
雪莉·安妮塔·圣希尔·奇肖姆(Shirley Anita St.Hill Chisholm)是一位政治人物,比她的时代早了几十年。作为一名女性和有色人种,她有一长串值得称赞的第一,包括:...

雪莉·安妮塔·圣希尔·奇肖姆(Shirley Anita St.Hill Chisholm)是一位政治人物,比她的时代早了几十年。作为一名女性和有色人种,她有一长串值得称赞的第一,包括:

  • 第一位当选为国会议员的非裔美国妇女(1968年)
  • 第一位寻求美国总统主要政党提名的非裔美国女性(1972年)
  • 第一位在民主党全国代表大会上被提名为总统的女性
  • 第一位作为总统候选人参加投票的非洲裔美国人



Chisholm最初在纽约布鲁克林的Bedford Stuyvesant区从事儿童保育和幼儿教育方面的职业。转而从政,她在纽约州议会工作了四年,成为第一位当选国会议员的黑人女性。



When given an assignment to sit on the House Agriculture Committee Congresswoman Chisholm rebelled. There is very little agriculture in Brooklyn...She now sits on the House Education and Labor Committee, an assignment that allows her to combine her interests and experience with the critical needs of her constituents.



I stand before you today as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States of America. I am not the candidate of Black America, although I am Black and proud. I am not the candidate of the women's movement of this country, although I am a woman, and I am equally proud of that. I am not the candidate of any political bosses or fat cats or special interests. I stand here now without endorsements from many big name politicians or celebrities or any other kind of prop. I do not intend to offer to you the tired and glib cliches, which for too long have been an accepted part of our political life. I am the candidate of the people of America. And my presence before you now symbolizes a new era in American political history.

雪莉·奇肖姆(Shirley Chisholm)在1972年的总统竞选中,将一位黑人女性置于政治聚光灯的中心位置,而这一聚光灯此前只为白人男性所保留。如果有人认为她可能会降低自己的言辞,以适应现有的总统候选人旧男孩俱乐部,那么她证明他们错了。




  • Chis女士。为总统。
  • Chisholm-准备好了吗
  • 沿着奇肖姆小径走到宾夕法尼亚大道1600号
  • 奇肖姆——全民总统


约翰·尼科尔斯(John Nichols)为《国家报》撰文,解释了为什么该党建制——包括最著名的自由主义者——拒绝了她的候选人资格:

Chisholm's run was dismissed from the start as a vanity campaign that would do nothing more than siphon votes off from better-known anti-war candidates such as South Dakota Senator George McGovern and New York City Mayor John Lindsay. They were not ready for a candidate who promised to "reshape our society," and they accorded her few opportunities to prove herself in a campaign where all of the other contenders were white men. "There is little place in the political scheme of things for an independent, creative personality, for a fighter," Chisholm observed. "Anyone who takes that role must pay a price."


2005年2月,电影制作人肖拉·林奇(Shola Lynch)在公共广播公司(PBS)播出了2004年的纪录片《奇肖姆72》(Chisholm'72),影片以奇肖姆的总统竞选为主题。



She ran in the majority of the primaries and went all the way to the Democratic National Convention with delegate votes. She entered the race because there was no strong Democratic front runner....there were about 13 people running for the nomination....1972 was the first election impacted by the voting age change from 21 to 18. There were going to be millions of new voters. Mrs. C wanted to attract these young folks as well as anyone who felt left out of politics. She wanted to bring these people into the process with her candidacy. She played ball until the end because she knew her delegate votes could have been the difference between the two candidates in a closely contested nomination battle. It did not exactly turn out that way but it was a sound, and clever, political strategy.


1972年,国会女议员雪莉·奇肖姆(Shirley Chisholm)竞选白宫时,几乎每一次都遇到障碍。不仅民主党的政治机构反对她,而且没有足够的资金来资助一场管理良好、有效的竞选活动。


女权主义者学者兼作家乔·弗里曼(Jo Freeman)积极参与试图让奇肖姆参加伊利诺伊州初选,并在1972年7月成为民主党全国代表大会的候补成员。在一篇关于竞选的文章中,弗里曼揭示了奇肖姆的钱是多么的少,以及新的立法将如何使她的竞选在今天变得不可能:

After it was over Chisholm said that if she had to do it over again, she would, but not the same way. Her campaign was under-organized, under-financed and unprepared....she raised and spent only $300,000 between July 1971 when she first floated the idea of running, and July of 1972, when the last vote was counted at the Democratic Convention. That did not include the [money] raised and spent on her behalf...by other local campaigns. By the next Presidential election Congress had passed the campaign finance acts, which required careful record keeping, certification and reporting, among other things. This effectively ended grass roots Presidential campaigns like those in 1972.


在1973年1月出版的《女士》杂志上,格洛丽亚·施泰纳姆(Gloria Steinem)反思了奇肖姆的候选资格,问道“这一切都值得吗?”她评论道:

Perhaps the best indicator of her campaign's impact is the effect it had on individual lives. All over the country, there are people who will never be quite the same....If you listen to personal testimony from very diverse sources, it seems that the Chisholm candidacy was not in vain. In fact, the truth is that the American political scene may never quite be the same again.


Steinem接着介绍了各行各业的女性和男性的观点,包括来自佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡的美国中年白人中产阶级家庭主妇Mary Young Peacock的评论:

Most politicians seem to spend their time playing to so many different points of view....that they don't come out with anything realistic or sincere. The important thing about Chisholm's candidacy was that you believed whatever she said....it combined realism and idealism at the same time....Shirley Chisholm has worked out in the world, not just gone from law school straight into politics. She's practical.


实际上,即使在1972年民主党全国代表大会在佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩举行之前,雪莉·奇肖姆(Shirley Chisholm)也承认她无法在1972年6月4日的演讲中获胜:

I am a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. I make that statement proudly, in the full knowledge that, as a Black person and as a female person, I do not have a chance of actually gaining that office in this election year. I make that statement seriously, knowing that my candidacy itself can change the face and future of American politics - that it will be important to the needs and hopes of every one of you - even though, in the conventional sense, I will not win.



I ran for the Presidency, despite hopeless odds, to demonstrate the sheer will and refusal to accept the status quo. The next time a woman runs, or a Black, or a Jew or anyone from a group that the country is 'not ready' to elect to its highest office, I believe that he or she will be taken seriously from the start....I ran because somebody had to do it first.










  • 发表于 2021-09-17 04:52
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雪莉·奇肖姆是第一位在美国国会任职的黑人女性。作为一名早期教育专家,雪莉·奇肖姆(Shirley Chisholm)于1964年当选为纽约立法机关议员,并于1968年当选为国会议员,她是国会黑人核心小组和全国妇女政治核心小组的创始成...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 18:23
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...奖(1903年)和化学奖(1911年)。 17 百分之一百 雪莉·坦普尔 雪莉·坦普尔·布莱克(雪莉·坦普尔(黑色)是一位令电影观众着迷的童星。她后来担任大使。 16 百分之一百 露西尔球 露西尔·鲍尔最出名的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 19:06
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  • 发布于 2021-09-04 19:58
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...的角色而闻名;1976年和1992年民主全国大会的主题演讲;第一位当选国会议员的南部非洲裔美国妇女;重建结束后,第二位南部非洲裔美国人当选国会议员;德克萨斯州议会中第一位非裔美国妇女 职业:律师、政治家、教师:196...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 20:10
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...成立,是从1969年成立的民主党特别委员会演变而来的。雪莉·奇肖姆是首批13名成员中唯一的女性。 1972 玛哈莉亚·杰克逊去世(福音歌手) 雪莉·奇肖姆成为第一位非洲裔美国女性总统候选人,在1972年的民主党大会上获得1...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 20:53
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...命的核心。 1972年-未受教育和未受教育 众议员雪莉·奇肖姆(纽约民主党人)并不是第一位参加美国主要政党总统候选人提名的女性。这是1964年缅因州共和党参议员玛格丽特·蔡斯·史密斯(Margaret Chase Smith),但奇肖...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 21:02
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...投票,在全国范围内获得的选票不到1100张。 雪莉·奇肖姆 民主党:1972年 作为民权和女权倡导者,雪莉·奇肖姆是第一位当选为国会议员的黑人女性。从1968年到1980年,她代表纽约第12区。1972年,齐斯霍姆以“未...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 13:54
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...乔·拜登一起接受了副总统候选人提名,成为美国历史上第一位黑人女性、第一位印度裔女性,也是第四位被主要政党提名为总统候选人的女性。2020年11月,哈里斯当选为副总统,任期从2021年1月20日开始。 哈里斯也是在2010年...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 07:47
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...,五分之四的黑人选民支持卡特,几十年后,当美国迎来第一位黑人总统时,卡特继续公开谈论美国的种族关系。他入主白宫前后的民权记录揭示了卡特长期以来获得有色人种社区支持的原因。 投票权支持者 据弗吉尼亚大...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 15:28
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...位。美国新闻及;《世界报告》仅列出了几个竞争者: 雪莉·奇肖姆(Shirley Chisholm)是第一位当选为美国国会议员的黑人女性,她代表纽约第12国会选区七届任期。1972年,她参加了民主党总统候选人提名的竞选,成为第一位以...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 16:41
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