


Land legislation and US public land acts played an important role in the settlement of the American West.




That Congress make provision for granting lands, in the following proportions: to the officers and soldiers who shall so engage in the service, and continue therein to the close of the war, or until discharged by Congress, and to the representatives of such officers and soldiers as shall be slain by the enemy: To a colonel, 500 acres; to a lieutenant colonel, 450; to a major, 400; to a captain, 300; to a lieutenant, 200; to an ensign, 150; each non-commissioned officer and soldier, 100...


Be it ordained by the United States in Congress assembled, that the territory ceded by individual States to the United States, which has been purchased of the Indian inhabitants, shall be disposed of in the following manner...


An act providing for the sale of the land of the United States, in the territory north-west of the Ohio, and above the mouth of the Kentucky river.

1801年3月3日:1801年法案的通过是国会通过的许多法律中的第一项,这些法律给予西北地区的定居者优先购买权或优先权,这些定居者从约翰·克利夫斯·西姆斯(John Cleves Symmes)手中购买了土地,而约翰·克利夫斯·西姆斯是该地区的一名法官,他自己对土地的主张已被取消。

An Act giving a right of pre-emption to certain persons to certain persons who have contracted with John Cleves Symmes, or his associates, for lands lying between the Miami rivers, in the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio.


...to every person or persons in actual possession, occupancy, and improvement, of any tract or parcel of land in his, her, or their own right, at the time of the passing of this act, within that part of the Territory of Michigan, to which the Indian title has been extinguished, and which said tract or parcel of land was settled, occupied, and improved, by him, her, or them, prior to and on the first day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety six...the said tract or parcel of land thus possessed, occupied, and improved, shall be granted, and such occupant or occupants shall be confirmed in the title to the same, as an estate of inheritance, in fee simple...


That any person or persons who, before the passing of this act, had taken possession of, occupied, or made a settlement on any lands ceded or secured to the United States...and who at the time of passing this act does or do actually inhabit and reside on such lands, may, at any time prior to the first day of January next, apply to the proper register or recorder...such applicant or applicants to remin on such tract or tracts of land, not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres for each applicant, as tenants at will, on such terms and conditions as shall prevent any waste or damages on such lands...


That every person, or legal representative of every person, who has actually inhabited and cultivated a tract of land lying in either of the districts established for the sale of public lands, in the Illinois territory, which tract is not rightfully claimed by any other person and who shall not have removed from said territory; every such person and his legal representatives shall be entitled to a preference in becoming the purchaser from the United States of such tract of land at private sale...


That from and after the first day of July next [1820] , all the public lands of the United States, the sale of which is, or may be authorized by law, shall when offered at public sale, to the highest bidder, be offered in half quarter sections [80 acres] ; and when offered at private sale, may be purchased, at the option of the purchaser, either in entire sections [640 acres] , half sections [320 acres] , quarter sections [160 acres] , or half quarter sections [80 acres] ...


And be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of this act, every person being the head of a family, or widow, or single man, over the age of twenty-one years, and being a citizen of the United States, or having filed his declaration of intention to become a citizen as required by the naturalization laws, who since the first day of June A.D. eighteen hundred and forty, has made or shall hereafter make a settlement in person on the public lands...is hereby, authorized to enter with the register of the land office for the district in which such land may lie, by legal subdivisions, any number of acres not exceeding one hundred and sixty, or a quarter section of land, to include the residence of such claimant, upon paying to the United States the minimum price of such land...


That there shall be, and hereby is, granted to every white settler or occupant of the public lands, American half-breed Indians included, above the age of eighteen years, being a citizen of the United States....the quantity of one half section, or three hundred and twenty acres of land, if a single man, and if a married man, or if he shall become married within one year from the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty, the quantity of one section, or six hundred and forty acres, one half to himself and the other half to his wife, to be held by her in her own right...


That each of the surviving commissioned and non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rangers, or militia, who were regularly mustered into the service of the United States, and every officer, commissioned and non-commissioned seaman, ordinary seaman, flotilla-man, marine, clerk, and landsman in the navy, in any of the wars in which this country has been engaged since seventeen hundred and ninety, and each of the survivors of the militia, or volunteers, or State troops of any State or Territory, called into military service, and regularly mustered therein, and whose services have been paid by the United States, shall be entitled to receive a certificate or warrant from the Department of the Interior for one hundred and sixty acres of land...


That any person who is the head of a family, or who has arrived at the age of twenty-one years, and is a citizen of the United States, or who shall have filed his declaration of intention to become such, as required by the naturalization laws of the United States, and who has never borne arms against the United States Government or given aid or comfort to its enemies, shall, from and after the first January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, be entitled to enter one quarter section [160 acres] or a less quantity of unappropriated public lands...

  • 发表于 2021-09-20 00:55
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...其拥有的土地。这是因为土地是一个非常珍贵的实体。 美国佐治亚州脱离联邦国家联盟的官方文件 印度是一个宪法授权总统颁布与法令具有同等效力的法令的国家。但是,只有在议会不开会的情况下,他才能这样做,而且**如...

  • 发布于 2020-11-05 21:37
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:10
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  • 发布于 2021-05-09 17:20
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黑色代码(black codes)和吉姆·克罗定律(jim crow laws)的区别

美国内战后,黑人法典被颁布,以限制在南部各州获得自由的非裔美国奴隶的权利和自由。黑人法典和吉姆·克罗法是压制性的法律,旨在通过法律手段维护奴隶制。让我们看看黑代码和吉姆·克罗定律有什么不同。 总结表格 ...

  • 发布于 2021-07-03 05:53
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事实上(de facto)和法律上的的种族隔离(de jure segregation)的区别

在美国,种族隔离的做法有两种形式:事实上的隔离和法律上的隔离。让我们来学习两者的区别。 总结表格 事实上的隔离 法律上的的种族隔离 按个人偏好划分的种族隔离 法律实施的种族隔离 没有故意的隔离努力 需要...

  • 发布于 2021-07-03 07:51
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黑色代码(black codes)和吉姆·克罗定律(jim crow laws)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-03 09:22
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...度事务局下属的内政部长)。有超过500000名原告,被称为美国历史上最大的集体诉讼。这起诉讼是100多年来滥用印第安联邦政策和严重疏忽印第安信托土地管理的结果。 概述 1996年,来自蒙大拿州的黑脚印第安人、职业银行...

  • 发布于 2021-09-02 17:16
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  • 发布于 2021-09-03 18:23
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1934年6月18日,美国国会通过了《印度重组法》(Indian Reconstruction Act)或《惠勒-霍华德法案》(Wheeler-Howard Act),旨在放松联邦政府对美洲印第安人的控制。该法案旨在通过允许部落更大程度的自治和鼓励保留历史上的印第安...

  • 发布于 2021-09-03 18:26
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1851年至1860年间是美国历史上的一次大动荡。 19世纪50年代早期:墨西哥的条约和土地 这十年的早期,墨西哥以1500万美元的价格出售了美国南部边境沿线的土地,并与美洲土著苏族部落签署了一项条约。 1851 《苏人穿越条...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 12:16
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