

Image for article titled From the Tips Box: Note-Taking, Foamy Soap, and Your Email Sig


  • Sometimes it's not the e-mail itself that gets our attention, it's the signature. Benjamin wrote in and his e-mail ended with this:

    Your email sent to me may not be responded to immediately. During the work week, I will try my best to respond within 24 hours, but will only be checking my inbox a few hours of the day. Thank you for your patience.

    Sounds like he's got great control of his workday! Do you have a similar routine or signature?

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选择此选项。然后以此超链接作为路径创建一个新的桌面快捷方式。您现在可以即时访问One Note Files/GTD系统中最重要的信息。



  • Before you Evernote lovers send me hatemail, here's a neat trick by Kanton:

    I came up with a great combo of getting a readable version of a webpage into Evernote with the press of one button (in Windows).

    What you'll need:

    Evernote AutoHotKey A bookmarklet from Readability or Readable App

    First thing first is to set up your bookmarklet the way you want it to be dropped into Evernote. Then in Evernote make sure the option for Ctrl + Alt + V paste is enabled. Next is to set up a AutoHotKey script that will map a keyboard key to render the page in Readability, copy the page, and paste it as a new note into Evernote.

    Zach thought up a clever way to save a few bucks, but still get that foaming soap he loves by refilling his dispenser with a mix of regular liquid soap and water:

    I experimented by mixing [normal-type liquid hand soap] with water to get right c***istency. It seems to be soapy enough, but dispense **oothly at a mixture of around 2 parts soap to 3 parts water. To leave room to swirl the dispenser for mixing it's good to only fill it two thirds of the way to the top. I didn't try vigorous shaking to mix, which I imagined might create a foamy mess. Gentle swirling for a while seemed to be sufficient.

    So the process, for ease of refilling:

    I'd take a marker and put a line at about 40% of the way from the bottom of the dispenser, then another at about 66.6%. So the water would fill to the lower line, then adding soap would reach the second, leaving enough room to gently swirl the mixture before putting the top back on.

关于Tips Box:我们每天都会在收件箱里收到大量的优秀读者提示(在lifehacker.com上有提示),但由于各种原因,也许这些提示太过小众,也许我们找不到一个好的方式来展示,或者我们只是无法将其放在tip中,而没有登上头版。我们从小费箱中收集了一些我们的最爱,供您自助餐式消费。

  • 发表于 2021-07-28 21:40
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  • 分类:互联网




  • 发布于 2021-03-15 06:20
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将Mac上的预览称为隐藏的宝石有点轻描淡写。像苹果的许多股票应用程序一样,当你第一次使用它来查看图片或PDF文件时,它似乎没有什么特别之处。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 13:42
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... 然后,单击看起来像向下箭头底部的图标。它在你的电子邮件地址的右上角。选择创建签名。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 11:14
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如何在microsoft outlook中添加和更改签名

在Outlook或Gmail邮件末尾的签名可以为您的电子邮件增色不少。电子邮件签名是一种网络和促销工具。即使是一个简单的签名,包括您的姓名,联系信息,以及可选的,您的网站和业务地址说了很多。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 18:19
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在Mac OS X Yosemite上,你可以在Mac上的Apple Mail中标记电子邮件附件,包括PDF文件和图像文件,使Mail成为一个强大的生产力应用程序。现在,iOS邮件应用程序中也提供了这一功能。 这意味着你可以在一个文件中添加你的签名,在一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-09 12:29
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  • 发布于 2021-05-25 14:38
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  • 发布于 2021-07-24 05:44
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  • 发布于 2021-07-25 00:21
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  • 发布于 2021-07-25 10:44
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  • 发布于 2021-07-26 07:43
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