


Statue of Lycurgus, lawgiver of Sparta, at the Law Courts of Brussels



So seriously did the Lacedaemonian children go about their stealing, that a youth, having stolen a young fox and hid it under his coat, suffered it to tear out his very bowels with its teeth and claws, and died upon the place, rather than let it be seen. (Plutarch, "Life of Lycurgus")


The Iren, or under-master, used to stay a little with them after supper, and one of them he bade to sing a song, to another he put a question which required an advised and deliberate answer; for example, Who was the best man in the city? What he thought of such an action of such a man? They used them thus early to pass a right judgment upon persons and things, and to inform themselves of the abilities or defects of their countrymen. If they had not an answer ready to the question Who was a good or who an ill-reputed citizen, they were looked upon as of a dull and careless disposition, and to have little or no sense of virtue and honor; besides this, they were to give a good reason for what they said, and in as few words and as comprehensive as might be; he that failed of this, or answered not to the purpose, had his thumb bit by his master. Sometimes the Iren did this in the presence of the old men and magistrates, that they might see whether he punished them justly and in due measure or not; and when he did amiss, they would not reprove him before the boys, but, when they were gone, he was called to an account and underwent correction, if he had run far into either of the extremes of indulgence or severity. (Plutarch, "Life of Lycurgus")







Hitherto I, for my part, see no sign of injustice or want of equity in the laws of Lycurgus, though some who admit them to be well contrived to make good soldiers, pronounce them defective in point of justice. The Cryptia, perhaps (if it were one of Lycurgus's ordinances, as Aristotle says it was), Gave both him and Plato, too, this opinion alike of the lawgiver and his government. By this ordinance, the magistrates dispatched privately some of the ablest of the young men into the country, from time to time, armed only with their daggers, and taking a little necessary provision with them; in the daytime, they hid themselves in out-of-the-way places, and there lay close, but, in the night, issued out into the highways, and killed all the Helots they could light upon; sometimes they set upon them by day, as they were at work in the fields, and murdered them. As, also, Thucydides, in his history of the Peloponnesian war, tells us, that a good number of them, after being singled out for their bravery by the Spartans, garlanded, as enfranchised persons, and led about to all the temples in token of honors, shortly after disappeared all of a sudden, being about the number of two thousand; and no man either then or since could give an account how they came by their deaths. And Aristotle, in particular, adds, that the ephori, so soon as they were entered into their office, used to declare war against them, that they might be massacred without a breach of religion. (Plutarch, "Life of Lycurgus")


  • 卡特里奇,保罗。“斯巴达寡头政治中的识字”,《希腊研究杂志》,第98卷,1978年11月,第25-37页。
  • 康斯坦丁尼杜,索特罗拉。《斯巴达祭祀舞蹈中的酒神元素》,《凤凰》,第52卷,第1/2期,1998年春夏,第15-30页。
  • 托马斯·菲盖拉:《斯巴达的饮食贡献与生存》,《美国语言学协会学报》(1974-2014年),第114卷,1984年,第87-109页。
  • 哈雷,T.卢瑟福。“斯巴达公立学校”,《希腊与罗马》,第3卷,第9期,1934年5月,第129-139页。
  • 惠特利,詹姆斯。《克里特法律与克里特文化》,《美国考古学杂志》,第101卷,第4期,1997年10月,第635-661页。

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