
爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)在《斯蒂芬·赫罗》(Stephen Hero,1904)一书中用“顿悟”一词来形容“最普通物体的灵魂……在我们看来是光芒四射的。物体实现了顿悟。”小说家约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)将顿悟描述为“罕见的觉醒时刻之一”,其中“一切都发生在瞬间”顿悟可以在非小说作品中以及在短篇小说和小说中被唤起。...

An Epiphany is a term in literary criticism for a sudden realization, a flash of recognition, in which someone or something is seen in a new light. Woman reading book on park bench

爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)在《斯蒂芬·赫罗》(Stephen Hero,1904)一书中用“顿悟”一词来形容“最普通物体的灵魂……在我们看来是光芒四射的。物体实现了顿悟。”小说家约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)将顿悟描述为“罕见的觉醒时刻之一”,其中“一切都发生在瞬间”顿悟可以在非小说作品中以及在短篇小说和小说中被唤起。





"In the story of the same name Miss ​B rill discovers such annihilation when her own identity as onlooker and imagined choreographer to the rest of her small world crumbles in the reality of loneliness. The imagined conversations she has with other people become, when overheard in reality, the onset of her destruction. A young couple on her park bench—'the hero and the heroine' of Miss Brill's own fictive drama, 'just arrived from his father's yacht' . . . —are transformed by reality into two young people who cannot accept the aging woman who sits near them. The boy refers to her as 'that stupid old thing at the end' of the bench and openly expresses the very question that Miss Brill has been trying so desperately to avoid through her Sunday charades in the park: 'Why does she come here at all--who wants her?' Miss Brill's epiphany forces her to forgo the usual slice of honeycake at the baker's on her way home, and home, like life, has changed. It is now 'a little dark room . . . like a cupboard.' Both life and home have become suffocating. Miss Brill's loneliness is forced upon her in one transformative moment of acknowledgment of reality."



"They reach the tee, a platform of turf beside a hunchbacked fruit tree offering fists of taut ivory-colored buds. 'Let me go first,' Rabbit says. ''Til you calm down.' His heart is hushed, held in mid-beat, by anger. He doesn't care about anything except getting out of this tangle. He wants it to rain. In avoiding looking at Eccles he looks at the ball, which sits high on the tee and already seems free of the ground. Very simply he brings the clubhead around his shoulder into it. The sound has a hollowness, a singleness he hasn't heard before. His arms force his head up and his ball is hung way out, lunarly pale against the beautiful black blue of storm clouds, his grandfather's color stretched dense across the north. It recedes along a line straight as a ruler-edge. Stricken; sphere, star, speck. It hesitates, and Rabbit thinks it will die, but he's fooled, for the ball makes its hesitation the ground of a final leap: with a kind of visible sob takes a last bite of space before vanishing in falling. 'That's it!' he cries and, turning to Eccles with a grin of aggrandizement, repeats, 'That's it.'"


"The passage quoted from the first of John Updike's Rabbit novels describes an action in a contest, but it is the intensity of the moment, not its consequences, that [is] important (we never discover whether the hero won that particular hole). . . . "In epiphanies, prose fiction comes closest to the verbal intensity of lyric poetry (most modern lyrics are in fact nothing but epiphanies); so epiphanic description is likely to be rich in figures of speech and sound. Updike is a writer prodigally gifted with the power of metaphoric speech. . . . When Rabbit turns to Eccles and cries triumphantly, 'That's it!' he is answering the minister's question about what is lacking in his marriage. . . . Perhaps in Rabbit's cry of 'That's it!' we also hear an echo of the writer's justifiable satisfaction at having revealed, through language, the radiant soul of a well-struck tee shot."




"The critic's function is to find ways of recognizing and judging the epiphanies of literature which, like those of life itself (Joyce borrowed his use of the term 'epiphany' directly from theology), are partial disclosures or revelations, or 'spiritual matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.'"


"The definition Joyce gave of epiphany in Stephen Hero depends on a familiar world of objects of use—a clock one passes every day. The epiphany restores the clock to itself in one act of seeing, of experiencing it for the first time."


  • 发表于 2021-09-14 09:02
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开始使用gnome epiphany web应用程序的5个原因

... GNOME网络以前被命名为顿悟。2012年,作为gnome3.4的一部分,这个名字改成了gnomeweb,但是开发人员仍然把这个项目称为幕后的顿悟。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-21 10:10
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  • 发布于 2021-05-12 04:06
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...:用散文或诗句颂扬人、物、意或事件的颂词或颂词。 顿悟:在几个分句末尾重复一个单词或短语。(也称为上位型。) 墓志铭:(1)在墓碑或纪念碑上用散文或诗句写的简短铭文。(2) 悼词为纪念死者而发表的声明或演说...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:30
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  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:42
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  • 发布于 2021-09-14 09:23
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  • 发布于 2021-09-20 22:11
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...斯基,《修辞学原始资料》。Sage,2001年 莎士比亚对顿悟的运用 “那么,既然这片土地给我带来的不是快乐,而是命令、检查和保护,像你这样比我更好的人,我就要让我的天堂梦想在王冠上;在我活着的时候,我要把这个...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 18:56
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...的洞察力或直觉能力,经历深刻的自我实现,或者有一种顿悟,一个神圣的认知时刻。 我们都知道欺骗死亡会给我们的英雄带来后果,但首先行动暂停,英雄和她的帮派庆祝。读者可以休息一下,在生活轻松的时候,可以更加...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 19:50
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  • 发布于 2021-09-24 08:51
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...们根据自己对周围世界的解释行事。换句话说,行动遵循意义。 这一思想是韦伯最广为人知的著作《新教伦理与资本主义精神》的核心。在这本书中,韦伯通过举例说明历史上,新教世界观和一套道德观是如何将工作作为上帝...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 06:18
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