
欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的小说《钟声为谁而鸣》(the Bell Toll)出版于1940年,讲述了年轻的美国游击队战士兼爆破专家罗伯特·乔丹(Robert Jordan)在西班牙内战期间策划在袭击塞戈维亚市时炸毁一座桥的故事。...

欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的小说《钟声为谁而鸣》(the Bell Toll)出版于1940年,讲述了年轻的美国游击队战士兼爆破专家罗伯特·乔丹(Robert Jordan)在西班牙内战期间策划在袭击塞戈维亚市时炸毁一座桥的故事。

On the set of "For Whom the Bell Tolls"







"There was very little of it left and one cup of it took the place of the evening papers, of all the old evenings in cafés, of all chestnut trees that would be in bloom now in this month, of the great slow horses of the outer boulevards, of book shops, of kiosques, and of galleries, of the Parc Montsouris, of the Stade Buffalo, and of the Butte Chaumont, of the Guaranty Trust Company and the Ile de la Cité, of Foyot's old hotel, and of being able to read and relax in the evening; of all things he had enjoyed and forgotten and that came back to him when he tasted that opaque, bitter, tongue-numbing, brain-warming, stomach-warming, idea-changing liquid alchemy."



"You only heard the statement of the loss. You did not see the father fall as Pilar made him see the fascists die in that story she had told by the stream. You knew the father died in some courtyard, or against some wall, or in some field or orchard, or at night, in the lights of a truck, beside some road. You had seen the lights of the car from down the hills and heard the shooting and afterwards you had come down to the road and found the bodies. You did not see the mother shot, nor the sister, nor the brother. You heard about it; you heard the shots; and you saw the bodies."



"It was like the excitement of the battle except it was clean...In a snowstorm it always seemed, for a time, as though there were no enemies. In a snowstorm the wind could blow a gale; but it blew a white cleanness and the air was full of a driving whiteness and all things were changed and when the wind stopped there would be the stillness. This was a big storm and he might as well enjoy it. It was ruining everything, but you might as well enjoy it."



"Living was a hawk in the sky. Living was an earthen jar of water in the dust of the threshing with the grain flailed out and the chaff blowing. Living was a horse between your legs and a carbine under one leg and a hill and a valley and a stream with trees along it and the far side of the valley and the hills beyond."


"From it, from the palm of her hand against the palm of his, from their fingers locked together, and from her wrist across his wrist something came from her hand, her fingers and her wrist to his that was as fresh as the first light air that moving toward you over the sea barely wrinkles the glassy surface of a calm, as light as a feather moved across one's lip, or a leaf falling when there is no breeze; so light that it could be felt with the touch of their fingers alone, but that was so strengthened, so intensified, and made so urgent, so aching and so strong by the hard pressure of their fingers and the close pressed palm and wrist, that it was as though a current moved up his arm and filled his whole body with an aching hollowness of wanting."


Maria: "I die each time. Do you not die?" Jordan: "No. Almost. But did thee feel the earth move?" Maria: "Yes. As I died."

  • 发表于 2021-09-21 19:58
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...YouTube频道)上的观众都听到了Metallica 1984年的一首曲子“钟声为谁而鸣”的表演。在Metallica出现期间,几个播放BlizzCon的Twitch拖缆将其静音,以避免任何潜在的DMCA问题。 但在同样承载着这股潮流的Twitch游戏上,事情发生了惊人...

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...,约翰。在紧急情况下的奉献。1624 海明威,欧内斯特。钟声为谁而鸣。查尔斯·斯克里布纳的儿子,1940年。 琼森,本。《诗人》,1601年。 昆茨,迪恩。离天堂只有一扇门。班塔姆图书,2001年。 弥尔顿,约翰。失乐园。塞缪...

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