如何用英语表达未来时间(express future time in english)

据传说,法国语法学家多米尼克·鲍霍斯的最后一句话是“jevais ou Je vas mourir;l'un et l'autre se dit,ou se disent”。在英语中,这是“我将要死,或者我将要死。两种表达方式都可以使用。”...

据传说,法国语法学家多米尼克·鲍霍斯的最后一句话是“jevais ou Je vas mourir;l'un et l'autre se dit,ou se disent”。在英语中,这是“我将要死,或者我将要死。两种表达方式都可以使用。”

Leaving the house



  1. 简单的礼物:我们今晚动身去亚特兰大。
  2. 现在的进步:我们把孩子留给路易斯。
  3. 情态动词will(或shall)与动词的基本形式:I’ll leave you some money。
  4. 情态动词will(或shall)与进行式连用:我给你留张支票。
  5. 不定式的一种形式:我们的航班是晚上10点起飞。
  6. 半助词,如动词的基本形式to to或to to:我们要给你父亲留个便条。



  • “[M]从形态上讲,英语没有动词的未来形式,此外,还有现在和过去的形式……因此,在这个语法中,我们不把未来作为一个形式范畴来讨论……”(Randolph Quirk等人,《当代英语语法》,朗文,1985年)
  • “我们不承认英语中的将来时态……这里没有一个语法范畴可以正确地分析为将来时态。更具体地说,我们认为will(和shall)是语气的助词,而不是时态。”(罗德尼·赫德尔斯顿和杰弗里·普勒姆,《剑桥英语语法》,剑桥大学出版社,2002年)
  • “英语动词没有像其他语言那样的将来时态结尾……”(罗纳德·卡特和迈克尔·麦卡锡,《剑桥英语语法》,剑桥大学出版社,2006年)
  • “英语没有将来时态,因为它没有将来时态的变化,就像许多其他语言一样,也没有任何其他语法形式或形式组合,只能称为将来时态。”(Bas Aarts,《牛津现代英语语法》,牛津大学出版社,2011年)

这种对未来时态的否认可能听起来自相矛盾(如果不是完全悲观的话),但核心论点取决于我们标记和定义时态的方式。我会让David Crystal解释:

How many tenses of the verb are there in English? If your automatic reaction is to say "three, at least", past, present, and future, you are showing the influence of the Latinate grammatical tradition. . . . [I]n traditional grammar, [t]ense was thought of as the grammatical expression of time, and identified by a particular set of endings on the verb. In Latin there were present tense endings . . ., future tense endings . . ., perfect tense endings . . ., and several others marking different tense forms. English, by contrast, has only one inflectional form to express time: the past tense marker (typically -ed), as in walked, jumped, and saw. There is therefore a two-way tense contrast in English: I walk vs I walked: present tense vs past tense. . . . However people find it extremely difficult to drop the notion of "future tense" (and related notions, such as imperfect, future perfect, and pluperfect tenses) from their mental vocabulary, and to look for other ways of talking about the grammatical realities of the English verb. (The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003)

因此,从这个角度来看(请记住,并非所有语言学家都完全同意),英语没有将来时态。但这是学生和教师需要关注的问题吗?考虑Martin Endley对EFL教师的建议:

[T]here is no harm done if you continue to refer to the English future tense in your classroom. Students have quite enough to think about without being troubled by such matters and there is little sense in adding to their burden needlessly. Yet, underlying the dispute is an important issue that does have an obvious bearing on the classroom, namely, the difference between the way the present and past tenses are marked on the one hand, and the way the (so-called) future tense is marked on the other. (Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar: A Guide for EFL Teachers. Information Age, 2010)


  • 发表于 2021-09-21 05:38
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  • 分类:语言


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