





What did you think about the use of humor in the movie?

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  • 28%
    Hilarious! I’m on board
    (8888 votes)
  • 49%
    Some of it worked, some didn’t
    (15535 votes)
  • 16%
    Should have been limited to one or two scenes at most
    (5241 votes)
  • 4%
    None of it belonged in the film
    (1362 votes)
  • 0%
    Other (see comments below)
    (94 votes)
31120 votes total Vote Now


What about Snoke’s abrupt death?

This poll is closed

  • 15%
    Fine by me
    (5010 votes)
  • 27%
    I wanted to learn more about him first
    (8644 votes)
  • 23%
    I appreciated it because it was such a surprise
    (7400 votes)
  • 2%
    I hated it because it was so out of left field
    (740 votes)
  • 30%
    It undermined him as a threat. What was the big deal with him if he dies so easily?
    (9460 votes)
  • 0%
    Other (see comments below)
    (201 votes)
31455 votes total Vote Now


What about Captain Pha**a’s abrupt death?

This poll is closed

  • 30%
    Fine by me
    (9342 votes)
  • 12%
    I wanted to learn more about her first
    (3678 votes)
  • 1%
    I appreciated it because it was such a surprise
    (603 votes)
  • 3%
    I hated it because it was so out of left field
    (1014 votes)
  • 21%
    It undermined her as a threat. What was the big deal with her if she dies so easily?
    (6693 votes)
  • 29%
    She’ll be back. She survived trash-compacting, too. This was a fake-out.
    (8919 votes)
  • 1%
    Other (see comments below)
    (335 votes)
30584 votes total Vote Now


New Force powers, including interstellar holograms, telekinesis through comm links, and posthumous weather control?

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  • 42%
    (12765 votes)
  • 19%
    Iffy, but they worked well with the plot
    (5772 votes)
  • 23%
    Mixed — some of them worked, some didn’t
    (6993 votes)
  • 15%
    This was stupid and non-canon, and why didn’t we know the Force could do these things before?
    (4593 votes)
  • 0%
    Other (see comments below)
    (143 votes)
30266 votes total Vote Now


Luke’s death?

This poll is closed

  • 39%
    Worth it for the dramatic way he went out
    (11933 votes)
  • 29%
    What exactly did he die of? That could have been clearer
    (8839 votes)
  • 15%
    Dumb and frustrating, and I can’t believe they’re killing off the legacy characters
    (4679 votes)
  • 14%
    Kinda loved it, kinda hated it
    (4520 votes)
  • 1%
    Other (see comments below)
    (439 votes)
30410 votes total Vote Now


Finn and Rose’s side story and possible romance?

This poll is closed

  • 16%
    Rose is a fantastic character who really adds to the series
    (4917 votes)
  • 28%
    Rose is an insignificant character and their whole side plot added up to nothing
    (8390 votes)
  • 8%
    Finn and Rey are the real couple here. What’s going on?
    (2411 votes)
  • 8%
    Finn and Poe are the real couple here. What’s going on?
    (2470 votes)
  • 23%
    Liked her, liked him, didn’t like their plotline
    (6980 votes)
  • 13%
    Down with some of it, but had problems with it as well
    (4035 votes)
  • 1%
    Other (see comments below)
    (356 votes)
29559 votes total Vote Now


The reveal about Rey’s parents?

This poll is closed

  • 41%
    Cool, that wasn’t what I was expecting
    (12113 votes)
  • 2%
    I’m mad that my favorite theory was wrong
    (641 votes)
  • 25%
    They could have come up with something so much better
    (7548 votes)
  • 25%
    There are flaws in this story and the series will eventually take it back anyway
    (7458 votes)
  • 4%
    Other (see comments below)
    (1441 votes)
29201 votes total Vote Now


After this film, how are you feeling about the current Star Wars trilogy?

This poll is closed

  • 50%
    Can’t wait for the next one because this one was great
    (14710 votes)
  • 11%
    Can’t wait for the next one because this one was annoying and maybe the next one will be better
    (3439 votes)
  • 25%
    Mixed resp***es, not sure where it could go from here
    (7327 votes)
  • 11%
    Ready to be done with the series after this one
    (3418 votes)
  • 1%
    Other (see comments below)
    (408 votes)
29302 votes total Vote Now

  • 发表于 2021-08-21 21:00
  • 阅读 ( 62 )
  • 分类:互联网



...满面地脱下头盔说再见。 下一步的发展方向还不清楚。我们在这里遇到的卢克与几年前在死星上与维德和皇帝作战的年轻绝地,或因未能训练本·索洛/基洛·伦而生活在自我放逐中的灰头土脸、疲惫不堪的隐士截然不同。(有趣...

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...了生物和原力之间的联系。魁刚说,米底克洛尼亚人“对我们说话,告诉我们原力的意志。” 在《曼达洛人》中,尽管潘兴没有明确提到“米地氯人”,但他确实表示怀疑“我们会找到一个M数更高的捐赠者。”考虑到欧比万的...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-09 22:04
  • 阅读 ( 166 )


...在星球大战的每一件事中都很有趣。在接下来的几年里,我们学到了很多:我们第一次看到了《绝地武士》和《前线2》,了解了《星球大战》叛军的命运,还听到了一些关于迪斯尼雄心勃勃的星球大战主题公园的计划。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 17:34
  • 阅读 ( 224 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-10 17:55
  • 阅读 ( 299 )


...整个10本书系列值得一读。 **独唱三部曲,A.C.克里斯宾。我们可能很快就会有一部独立的汉·索洛电影,但a.C.克里斯宾三部曲讲述的是一个名叫汉·索洛的少年,他在一个邪教组织找到了一份运输飞行员的工作。这部三部曲讲述...

  • 发布于 2021-05-11 00:44
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  • 发布于 2021-05-24 09:37
  • 阅读 ( 108 )


...。除了封面,网站还发表了一系列文章和一批新图片,让我们对即将上映的电影有了最好的了解。 这次曝光涉及卢克和雷伊的关系,芬恩在抵抗运动中的地位,贝尼西奥·德尔·托罗神秘角色的身份,以及被称为波格...

  • 发布于 2021-05-29 09:51
  • 阅读 ( 249 )


9月1日已经被定为《星球大战:最后的绝地武士》中的玩具将上架的日子,但今天迪斯尼宣布,发布会还将包括一个增强现实组件,允许粉丝解锁和收集不同的角色从专营权。这都是Force Friday II的一部分,这是一个精心策划的周...

  • 发布于 2021-05-29 17:39
  • 阅读 ( 196 )


如果你还没听说,《星球大战:最后的绝地武士》将于今年12月上映,现在你可以购买瑞安·约翰逊执导的续集2015年的《原力觉醒》的门票了。 就像《原力觉醒》一样,新预告片的首映式之后,电影票就应该上线了,...

  • 发布于 2021-06-21 09:34
  • 阅读 ( 224 )

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