简谐运动(simple harmonic motion)和周期运动(periodic motion)的区别




什么是简谐运动(simple harmonic motion)?


If a mass is hung on a spring and pulled down slightly, the mass would start moving up and down periodically. In this case, the motion is a type of simple harmonic motion. This means that during the motion, the displacement of the mass ( ) is proportional to the restoring force  :

The negative sign here indicates that the restoring force is always in a direction opposite to the direction of displacement. In other words, the restoring force is always trying to pull the mass towards the equilibrium position. By introducing a c***tant  , write down the above relati***hip as an equation:

The period of simple harmonic motion (how long it takes for the mass to complete one full cycle of motion, given by  ) can be shown to be:

where  refers to the mass of the object.

A simple pendulum oscillating through a **all angle is also in simple harmonic motion. If the pendulum has a length  , the period of its simple harmonic motion is given by:

where  is the acceleration due to gravity.

Difference Between Simple Harmonic Motion and Periodic Motion - Pendulum_in_a_grandfather_clock

A pendulum in a grandfather clock undergoes simple harmonic motion.

什么是周期运动(periodic motion)?


简谐运动(simple harmonic motion)和周期运动(periodic motion)的区别




Image Courtesy:

“Working Grandfather Clock” by Emily McCracken (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via flickr

  • 发表于 2021-06-28 11:14
  • 阅读 ( 200 )
  • 分类:科学


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