如何在visual basic中使用process.start(use process.start in visual basic)



Man using laptop computer


Process.Start("ReadMe.txt") Process.Start("notepad", "ReadMe.txt")



对于熟悉VisualBasic6的程序员,Process.Start有点像VB6shell命令。在VB 6中,您将使用以下内容:

lngPID = Shell("MyTextFile.txt", vbNormalFocus)



Dim ProcessProperties As New ProcessStartInfoProcessProperties.FileName = "notepad"ProcessProperties.Arguments = "myTextFile.txt"ProcessProperties.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.MaximizedDim myProcess As Process = Process.Start(ProcessProperties)



ProcessProperties.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden



Dim myProcess As Process = Process.Start("MyTextFile.txt") Console.WriteLine(myProcess.ProcessName)This was something you could not do with the VB6 Shell command because it launched the new application asynchronously. Using WaitForExit can cause the reverse problem in .NET because you have to launch a process in a new thread if you need it to execute asynchronously. For example, if you need the components to remain active in a form where a process was launched and WaitForExit

One way to force the process to halt is to use the Kill method.


This code waits for ten seconds and then ends the process.

However, a forced delay is sometimes necessary to allow the process to complete exiting to avoid an error.

myProcess.WaitForExit(10000)' if the process doesn't complete within' 10 seconds, kill itIf Not myProcess.HasExited ThenmyProcess.Kill()End IfThreading.Thread.Sleep(1)Console.WriteLine("Notepad ended: " _& myProcess.ExitTime & _Environment.NewLine & _"Exit Code: " & _myProcess.ExitCode)

In most cases, it's probably a good idea to put your processing in a Using block to ensure that the resources used by the process are released.

Using myProcess As Process = New Process' Your code goes hereEnd Using

To make all this even easier to work with, there is even a Process component that you can add to your project so you can do a lot of the things shown above at design time instead of run time.

One of the things that this makes a lot easier is coding events raised by the process, such as the event when the process has exited. You can also add a handler using code like this:

' allow the process to raise eventsmyProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = True' add an Exited event handlerAddHandler myProcess.Exited, _AddressOf Me.ProcessExitedPrivate Sub ProcessExited(ByVal sender As Object, _ByVal e As System.EventArgs)' Your code goes hereEnd Sub

But simply selecting the event for the component is a lot easier.

  • 发表于 2021-09-11 23:49
  • 阅读 ( 246 )
  • 分类:编程



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