


university student writing at desk Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.



My Hero Harpo In middle school, I took part in an essay competition where we had to write about one of our strongest role models—who they were, what they did, and how they had influenced us. Other students wrote about Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, George Washington, etc. I, the youngest of five sisters and one of the quietest people in the school, chose Harpo Marx. I did not win the competition—to be honest, my essay wasn’t very good, and I knew that, even at the time. I had bigger, better things to worry about, though. I was taking swimming lessons, and was terrified of discovering a shark in the deep end. I was making little hats for my dog Alexa, which she did not appreciate. I was busy working on a clay chess set in art class, and learning how to garden with my grandmother. I’m getting off-topic, but my point is: I didn’t need to win a competition or write an essay to feel validated. I was learning who I was, and what was important in my life. Which brings me back to the Marx Brothers. My great-uncle was a big old-movie buff. We’d go over to his house most mornings during summer vacation, and watch Philadelphia Story, The Thin Man, or His Girl Friday. My favorites, though, were the Marx Brothers’ films. Duck Soup. A Night at the Opera (my personal favorite). Animal Crackers. I can’t logically explain why I found these particular movies so hilarious and entertaining—there was something about them that not only made me laugh, but made me happy. Now, of course, watching those movies again, I’m reminded of those summer mornings, and of being surrounded by the people I loved, unconcerned with the world outside, that adds another layer of appreciation and joy. The brothers each brought their own unique humor to the pictures, but Harpo—he was perfect. The hair. The wide ties and crazy trench coats. The way he doesn’t have to say anything to be funny. His facial expressions. How he offers people his leg when they try to shake his hand. The way you can see the change in him when he sits down at the piano or the harp. The subtle shift from comedian to musician—not a complete shift, of course, but in that moment, you know just how talented and hard-working he must have been. I love that rather than being a full-time, professional musician, which he certainly could have done, Harpo (known as Adolph off-screen) instead devoted his time and energy to entertain, to make people laugh, to be a big goof with a bicycle horn and a killer whistle. I identified with him—and still do. Harpo was quiet, funny-looking, not the most outgoing or famous performers, silly, and still insanely dedicated and a serious artist. I don’t plan on going into show business. I mean, never say never and all that, but I don’t see myself as ever really getting bitten by that particular acting or performing bug. But the lessons I’ve learned from Harpo (and Groucho, Chico, Zeppo, etc.) are the kind that can transcend careers. It’s ok to fall down (a lot.) Learn to laugh at yourself. Learn to laugh at your family. Making faces is a perfectly good way to express yourself. Wear the weird clothes. Don’t be afraid to show off your talents when given the chance. Be kind to children. Have a cigar, if you want. Make up a silly song, or a goofy dance. Work hard at what you love. Work hard at what you don’t love, but what is still necessary. Don’t shy away from being the strangest, brightest, wildest, wackiest, passionate you you can be. And also carry a bicycle horn with you, just in case.






哈波·马克思(Harpo Marx)是一篇招生论文中相当不同寻常的焦点。这可能是件好事,因为亚历克西斯的论文不会是招生办公室收到的其他论文的翻版。同时,有人可能会说,哈波的闹剧喜剧对于申请论文来说是一个相当肤浅的焦点。如果主题处理不当,这当然是真的,但亚历克西斯成功地将一篇关于哈波·马克思的文章变成了一篇真正比马克思更重要的文章。亚历克西斯认同哈波,她解释了为什么她认同他。最后,这篇文章既是关于亚历克西斯的,也是关于哈波的。这篇文章揭示了亚历克西斯的自我意识、分析能力和幽默感。










  • 发表于 2021-09-20 12:00
  • 阅读 ( 170 )
  • 分类:教育



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