什么是阿尔巴龙加的位置和传说?(the location and legend of alba longa?)



Illustration of a Legend around Alba Longa



Be that as it may, this Ascanius, wherever born and of whatever mother — it is at any rate agreed that his father was Aeneas —seeing that Lavinium was over-populated, left that city, now a flourishing and wealthy one, considering those times, to his mother or stepmother, and built himself a new one at the foot of the Alban mount, which, from its situation, being built all along the ridge of a hill, was called Alba Longa. Livy Book I

按照这一传统,阿斯卡尼乌斯建立了阿尔巴·隆加城,罗马国王图卢斯·霍斯蒂利乌斯将其摧毁。这段传奇的时间跨度约400年。哈利卡纳索斯的狄奥尼修斯(Dionysius of Halicanassus,公元前20年)描述了该酒庄的创建过程,并说明了其对罗马葡萄酒的贡献。

To return to its founding, Alba was built near a mountain and a lake, occupying the space between the two, which served the city in place of walls and rendered it difficult to be taken. For the mountain is extremely strong and high and the lake is deep and large; and its waters are received by the plain when the sluices are opened, the inhabitants having it in their power to husband the supply as much as they wish. 3 Lying below the city are plains marvellous to behold and rich in producing wines and fruits of all sorts in no degree inferior to the rest of Italy, and particularly what they call the Alban wine, which is sweet and excellent and, with the exception of the Falernian, certainly superior to all others. The Roman Antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus


It happened that there were in the two armies at that time three brothers born at one birth, neither in age nor strength ill-matched. That they were called Horatii and Curiatii is certain enough, and there is hardly any fact of antiquity more generally known; yet in a manner so well ascertained, a doubt remains concerning their names, as to which nation the Horatii, to which the Curiatii belonged. Authors incline to both sides, yet I find a majority who call the Horatii Romans: my own inclination leads me to follow them. Livy Op. cit.



This city is now uninhabited, since in the time of Tullus Hostilius, king of the Romans, Alba seemed to be contending with her colony for the sovereignty and hence was destroyed; but Rome, though she razed her mother-city to the ground, nevertheless welcomed its citizens into her midst. But these events belong to a later time. Dionysius Op. cit.


阿尔巴隆加神庙得以保留,该地区的湖泊、山脉(蒙斯阿尔巴纳斯,现在是蒙特卡沃)和山谷(瓦利斯阿尔巴纳)被命名为阿尔巴隆加神庙。该地区也以Alba Longa命名,因为它被称为“ager Albanus”——如上所述,这是一个优质葡萄酒种植区。该地区还出产Peperino,一种被认为是优质建筑材料的火山石。




  • 《阿尔巴·隆加希腊罗马地理词典》(1854年)威廉·史密斯,法学博士,Ed。
  • 罗伯特·J·埃奇沃斯的《阿斯卡尼厄斯的母亲》;赫尔墨斯,129。《屋宇署判例汇编》,H.2(2001),第246-250页。
  • 《罗马宗教:第2卷,原始资料集》,玛丽·比尔德、约翰·诺斯和S.R.F.普赖斯著;剑桥大学出版社:1998年。

  • 发表于 2021-09-21 00:04
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  • 分类:历史



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