


Woman holding two apples





Some basic facts about memory are clear. Your short-term memory is like the RAM on a computer: it records the information in front of you right now. Some of what you experience seems to evaporate--like words that go missing when you turn off your computer without hitting SAVE. But other short-term memories go through a molecular process called consolidation: they're downloaded onto the hard drive. These long-term memories, filled with past loves and losses and fears, stay dormant until you call them up. ("To Pluck a Rooted Sorrow," Newsweek, April 27, 2009)



尽管有某些相似之处,但类比与隐喻并不相同。正如Bradford Stull在《比喻语言的要素》(Longman,2002)中所观察到的那样,比喻“是一种表达两组术语之间一组相似关系的语言比喻。本质上,比喻并不要求完全识别,这是比喻的属性。它要求关系的相似性。”



You might show, in writing a comparison and contrast, how San Francisco is quite unlike Boston in history, climate, and predominant lifestyles, but like it in being a seaport and a city proud of its own (and neighboring) colleges. That isn't the way an analogy works. In an analogy, you yoke together two unlike things (eye and camera, the task of navigating a spacecraft and the task of sinking a putt), and all you care about is their major similarities.






Pupils are more like oysters than sausages. The job of teaching is not to stuff them and then seal them up, but to help them open and reveal the riches within. There are pearls in each of us, if only we knew how to cultivate them with ardor and persistence. ( Sydney J. Harris, "What True Education Should Do," 1964) Think of Wikipedia's community of volunteer editors as a family of bunnies left to roam freely over an abundant green prairie. In early, fat times, their numbers grow geometrically. More bunnies consume more resources, though, and at some point, the prairie becomes depleted, and the population crashes. Instead of prairie grasses, Wikipedia's natural resource is an emotion. "There's the rush of joy that you get the first time you make an edit to Wikipedia, and you realize that 330 million people are seeing it live," says Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation's executive director. In Wikipedia's early days, every new addition to the site had a roughly equal chance of surviving editors' scrutiny. Over time, though, a class system emerged; now revisions made by infrequent contributors are much likelier to be undone by élite Wikipedians. Chi also notes the rise of wiki-lawyering: for your edits to stick, you've got to learn to cite the complex laws of Wikipedia in arguments with other editors. Together, these changes have created a community not very hospitable to newcomers. Chi says, "People begin to wonder, 'Why should I contribute anymore?'"--and suddenly, like rabbits out of food, Wikipedia's population stops growing. (Farhad Manjoo, "Where Wikipedia Ends." Time, Sep. 28, 2009) The "great Argentine footballer, Diego Maradona, is not usually associated with the theory of monetary policy," Mervyn King explained to an audience in the City of London two years ago. But the player's performance for Argentina against England in the 1986 World Cup perfectly summarized modern central banking, the Bank of England's sport-loving governor added. Maradona's infamous "hand of God" goal, which should have been disallowed, reflected old-fashioned central banking, Mr. King said. It was full of mystique and "he was lucky to get away with it." But the second goal, where Maradona beat five players before scoring, even though he ran in a straight line, was an example of the modern practice. "How can you beat five players by running in a straight line? The answer is that the English defenders reacted to what they expected Maradona to do. . . . Monetary policy works in a similar way. Market interest rates react to what the central bank is expected to do." (Chris Giles, "Alone Among Governors." Financial Times. Sep. 8-9, 2007)

最后,请记住Mark Nichter的类比观察:“一个好的类比就像一把犁,可以为一个群体的联想领域准备一个新想法的种植”(人类学和国际卫生,1989年)。

  • 发表于 2021-09-14 06:52
  • 阅读 ( 201 )
  • 分类:语言



...头韵在其最简单的形式是使用第一个辅音字母的连续词在写作。这些词在句子中接连出现。单词中的发音可用于头韵。字母不一定是相同的,但声音是相同的。看看这句话: “骗子与善良的国王合谋。”辅音c和k发音相同。 单...

  • 发布于 2021-06-26 12:55
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主要差异类比(main difference ****ogy) vs. 隐喻(metaphor) 类比和隐喻都创造了两个不相关和不同的对象或概念之间的比较。类比是把两件事进行比较,这样你就能看出两者之间的关系。隐喻是一种修辞格,有助于比较两者。简单地说,...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 16:30
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...和理解复杂想法的能力。口头推理-测试阅读理解能力、类比推理能力和分析书面材料的能力。定量推理-评估解决问题的能力,主要集中在代数,几何,算术和数据分析的基本概念。 除了普通考试外,还可以通过生物化学、生物...

  • 发布于 2021-07-04 19:17
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  • 发布于 2021-07-10 07:58
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  • 发布于 2021-07-26 00:27
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...战略与结构》,Allyn and Bacon,1996) 起草和修改论文“在写作过程的早期制定一篇论文是个好主意,也许可以在草稿纸上草草记下,或者把它放在一个粗略的提纲的开头,或者尝试写一个包含论文的介绍性段落。你的暂定论文可...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:15
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...两件事情之间的相似性和差异的文章中被探讨。 30个类比主题 一个好的类比可以帮助读者理解两个或两个以上截然不同的主题或概念是如何相似的。你可以把类比想象成一篇没有对比的比较和对比文章(通常,通过类比比较...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:24
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类比是一种比较,用已知来解释未知,用熟悉来解释陌生。 一个好的类比可以帮助你的读者理解一个复杂的主题或以一种新的方式看待一个共同的经历。类比可以与其他开发方法一起使用,以解释一个过程、定义一个概念、...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:25
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... 歧义:在任何段落中出现两种或两种以上可能的意思。 类比:根据平行案例进行推理或辩论。 回指:在连续的从句或诗句的开头重复相同的单词或短语。 先行词:代词所指的名词或名词短语。 对立:在平衡的词组中对比思想...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:30
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谬误或错误类比是基于误导性、肤浅或不可信的比较的论点。它也被称为错误类比、弱类比、错误比较、作为论证的隐喻和类比谬误。这个词来自拉丁语fallacia,意思是“欺骗、欺骗、诡计或诡计” 《如何赢得每一场争论》...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 08:25
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