber_bands

Rubber bands, when stretched, gain potential energy

Difference Between Moment and Couple - Springs

Springs: at rest, compressed and extended


Difference Between Moment and Couple - Force-extension_graph

Force vs. extension graph for an elastic material

The work done on the spring is given by the area under the force vs. extension graph. In this case, the area is given by  . According to Hooke’s law,  so the total work done to compress or extend the spring by  is  , where  is the spring c***tant of the spring. If there are no other forces, then all the work done on the spring would be converted to elastic potential energy in the spring. Then,

重力势能(gravitational potential energy)和弹性势能(elastic potential energy)的区别











Image Courtesy:

Untitled image by Booyabazooka at PublicDomainPictures [Public Domain], via Pixabay

  • 发表于 2021-06-27 07:33
  • 阅读 ( 789 )
  • 分类:科学


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动能(kinetic energy)和势能(potential energy)的区别


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  • 阅读 ( 426 )


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