


Donald Trump shakes hands with Ukranian President Zelensky



什么是关于什么之间的根本冲突(about fundamental conflicts between what)?

Trump's second impeachment came as the pinnacle of a two-month effort by the president and his allies to discredit and even overturn the results of the 2020 election, in which Trump lost re-election to Democratic challenger Joe Biden. He repeatedly pushed claims of election fraud (including conspiracy theories about mail-in voting and a particular brand of voting machines), filed over sixty lawsuits contesting elections in key swing states (nearly all of which he lost immediately), and was caught on a recording calling the Georgia Secretary of State to pressure him to "find 11,780 votes" to flip the state to Trump. 在2021年1月6日国会大厦暴乱之前,一名支持特朗普的暴徒在正式选举人票认证期间袭击了国会大厦,造成5人死亡,特朗普在一次集会上发表讲话,敦促他的追随者游行到国会大厦并“停止偷窃”


Regarding the Trump-Ukraine scandal that led to the first impeachment, critics say that it was part of a pattern of Trump illegally soliciting foreign interference for his own political gain, misusing his powers of office to do so. The accusations fully reached public view after a whistleblower from the U.S. intelligence community reported the contents of Trump's call with Zelensky and the simultaneous change in U.S. policy towards aid to Ukraine. 告密者的控诉还指控白宫试图掩盖通话记录。

The House Intelligence Committee ultimately published a report as part of the impeachment investigations. 该报告的部分结论是“特朗普总统亲自并通过美国政府内外的代理人寻求乌克兰外国政府的干预,以利于他的连任。为了推进这一计划,特朗普总统将官方行动视为乌克兰新总统沃洛蒂米尔·泽伦斯基(volodymyr zelensky)公开宣布出于政治动机的调查,包括对特朗普国内政敌乔·拜登(joe biden)的调查。特朗普总统向泽伦斯基总统施压,要求他履行自己的要求,并拒绝了乌克兰总统迫切要求的白宫会议和美国的关键军事援助。”

Trump's second impeachment came about after his months-long quest to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election were linked to the deadly riot at the Capitol. "This was not a close election... I won them both and the second one I won much bigger than the first, okay?" he told followers at a rally just prior to the riot, promising to walk with them to the Capitol to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." "You'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong...something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can't have happened and we fight, we fight like hell, and if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore."

While Trump's critics, both within his own party and among Democrats, laid blame at his feet for the day's events, the rioters themselves declared themselves to be following Trump. A 纽约时报报告引述了几名暴乱者的话,他们说他们“遵照总统的指示”和“响应总统的号召”一名暴徒被摄像机拍到,他告诉国会安全局,暴徒“在听你的老板特朗普讲话”。" 在此之前,人们一直指责特朗普助长和煽动了极右、白人民族主义和反民主暴力。”这是故意的,也是故意的,而且确实令人害怕,”公民和人权领袖会议的警务活动主任林达·加西亚对nbc新闻说。


Following the whistleblower complaint over Trump's phone call with Zelensky, Trump was caught on tape commenting about how to deal with it. "I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

Trump also refused to take responsibility for his actions leading up to the Capitol riot. He called his remarks at the rally "totally appropriate" and seemed to threaten the impeachment leaders and those suggesting he should be removed via the 25th Amendment. "As the expression goes, be careful what you wish for."

Donald Trump on the White House grounds


Donald Trump stands on a stage with American flags behind him

2020年总统选举中,现任特朗普与民主党人乔·拜登(joe biden)对决。乔·拜登是特拉华州前参议员,也是特朗普前任巴拉克·奥巴马的前副总统。特朗普在选举中失利后,特朗普及其盟友非但没有放弃并致力于向下届政府和平移交权力,反而提起了数十起诉讼,发表了无数演讲,声称选举舞弊并试图推翻选举结果,特别是在支持拜登的摇摆州。



Trump's team filed over sixty lawsuits alleging irregularities and attempting to overturn results in states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin - all swing states that Biden won. In court, in contrast to the fiery language targeted at the public, Trump's lawyers alleged procedural irregularities. 除了一个案件外,他们的所有案件都被驳回,一个暂时的胜利后来被推翻。


Even the legal and judicial professionals who oversaw the Trump campaign's lawsuits had strong words for the president. One Michigan judge, for instance, denied an injunction to halt certification of the state's votes with a blunt ruling that stated, in part, "Plaintiffs’ allegation is mere speculation... [they] offered no evidence to support their assertions."

Another ruling, this one out of Pennsylvania, offered a sharp rebuke to Republicans seeking to overturn the state's votes. "This lawsuit seems to be less about achieving the relief plaintiffs seek ... and more about the impact of their allegations on people’s faith in the democratic process and their trust in our government... Plaintiffs ask this court to ignore the orderly statutory scheme established to challenge elections and to ignore the will of millions of voters. This, the court cannot, and will not, do."


Trump and his closest allies, such as lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, pushed a variety of conspiracy theories about the election. Trump refused to concede the election, continuing to insist that he actually won, even after every legal avenue was exhausted. The closest Trump came to admitting his loss came in a video on the heels of the January 2021 Capitol riot, when he said "a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th."


Russian President Vladimir Putin

The Russia scandal was the most serious of the controversies surrounding 特朗普的总统任期在它的早期。除了总统本人之外,还牵涉到许多关键人物,包括国家安全顾问和联邦调查局局长。俄罗斯丑闻起源于共和党人特朗普和前美国参议员、前国务卿、民主党人希拉里·克林顿之间的大选。联邦调查局和中央情报局都表示,针对民主党全国委员会和克林顿竞选主席的私人电子邮件的黑客正在为莫斯科工作,希望能左右特朗普的选举。 u、 美国情报机构还表示,俄罗斯正努力在美国选民中散布异议和混乱,企图破坏其民主制度。


At its core, this scandal is about national security and the integrity of the American voting system. That a foreign government was able to interfere in a presidential election to help one candidate win is an unprecedented breach. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence said it had "high confidence" the Russian government sought to help win the election for Trump. "We assess 俄罗斯总统普京2016年下令开展旨在美国总统选举的影响力运动。俄罗斯的目标是破坏公众对美国民主进程的信心,诋毁国务卿希拉里(hillary)克林顿,并损害她的选举能力和潜在总统职位。我们进一步评估了普京和俄罗斯政府对当选总统特朗普的明显偏好,”报告指出。


Critics of Trump were troubled by the connections between the Trump campaign and Russians. They successfully called for an independent special prosecutor to get to the bottom of the hacking. 前联邦调查局局长罗伯特·穆勒后来被任命为特别顾问,负责调查特朗普与俄罗斯之间的竞选关系。

Some Democrats began talking openly about the prospect of 弹劾特朗普。”我知道有人在说,‘好吧,我们要为下次选举做好准备。’不,我们不能等那么久。我们不需要等那么久。到那时,他将摧毁这个国家,”美国民主党众议员、加利福尼亚州的马克辛·沃特斯说。 2018年,据报道,美国副司法部长罗德·罗森斯坦(rod rosenstein)建议他在白宫秘密记录特朗普,以“揭露困扰政府的混乱局面”,据说他已经讨论过招募内阁成员以援引宪法第25条修正案,允许强行罢免总统。 罗森斯坦否认了这些报道。

On March 22, 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded his investigation. Two days later, Attorney General William Barr released a four-page "summary" claiming that the report "did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election." 然而,米勒私下写信给巴尔,总结 -  注意到barr's没有充分解释该报告( noting that barr's did not adequately explain the report) vs. 导致“公众对调查结果的关键方面感到困惑。”他要求巴尔公布报告中其他未经修改的部分(导言)(had led to "public confusion about critical aspects of the results of [the] investigation." he asked barr to release other nonredacted sections of the report (an introduction)

In August 2020, the bipartisan, Republican-majority United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released its final report on the links between Trump, Russia, and the 2016 election. 这份冗长的报告得出结论,特朗普阵营与俄罗斯之间存在着重大联系;特别值得注意的是,前竞选主席保罗·马纳福特(paul manafort)是如何雇用一名前俄罗斯情报人员的,此人可能参与了dnc黑客攻击和泄密事件。


The president has said the allegations of Russian interference are an excuse used by Democrats still smarting over an election they believed they should have been able to win easily. "This Russia thing - with Trump and Russia - is a made-up story. It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won," Trump said.

在总统任期即将结束之际,特朗普赦免了俄罗斯丑闻中的关键人物,包括马纳福特和迈克尔·弗林(michael flynn),后者是一名前中将,承认在与俄罗斯大使的通信中提供了误导性证词。


James Comey

Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017 and blamed senior Justice Department officials for the move. Democrats had viewed Comey with suspicion because, 11 days before the 2016 presidential election, he announced he was reviewing emails found on a laptop computer belonging to a 希拉里·克林顿确定他们是否与她使用个人电子邮件服务器的调查有关。


At the time of his firing, Comey was directing the investigation into Russians' interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether any of Trump's advisers or campaign staff had colluded with them. Trump's firing of the FBI director was seen as a way to halt the investigation, and Comey later testified under oath that Trump asked him to drop his investigation of the former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. 弗林在与俄罗斯驻美国大使的谈话中误导了白宫。


Critics of Trump clearly believe Trump's firing of Comey, which was abrupt and unexpected, was a clear attempt to interfere with the FBI's investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 election. Some said it was worse than the cover-up in the 水门事件,其中导致理查德·尼克松总统辞职. “俄罗斯攻击了我们的民主,美国人民应该得到答案。特朗普总统决定采取这一行动。。。这是对法治的攻击,提出了更多需要回答的问题。解雇联邦调查局局长并不会使白宫、总统或他的竞选活动凌驾于法律之上,”美国威斯康星州民主党参议员塔米·鲍德温(tammy baldwin)说。

Even Republicans were troubled by the firing. Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina said he was “troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey’s termination. I have found Director Comey to be a public servant of the highest order, and his dismissal further confuses an already difficult investigation by the Committee."


Trump has called coverage of the Russia investigation "fake news" and said there is no evidence Russia changed the outcome of the presidential election. The president tweeted: "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!" Trump has said he looked forward to "this matter concluding quickly. As I have stated many times, a thorough investigation will confirm what we already know — there was no collusion between my campaign and any foreign entity."


National Security Adviser Michael Flynn

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was tapped by Trump to be his national security adviser in November 2016, just days after the presidential election. He resigned the position after just 24 days on the job, in February of 2017 after 华盛顿邮报报告说他对我撒谎副总裁迈克·彭斯和其他白宫官员谈论他与俄罗斯驻美国大使的会晤。


The meetings Flynn had with the Russian ambassador were portrayed as being potentially illegal, and his alleged cover-up of them concerned the Justice Department, which believed his mischaracterization made him vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians. Flynn was said to have discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the ambassador.




The Trump White House was more concerned about leaks to the news media that about the actual nature of Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador. Trump himself reportedly asked Comey to drop his investigation of Flynn, saying, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” according to 纽约时报.



Donald Trump inaugural ball

Trump, a 经营乡村俱乐部和度假村的富商据报道,在他担任总统期间,至少从10个外国政府那里获利。其中包括科威特大使馆,该馆为一项活动预订了特朗普酒店;沙特阿拉伯雇佣的一家公关公司,在特朗普位于华盛顿的酒店花费了27万美元用于客房、餐饮和停车;以及土耳其,该国在政府赞助的活动中使用了相同的设施。

Throughout his presidency, Trump also spent a large amount of time at resorts and golf courses owned by his own company - meaning that the U.S. government and taxpayers have been paying for presidential trips and security to properties that directly profit Trump himself. One estimate had the cost at over $142 million as of November 2020.




Dozens of lawmakers and several entities have filed suit against Trump alleging violations of the clause, including the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “Trump is the framers’ worst-case scenario — a president who would seize office and attempt to exploit his position for personal financial gain with every governmental entity imaginable, across the United States or around the world,” Norman Eisen, the chief White House ethics lawyer for Obama, told 华盛顿邮报.




Trump has no regrets about any of his tweets or even using Twitter to communicate with his supporters. “I don’t regret anything, because there is nothing you can do about it. You know if you issue hundreds of tweets, and every once in a while you have a clinker, that’s not so bad,” Trump told a 金融时报采访者。”没有推特,我就不会在这里。我在facebook、twitter和instagram之间拥有超过1亿的粉丝。一亿多。我不必去找假媒体。”

Donald Trump on Twitter

The most powerful elected official in the universe has an army of 有偿发言人、通信人员和公共关系专业人员努力构思来自白宫的信息。那么唐纳德·特朗普是如何选择与美国人民对话的?经由社交媒体网络twitter,没有过滤器,通常在凌晨。他称自己为“140字的欧内斯特·海明威”;当巴拉克·奥巴马(barack obama)担任总统时,微博服务上线。奥巴马使用推特,但他的推特在向数百万人广播之前经过了仔细审查。



Trump's use of Twitter also was central to the controversy over the January 6 Capitol riot, where he used the platform to urge his supporters on prior to the insurrection. Hours after the initial violence, he used Twitter to post a video message in which he repeated his lies about election fraud, told his followers "we love you, you’re very special," and, shortly after, tweeted, "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long." 因此,twitter先是暂停了他的账户,然后永久禁止了他的账户。


The idea that Trump, whose bombastic and brash manner of speaking is off-putting in diplomatic settings, is posting what amount to be official statements without being advised by White House staff or policy experts worries many observers. “The idea he would tweet without anyone reviewing it or thinking about what he’s saying is frankly pretty frightening,” Larry Noble, general counsel of the Campaign Legal Center in Washington, D.C., told 有线.


Trump has no regrets about any of his tweets or even using Twitter to communicate with his supporters. “I don’t regret anything, because there is nothing you can do about it. You know if you issue hundreds of tweets, and every once in a while you have a clinker, that’s not so bad,” Trump told a 金融时报采访者。”没有推特,我就不会在这里。我在facebook、twitter和instagram之间拥有超过1亿的粉丝。一亿多。我不必去找假媒体。”

  • 发表于 2021-09-04 01:58
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美国全国广播公司(nbc)在大选前不会播出唐纳德•特朗普(donald trump)的《法律与秩序:svu》(law&order:svu)一集


  • 发布于 2021-05-08 05:20
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...简报,这些公司中的许多都在特朗普**的移民令上发表了迄今为止最强烈的声明,并将自己的力量投向了迄今为止最好的取消移民令的机会。 更新时间:2016年2月6日上午9:15美国东部时间:文章已在亚马逊上更新了详细信息。

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唐纳德·特朗普(donald trump)和巴拉克奥巴马(barack obama)的区别

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...n),第40届,1981-1989年:里根是任职时间最长的总统(在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)之前),但因更多的优异之处而被铭记,包括结束冷战、任命第一位女性进入最高法院、在暗杀未遂事件中幸存以及伊朗反政府丑闻。 乔治·H...

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...是最年长的总统人选,但罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)是(迄今为止)最年长的在任总统,在1989年完成了他的第二个任期,距离他的78岁生日还有几周。媒体经常讨论他的年龄,特别是在他最后一个任期的最后几天,有人猜测他的...

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... 新法律使得解雇不好的va员工变得更容易 2017年6月23日,唐纳德·特朗普总统签署了一项法案,使退伍军人事务部的坏员工更容易被解雇,并更好地保护举报不当行为的弗吉尼亚州员工,这可能是一个未来的迹象。 《退伍军人...

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