
从拉丁语“连接在一起”开始,共轭(发音:kon je GA shen)指的是动词对人称、数字、时态和语气的屈折变化,也称为动词范式。...

从拉丁语“连接在一起”开始,共轭(发音:kon je GA shen)指的是动词对人称、数字、时态和语气的屈折变化,也称为动词范式。

A chart featuring many conjugations for the verb "to love"




"Remember when in grade school our teachers had us and the rest of class conjugate verbs? Together we pledged or maybe mumbled, 'I talk, You talk, He/She/It talks, We talk, You talk, They talk.' Whatever language we were learning, at whatever age, conjugation taught us proper use of verb 'tenses,' which in English are time distinctions grouped broadly by past, present, or future; also, each verb had to be connected to a personal pronoun acting as its subject." (Davis)


"Conjugation means breaking a verb down into its different forms to show person, number, tense, and voice." "All verbs have three basic forms, which are called their principal parts. From these basic forms, you can make up the tense of any verb. The first principal part is the verb itself. This is the part with which you are most familiar: form, change, discuss. The second principal part is the past tense form. The third principal part is the past participle." (Williams)


"Frankly (and sadly) most of us learned basic conjugation in foreign-language class. We learned to conjugate verbs in Spanish, French, or Latin. Unfortunately, many people did not learn basic conjugation in English class. Some did not learn correct conjugation." "When you conjugate a verb, you have to cover all three aspects of finiteness: time (that's tense), people (that's person, as in first person, second person, and third person), and quantity (that's number, either singular or plural." (Good)


"Let us consider [...] the verbal paradigm in English to see how a paradigm works. A verb in English has several forms. The verb see has the forms 'see,' 'sees,' 'seeing,' 'saw,' and '(have) seen.' We take the lexical item itself to be see, which we pronounce 'see.' Some of the forms of see are entirely predictable, some are not. When a form is predictable from the morphological paradigm, we say that it is regular; when a form is not predictable, it is irregular. So the form 'seen' is not predictable as the past participle (She has never seen Paris like this), nor is the form 'saw' as the past tense." "On the other hand, a verb like talk is completely regular: 'talk,' 'talks,' 'talking,' 'talked,' and '(have) talked.' We want to capture the fact that 'saw' and 'talked' are both past tense forms, even though one is irregular and the other one is regular." (Culicover)


"Rupinder continued to dominate the class, but she didn't seem to be learning anything. On a quiz at the end of the week she tried to conjugate the verb wake. Wake, she wrote. Past tense: woke. Past participle: wank. I didn't have the heart to tell her she was wrong." (Dixon)


"I cut class, you cut class, he, she, it cuts class. We cut class, they cut class. We all cut class. I cannot say this in Spanish because I did not go to Spanish today. Gracias a dios. Hasta luego." (Anderson)


  • 安德森,劳里·哈尔斯。说吧。Farrar、Straus和Giroux,1999年。
  • Culicover,Peter W.自然语言语法。牛津大学,2009年。
  • 戴维斯,鲍勃。你的写作很好。国际,2014年。
  • 迪克森,格伦。文字宫殿中的朝圣者:穿越地球6000种语言的旅程。邓德恩,2009年。
  • 好,C·爱德华。给你和我的语法书。。。哎呀,我人生成功所需要的一切。首都,2002年。
  • 麦克阿瑟、汤姆等,编辑。牛津英语之友。牛津大学第二版,2018年。
  • 威廉姆斯,凯伦·施奈特。基础英语复习。第9版,圣吉,2010年。
  • 发表于 2021-09-21 00:27
  • 阅读 ( 245 )
  • 分类:语言


如何法语中的共轭动词(conjugate verbs in french)

...中的主要动词可能会随着主语和上下文的变化而变化。在语法中,这个过程叫做共轭。法语动词也有变位。在这里,我们将学习如何在法语中修饰动词。然而,在学习变位之前,了解充当主语的不同代词是很重要的。 法语主语...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 09:16
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学习语言很有趣。然而,只有那些能够理解语法和句法的人才能轻松地写出和说出正确意义上的任何语言。我们中的许多人可能认为语法和句法是同一个术语,然而,这两者之间有着本质的区别。语法(syntax) vs. 语法(grammar)句法...

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...定语言系统中句子结构的集中研究。形态学(morphology) vs. 语法(syntax)词法和句法的区别在于它们在语言系统中的功能。词法是研究语言系统中单词产生的意义的规则框架,而句法是指控制语**确句子形成的规则。句法是指以特定的...

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将不规则的法语动词“se纪念品”(to memory)变位

...复合变位,包括助词être和过去分词souvenu的一种形式。 语法术语“代词”实际上意味着“与代词有关”。在这种情况下,它是一个反身代词。所以代词动词需要主语代词和反身代词,如下所示: 有理智的习惯&燃气轮机;...

  • 发布于 2021-09-08 15:50
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...大量的变位,这本书很好,但强烈建议你不要用它来学习语法。 04 05的 法语动词蓝皮书:333个完全变位动词,第1版 这本易于使用的袖珍书为初级和中级学习者提供了全面、清晰的信息。它提供了333个常用法语动词的完...

  • 发布于 2021-09-08 20:27
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...应用到这个动词上。 任何变位的目的都是将动词转换成语法正确的形式,使其对句子有意义。这意味着行动是何时发生的,是谁干的。这是通过在动词词干(或词根)上添加各种结尾来实现的。问题是法语给了你一个新的形式...

  • 发布于 2021-09-08 21:11
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如何将法语的“accueillir”(表示欢迎)(conjugate the french "accueillir" (to welcome))

...lir这样的不规则动词的问题是没有定义的模式。这是法语语法规则中以-ir结尾的动词的罕见例外。这意味着您需要记住每个共轭,而不是依赖于模式和规则。 不过,别担心。通过一点研究,你会发现这个动词有一些模式,并会...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 02:28
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...你的法语词汇中是个好主意。 关键是要在正确的法语语法中使用quitter,你需要学习它的变化。虽然这对一些学生来说可能有些吓人,但这一点相对容易,我们将为您提供所需的基本要素。 quitter的基本共轭 在所有的法语动...

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...而不是不正确的“他做了,她做了,他们是” 什么是语法中的“人”('person' in grammar)? 在语法中,“人”是指用来修饰动词的不同代词:我、你、他、她、它、我们、他们。阅读更多关于法语主语代词的文章,更好地理解这...

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...正式讲话中发音像i。例如,现在时态中的第一人称复数变位为buceamos,但您可能会听到它的发音为buciamos,或者第一人称单数变位为buciée。拼写保持不变,但非正式发音可能有所不同。 在本文中,您可以找到在现在、过去、条...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 18:06
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