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For context, even though Nest was not breached, customers may be vulnerable because their email addresses and passwords are freely available on the internet. If a website is compromised, it’s possible for someone to gain access to user email addresses and passwords, and from there, gain access to any accounts that use the same login credentials. For example, if you use your Nest password for a shopping site account and the site is breached, your login information could end up in the wrong hands. From there, people with access to your credentials can cause the kind of issues we’ve seen recently.

We take protecting our users’ security very seriously. For added password security, the team looks across the internet to identify breaches and when compromised accounts are found, we alert you and temporarily disable access. We also prevent the use of passwords that appear on known compromised lists. While we can’t stop password breaches across the internet, we’re committed to limiting the impact of compromised credentials on Nest Accounts.

While we continue to introduce additional security and safety features, we need your help in keeping your Nest Account secure. There are several ways for you to protect your home and family. Here’s what you can do:

Enable 2-step verification: The most important thing you can do is enable 2-step verification. Security experts agree that 2-step verification offers an additional layer of security. You’ll receive a special code every time you sign in to your account. It’s easy to do – find the steps here.

Choose strong passwords: Create a strong password and only use it for your Nest Account.

Set up Family Accounts: Don’t let other people use your email and password to sign in to the Nest app. Invite them to share access to your home with Family Accounts.•Be alert: Be on the lookout for phishing emails designed to trick you into sharing your email address and password.

Protect your home network: Keep your home network router software up to date and only share those credentials with people you trust. Set up and use a guest network if your Wi-Fi router supports it.

It’s a great resp***ibility to be welcomed into your home, and we’re committed to keeping you and your Nest devices safe.

If you have questi*** or need additional help, please reach out to Nest Support.

— rishi

VP/GM of Nest




  • 发表于 2021-08-27 19:27
  • 阅读 ( 240 )
  • 分类:互联网



...为智能家居行业的大牌之一。自2010年推出以来,该公司发布了各种智能产品,包括网络摄像头、烟雾探测器、安全系统等。 ...

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...一些与你的巢穴恒温器真正有用的集成。它可以让你设置警报,如果和当你家的内部温度下降过低。 ...

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...可以和一个在门口的邮递员交谈,或者和一个走在外面的陌生人交谈。 ...

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根据一份提交给联邦通信委员会(FCC)的文件,谷歌很可能会宣布一个新的Nest Hub。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 10:57
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... 据推测,这款设备并不太受欢迎,因为它是在2017年发布的,从来没有收到过后续消息,而谷歌则继续重新设计和调整其他Nest设备。 ...

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...一氧化碳浓度上升时,这个功能首先会给你一个更温和的警告。 亮度:此设置为Pathlight和Nightly Promise功能调整LED光环的亮度。 默认情况下,上述所有设置都处于启用状态,因此请确保进入并关闭您不想使用的任何功能。

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