
Few things in the animal kingdom are more confusing than the difference between turtles and tortoises, for linguistic (rather than anatomical) reasons. Terrestrial (non-swimming) species should techn...


乌龟(turtle) vs. 乌龟语言学(tortoise linguistics)

Turtle with a butterfly perched on its nose.

Few things in the animal kingdom are more confusing than the difference between turtles and tortoises, for linguistic (rather than anatomical) reasons. Terrestrial (non-swimming) species should technically be referred to as tortoises, but residents of North America are just as likely to use the word "turtle" across the board. Further complicating matters, in Great Britain "turtle" refers exclusively to 海洋物种,而且决不允许陆栖龟。为了避免误解,大多数科学家和自然资源保护主义者将海龟、乌龟和水龟统称为“龟类”或“龟鳖”。专门研究这些爬行动物的博物学家和生物学家被称为“龟鳖学家”



Turtle on a ledge twisting its neck to the side.

The vast majority of the 350 or so species of turtles and tortoises are "cryptodires," meaning these reptiles retract their heads straight back into their shells when threatened. The rest are "pleurodires," or side-necked turtles, which fold their necks to one side when retracting their heads. There are other, more subtle anatomical differences between these two Testudine suborders. For example, the shells of cryptodires are composed of 12 bony plates, while pleurodires have 13, and also have narrower vertebrae in their necks. Pleurodire turtles are restricted to the 南半球,包括非洲、南美洲和澳大利亚。隐翅虫在全世界都有分布,是最常见的海龟和乌龟物种。



A turtle looking at an empty turtle shell on a blue background.

You can forget all those cartoons you saw as a kid where a turtle jumps naked out of its shell, then dives back in when threatened. The fact is that the shell, or carapace, is securely attached to its body. The inner layer of the shell is connected to the rest of the turtle's skeleton by various ribs and vertebrae. The shells of most turtles and tortoises are composed of "scutes," or hard layers of keratin. The same protein as in human fingernails. The exceptions are soft-shelled turtles and leatherbacks, the carapaces of which are covered with thick skin. Why did turtles and tortoises evolve shells in the first place? Clearly, shells developed as a means of defense against predators. Even a starving shark would think twice about breaking its teeth on the carapace of a 加拉帕戈斯乌龟



Turtle looking into camera close up.

You might think turtles and birds are as different as any two animals can be, but in fact, these two vertebrate families share an important common trait: they're equipped with beaks, and they completely lack teeth. The beaks of meat-eating turtles are sharp and ridged. They can do serious damage to the hand of an unwary human, while the beaks of herbivorous turtles and tortoises have serrated edges ideal for cutting fibrous plants. Compared to other reptiles, the 咬海龟和乌龟的数量相对较弱。尽管如此,鳄鱼咬龟仍能以每平方英寸超过300磅的力量咬住猎物,与成年男性差不多。然而,让我们从正确的角度来看问题:咸水鳄鱼的咬合力超过每平方英寸4000磅!



Close up of a turtle resting on the beach.

As a rule, slow-moving reptiles with cold-blooded metabolisms have longer life spans than comparably-sized mammals or 鸟. 即使是一只相对较小的箱龟也能活30或40年,而加拉帕戈斯乌龟也能轻易达到200岁的寿命。如果它能成功地存活到成年期(大多数海龟宝宝永远都没有机会,因为它们孵化后会立即被捕食者吞食),海龟将因为它的壳而不受大多数捕食者的伤害。有迹象表明,这些爬行动物的dna经历了更频繁的修复,它们的干细胞更容易再生。老年学家对海龟和乌龟进行了大量的研究,他们希望分离出能够帮助延长人类寿命的“神奇蛋白质”,这一点也不足为奇。



Large turtle walking out of a cave on the sand.

Because their shells provide such a high degree of protection, turtles and tortoises haven't evolved the advanced auditory capabilities of, for example, herd animals like wildebeest and antelopes. Most Testudines, while on land, can only hear sounds above 60 decibels. For perspective, a human whisper registers at 20 decibels. This figure is much better in the water, where sound conducts differently. The vision of turtles isn't much to brag about, either, but it gets the job done, allowing 食肉的用来追踪猎物的龟鳖。此外,有些海龟特别适合在夜间观看。总的来说,testudines的总体智力水平较低,尽管一些物种可以被教去驾驭简单的迷宫,而另一些物种则具有长期记忆。



Hand holding a turtle egg taken from a nest on the beach.

Depending on species, turtles and tortoises lay anywhere from 20 to 200 eggs at a time. One outlier is the eastern box tortoise, which lays only three to eight eggs at once. The female digs a hole in a patch of sand and soil deposits her clutch of soft, leathery eggs, and then promptly ambles away. What happens next is the kind of thing producers tend to leave out of TV nature documentaries: nearby carnivores raid the turtle nests and devour most of the eggs before they've had a chance to hatch. For example, 乌鸦浣熊吃掉大约90%的海龟产卵。一旦卵孵化出来,几率也不会太大,因为没有硬壳保护的未成熟海龟会像有鳞的开胃菜一样被吃掉。为了繁殖该物种,每窝只需要一到两个幼体存活;其他人最终成为食物链的一部分。



Mounted skeleton of Protostega turtle.

Turtles have a deep 进化史这可以追溯到中生代之前的几百万年,更广为人知的是恐龙时代。最早确定的testudine祖先是一种一英尺长的蜥蜴,叫做eunotosaurus,它生活在2.6亿年前的非洲沼泽中。它的背部弯曲着宽大、细长的肋骨,这是后来海龟和乌龟壳的早期版本。testudine进化中的其他重要环节包括晚三叠世的pappochelys和早侏罗世的Ordontochelys,这是一种拥有全套牙齿的软壳海龟。在随后的数千万年中,地球上居住着一系列真正可怕的史前海龟,其中包括archelon和protostega,每一只都重达两吨。



A boy and his pet turtle looking at each other.

Turtles and tortoises may seem like the ideal "training pets" for kids (or for adults who don't have a lot of energy), but there are some very strong arguments against their adoption. First, given their unusually long lifespans, Testudines can be a long-term commitment. Second, turtles need very specialized (and sometimes very expensive) care, especially in regard to their cages and food and water supplies. Third, turtles are 沙门氏菌携带者,严重的病例会使你住院,甚至危及你的生命。你不一定要接触海龟才能感染沙门氏菌,因为这些细菌可以在你家的表面滋生。保护组织的普遍观点是海龟和乌龟属于野外,而不是孩子的卧室。



A turtle with a small rocket strapped to its back with rope on a white background.

It sounds like a science-fiction TV series, but Zond 5 was actually a spacecraft 由苏联发射1968年,它载着一堆苍蝇、蠕虫、植物和两只可能非常迷失方向的乌龟。zond 5绕月球一周后返回地球,在那里发现这些乌龟体重减轻了10%,但在其他方面都很健康和活跃。海龟凯旋归来后发生了什么还不得而知,考虑到它们的品种寿命很长,它们很可能今天还活着。人们喜欢想象它们被伽马射线突变,被炸成怪物大小,然后在海参崴边缘的后苏联研究设施中度过晚年。

  • 发表于 2021-09-04 03:09
  • 阅读 ( 294 )
  • 分类:生物



...#13; 当猫躺在某宠物主人公寓的厨房地板上时,海龟不断地用头和壳打它。这只猫显然很恼火,最后挪开两英尺,又扑倒在厨房地板上,结果又被乌龟抓住了。这种行为一直在继续。整个视频我都张着嘴。

  • 发布于 2021-05-05 07:44
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 01:02
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海龟和乌龟是一些人经常互换使用的术语,但有一些关键的区别。这些见解可能会帮助您更准确地识别和参考这些信息reptiles when you see them and when you talk to others about them. The term turtle is often inclusive of all turtle-like animals, but is technic...

  • 发布于 2021-06-22 10:38
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海龟的主要区别(main difference turtle) vs. 乌龟(tortoise) 海龟和乌龟是属于龟鳖目的两类爬行动物。龟类通常被称为有壳爬行动物,因为有一个骨性的壳,这是非常突出的,很容易在其他爬行动物群体中识别。这个群体包括所有种类...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 20:44
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...亿年。它们比蛇和鳄鱼更古老,但由于人类的食用,一些海龟物种现在高度濒危。海龟属于龟鳖目(源自拉丁语单词testudo或“乌龟”),包括淡水和海生类型。让我们看看这两种爬行动物之间是否有主要的区别。 总结表格 ...

  • 发布于 2021-07-03 07:27
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乌龟和海龟两者都是爬行动物从…的顺序睾丸素二是乌龟生活在陆地上,而乌龟生活在水中的一些或几乎所有的时间。The bodies of tortoises and turtles are both shielded by a shell, the upper part of which is called 甲壳,下部称为塑料管. 甲...

  • 发布于 2021-07-04 03:06
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...直到现在,你们大多数人都认为乌龟和乌龟是一样的。“海龟”这个词很容易被用来指代任何有保护壳的爬行动物。这种分类甚至可以进一步分为海龟的初级品种。乌龟是,嗯,乌龟。然而,另一种是乌龟。乌龟(turtle) vs. 乌龟(t...

  • 发布于 2021-07-07 07:05
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...的主要区别在于它们生活的地方。根据环境条件的不同,海龟可以是水生的、半水生的或陆生的,这意味着海龟既可以生活在陆地上,也可以生活在水中,而乌龟则生活在陆地上,不能生活在水中。 海龟一词经常被用作200种龟...

  • 发布于 2021-07-08 15:31
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...是龟鳖科,是现存的14个龟鳖科中唯一的一个。 乌龟和海龟都是龟鳖科的爬行动物。由于它们密切相关,它们之间有许多相似之处。它们也有一些不同之处。乌龟和乌龟这两个术语并不直截了当,而且常常有不同的解释。然而...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 01:02
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01 十 爬行动物是由两栖动物进化而来的 是的,这是一个粗略的简化,但可以公平地说,鱼类进化为四足动物,四足动物进化为两栖动物,两栖动物进化为爬行动物所有这些事件都发生在4亿到3亿年前。这并不是故事的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 09:37
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