


Business negotiations go well though clear communication



"Why have so many scholars, from so many fields, studied communicative competence within so many relational, institutional, and cultural contexts? Our hunch is that scholars, as well as the contemporary Western societies in which most live and work, widely accept the following tacit beliefs: (a) within any situation, not all things that can be said and done are equally competent; (b) success in personal and professional relationships depends, in no small part, on communicative competence; and (c) most people display incompetence in at least a few situations, and a smaller number are judged incompetent across many situations." (Wilson and Sabee) "By far the most important development in TESOL has been the emphasis on a communicative approach in language teaching (Coste, 1976; Roulet, 1972; Widdowson, 1978). The one thing that everyone is certain about is the necessity to use language for communicative purposes in the classroom. Consequently, the concern for teaching linguistic competence has widened to include communicative competence, the socially appropriate use of language, and the methods reflect this shift from form to function." (Paulston)


"We have then to account for the fact that a normal child acquires knowledge of sentences not only as grammatical, but also as appropriate. He or she acquires competence as to when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where, in what manner. In short, a child becomes able to accomplish a repertoire of speech acts, to take part in speech events, and to evaluate their accomplishment by others. This competence, moreover, is integral with attitudes, values, and motivations concerning language, its features and uses, and integral with competence for, and attitudes toward, the interrelation of language with the other code of communicative conduct."(Hymes)


在《第二语言教学和测试交际法的理论基础》(应用语言学,1980年)中,Michael Canale和Merrill Swain确定了交际能力的四个组成部分:

(i) Grammatical competence includes knowledge of phonology, orthography, vocabulary, word formation and sentence formation. (ii) Sociolinguistic competence includes knowledge of sociocultural rules of use. It is concerned with the learners' ability to handle for example settings, topics and communicative functions in different sociolinguistic contexts. In addition, it deals with the use of appropriate grammatical forms for different communicative functions in different sociolinguistic contexts. (iii) Discourse competence is related to the learners' mastery of understanding and producing texts in the modes of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It deals with cohesion and coherence in different types of texts. (iv) Strategic competence refers to compensatory strategies in case of grammatical or sociolinguistic or discourse difficulties, such as the use of reference sources, grammatical and lexical paraphrase, requests for repetition, clarification, slower speech, or problems in addressing strangers when unsure of their social status or in finding the right cohesion devices. It is also concerned with such performance factors as coping with the nuisance of background noise or using gap fillers. (Peterwagner)


  • 卡纳尔、迈克尔和梅里尔·斯温。“第二语言教学和测试交际法的理论基础”,《应用语言学》,1980年3月1日,第一期,第1-47页,doi:10.1093/applin/I.1.1。
  • 乔姆斯基,诺姆。句法理论的几个方面。麻省理工学院,1965年。
  • 语言与社会生活互动的模式〉,《社会语言学方向:交流的民族志》,约翰·J·甘佩兹和戴尔·海姆斯编辑,威利·布莱克威尔,1991年,第35-71页。
  • 《社会语言学:选读》,约翰·伯纳德·普莱德和珍妮特·霍姆斯编辑,企鹅出版社,1985年,第269-293页。
  • 保尔斯顿,克里斯蒂娜·布拉特。语言学与交际能力:ESL的主题。多语文事项,1992年。
  • 彼得瓦格纳,莱因霍尔德。交际能力有什么问题?:一项旨在鼓励英语教师评估其教学基础的分析。利特·维朗,2005年。
  • 编辑Rickheit、Gert和Hans Strohner。交际能力手册:应用语言学手册。德格鲁伊特,2010年。
  • 威尔逊、史蒂文R.和克里斯蒂娜M.萨比。“将交际能力解释为一个理论术语”,《交际和社会互动技能手册》,约翰·O·格林和布兰特·雷尼·伯莱森编辑,劳伦斯·厄尔鲍姆协会,2003年,第3-50页。
  • 发表于 2021-09-21 01:42
  • 阅读 ( 248 )
  • 分类:语言


肢体语言(body language)和副语言(paralanguage)的区别

...别(main difference body language) vs. 副语言(paralanguage) 非言语交际是无需言语的信息交流。肢体语言和副语言是非言语交际的两个重要范畴。肢体语言是指一个人的手势、面部表情和姿势。副语言是指言语的非词汇成分,如音调、音...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 20:15
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...lary)? 词汇是指一个人所知道的某一种语言或某一领域的词汇表。因此,词汇主要是人们对有助于日常交流的词汇的认识。或者简言之,词汇是一个人语言中熟悉的一组单词。 因此,与词汇不同,词汇是指一种语言中所有单词...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 17:33
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...差异的比较 关键术语 分析研究,语篇,语言学,语篇,交际 什么是一篇课文(a text)? 文本包括一些信息,特别是书面形式或印刷形式。因此,值得注意的是,文本的代理人并不重要:可能有代理人,也可能没有代理人。而代...

  • 发布于 2021-07-01 00:26
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第一语言(first language)和第二语言习得(second language acquisition)的区别

...是人类认识语言、理解语言、产生和使用词汇和句子进行交际的过程。所有的人都有学习语言的能力。正是这种能力使他们区别于所有其他生物。 覆盖的关键领域 1.什么是第一语言习得-定义、特征、理论2。什么是第二语言习得...

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 13:29
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言语交际(verbal communication)和书面沟通(written communication)的区别

...交流和书面交流是交流思想和观点的两种基本方式。言语交际(verbal communication) vs. 书面沟通(written communication)言语交际(verbal communication)和书面交际是指,口头交际是指运用语音语调或口头话语来交流思想,书面交际是指我们通过...

  • 发布于 2021-07-11 01:54
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言语交际(verbal communication)和电子通信(electronic communication)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-11 02:59
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口头交流(oral communication)和公开演讲(public speaking)的区别

...是通过正确使用符号和符号在群体中发展意义的行为。在交际的类型中,一种是口语交际,另一种是公开演讲。口头交流(oral communication) vs. 公开演讲(public speaking)口语交际和公共演讲的区别在于:;当有人口头上分享信息、想法...

  • 发布于 2021-07-11 16:09
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...常被理解为一个总括性术语,用来描述在某种语言中进行交际的各种因素。例如,拼写、标点符号、词汇等都被认为是语法的一部分,或语法本身。通过任何语言进行专家交流的进展取决于对其语法部分的掌握。 和其他语言一...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 20:33
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...极倾听 评估 协作 解释 人际关系的 演示 团队合作 言语交际 书面通信 创造力 批判性思维通常涉及创造力和创新。您可能需要在您正在查看的信息中发现模式,或者提出一个以前没有人想到过的解决方案。所有这些都涉及到...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 04:03
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...进行的,这会让学生更快地融入语言和文化。一页一页的词汇表和对语法的强调有助于学生的语言习得。三个级别,每个级别都有教科书、工作簿、词汇表、教师手册和录音带。 Deutsch aktuell(MS/HS)出版:EMC/Paradigm。第五版(2...

  • 发布于 2021-09-08 12:59
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