将firefox变成google chrome的克隆版

上个月Adam向你展示了六个Firefox扩展,这些扩展支持Chrome的最佳功能,但今天reader Asian Angel更进一步,使用10个Firefox扩展和一个主题创建了一个外观几乎相同的Chrome克隆。结果是一个惊人的接近复制铬的外观和行为。看看之前和之后的照片,然后得到扩展和主题列表亚洲天使汇编。更新:Asian Angel发布了此流程的更新,其中包含最终的扩展和样式列表。截图前:...

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上个月Adam向你展示了六个Firefox扩展,这些扩展支持Chrome的最佳功能,但今天reader Asian Angel更进一步,使用10个Firefox扩展和一个主题创建了一个外观几乎相同的Chrome克隆。结果是一个惊人的接近复制铬的外观和行为。看看之前和之后的照片,然后得到扩展和主题列表亚洲天使汇编。更新:Asian Angel发布了此流程的更新,其中包含最终的扩展和样式列表。截图前:Firefox的干净安装及其在Windows Vista上的默认外观。

Image for article titled Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone


Image for article titled Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone


由于ChromiGlass扩展是实验性的,所以我的这个小实验是使用干净的便携式Firefox(由于主机文件,屏幕截图中缺少广告)来完成的。我不知道它是否会导致其他扩展出现问题,所以我建议使用干净的安装来尝试。在Vista SP1系统上完成。希望空气玻璃效应在所有系统上都能起作用。必需/推荐组件:Portable Apps/John T提供的Portable Firefox Portable Firefox 3.0.3。Triton的Haller Extensi*** ChromiGlass(版本1.01b.1.0.16)*需要Mozilla帐户和;登录*这有助于将标签移动到浏览器顶部,并以与Iron/Chrome/Chrome相同的方式旋转标签,同时在标签旁边提供Aero glass效果。Merci Chao的个人菜单(版本4.1pre)这有助于隐藏菜单栏(按下Alt键时,菜单栏会临时重新出现)。Falconer的主题Chromifox(1.0版)设置了整体Chrome外观和感觉。安装说明

  1. Install portable Firefox. (The Desktop is an easy access place for it.)
  2. Once you have your new portable Firefox ready to go, install the Chromifox theme and both extensi***.
  3. Restart portable Firefox.
  4. Once you have restarted, you will notice that things look a little bit weird at the top of the browser. You will have top to bottom: your tabs (with lots of Aero glass effect goodness), your menu bar, a odd, very thin Aero glass effect strip, your navigation bar, and the bookmarks bar.
  5. The first thing to do is go to "View" in your Menu Bar, go to Toolbars, and deselect Menu Bar (this is where the Personal Menu extension helps out since this is usually not available in the menu). This also helps to remove the odd, very thin Aero glass effect strip. Optional: If you want to hide the status bar, you can do that at this time as well.
  6. Next, right click in your Navigation Bar and select Customize. You can now pull your search bar into the Customize Window in order to hide it. While you have the Customize Window open, pull the icon for the Personal Menu extension into the Search Bar's former position. This helps to more closely match the two icon appearance on the right side of Iron/Chromium/Chrome and gives you easy access to the additional opti*** for the Personal Menu extension if you would like to use them.
  7. Remove any pre-included bookmarks that came with Portable Firefox that you do not want to keep and add your favorites.

在一些有帮助的读者对设置提出建议后,Asian Angel更新了列表:



Image for article titled Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome CloneImage for article titled Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone


将Firefox变成Google Chrome的克隆版

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  • 阅读 ( 176 )
  • 分类:互联网



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