


Businessman looking out over the city at sunrise.

20世纪20年代《纽约客》杂志的工作人员詹姆斯·麦吉尼斯(James McGuiness)向该杂志的编辑哈罗德·罗斯(Harold Ross)建议使用“个人简介”(profile)一词(来自拉丁语,“划一条线”)。大卫·雷姆尼克(David Remnick)说:“当该杂志开始对这个词进行版权保护时,它已经进入了美国新闻业的语言”(生活故事,2000年)。


"A Profile is a short exercise in biography--a tight form in which interview, anecdote, observation, description, and analysis are brought to bear on the public and private self. The literary pedigree of the profile can be traced from Plutarch to Dr. Johnson to Strachey; its popular modern reinvention is owed to The New Yorker, which set up shop in 1925 and which encouraged its reporters to get beyond ballyhoo to something more probing and ironic. Since then, with the wacky proliferation of media, the genre has been debased; even the word itself has been hijacked for all kinds of shallow and intrusive journalistic endeavors." (John Lahr, Show and Tell: New Yorker Profiles. University of California Press, 2002) "In 1925, when [Harold] Ross launched the magazine he liked to call his 'comic weekly' [ The New Yorker], he wanted something different--something sidelong and ironical, a form that prized intimacy and wit over biographical completeness or, God forbid, unabashed hero worship. Ross told his writers and editors that, above all, he wanted to get away from what he was reading in other magazines--all the 'Horatio Alger' stuff. . . . "The New Yorker Profile has expanded in many ways since Ross's time. What had been conceived of as a form to describe Manhattan personalities now travels widely in the world and all along the emotional and occupational registers. . . . One quality that runs through nearly all the best Profiles . . . is a sense of obsession. So many of these pieces are about people who reveal an obsession with one corner of human experience or another. Richard Preston's Chudnovsky brothers are obsessed with the number pi and finding the pattern in randomness; Calvin Trillin's Edna Buchanan is an obsessive crime reporter in Miami who visits the scenes of disaster four, five times a day; . . . Mark Singer's Ricky Jay is obsessed with magic and the history of magic. In every great Profile, too, the writer is equally obsessed. It's often the case that a writer will take months, even years, to get to know a subject and bring him or her to life in prose." (David Remnick, Life Stories: Profiles From The New Yorker. Random House, 2000)


"One major reason writers create profiles is to let others know more about the people who are important to them or who shape the world in which we live. . . . [T]he introduction to a profile needs to show readers that the subject is someone they need to know more about--right now. . . . Writers also use the introduction of a profile to highlight some key feature of the subject's personality, character, or values . . .. "The body of a profile . . . includes descriptive details that help readers visualize the subject's actions and hear the subject's words. . . . "Writers also use the body of a profile to provide logical appeals in the form of numerous examples that show that the subject is indeed making a difference in the community. . . . "Finally, the conclusion of a profile often contains one final quote or anecdote that nicely captures the essence of the individual." (Cheryl Glenn, The Harbrace Guide to Writing, concise 2nd ed. Wadsworth, Cengage, 201)


"In the classic Profile under [St. Clair] McKelway, the edges were smoothed out, and all effects--the comic, the startling, the interesting, and occasionally, the poignant--were achieved by the choreography, in characteristically longer and longer (but never rambling) paragraphs filled with declarative sentences, of the extraordinary number of facts the writer had collected. The Profile metaphor, with its implicit acknowledgment of limited perspective, was no longer appropriate. Instead, it was as if the writer were continually circling around the subject, taking snapshots all the way, until finally emerging with a three-dimensional hologram." (Ben Yagoda, The New Yorker and the World It Made. Scribner, 2000)
  • 发表于 2021-09-14 07:10
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  • 分类:语言



... 不管太阳在哪里,条件如何,使用哪种相机,构图是拍好照片的关键。如果你把照片的构图搞砸了,这篇文章中的技巧都帮不了你。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 07:13
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...的照片:墙壁、地板、天空、家具等等。我会玩弄角度、构图、颜色、景深等等。但它们总是让我觉得没有灵魂。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 13:28
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...住变换框的手柄来移动和调整对象的大小。在创作这样的构图时,最好把你的主体缩小到背景中,而不是调整背景,因为这样有助于避免像素化。 ...

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...业还是家谱,在Microsoft PowerPoint中使用SmartArt创建组织结构图都很容易。我们开始吧。 转到“**”选项卡,然后单击“SmartArt”。在打开的“选择SmartArt图形”窗口中,选择左侧的“层次结构”类别。在右侧,单击组织结构图布局...

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在Excel中构建组织结构图是有意义的,因为它很容易从其他Excel文档或Outlook等源中提取数据。当你要展示图表的时候,你可能会想用PowerPoint。幸运的是,将Excel图表转换为PowerPoint相当简单。 在excel中创建组织结构图 首先,打...

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...艺术与快照、好照片与坏照片的东西。这个词的意思是“构图”。 构图是你放置事物的方式 构图,在其最基本的,是你如何把你的主题(和其他一切)在你的形象。虽然你很少能把建筑物和树木放在你想放的地方,但你对焦...

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...长的阴影。你可以把两者结合起来,用阴影来创造有趣的构图。我拍了圣莫尼卡码头的照片。 天空的颜色往往是一个良好的剪影照片的很大一部分。不要只满足于一个稍微有趣的日出或日落。如果可以的话,连续几天去同一个...

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如今,为了管理一家企业,有一个组织结构图来保持一切都处于可管理状态是非常重要的。在这里,我们将向您展示如何在Visio2010中构建一个。 这篇客座文章是我们在Office2010俱乐部的朋友写的。 需要组织结构图 如今,创建组...

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