


Geysers and tourists on the boardwalk in Norris Basin in Yellowstone Park




"Arm in arm, the King and Bartholomew went down to the counting room to count out the gold."


"Keep all trash and garbage away from your cat, and your cat out of trash cans and garbage bins."


"She considered, maybe for the first time, how lucky she was to be able to pick up the phone and call her mother whenever she needed some bad advice."

(Brady Udall,《孤独的一夫多妻主义者》,W.W.诺顿,2010)

"The novel manufactured to entertain great multitudes of people must be considered exactly like a cheap soap or a cheap perfume, or cheap furniture."


"I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made the grade, and though the news was rather sad, well I just had to laugh."



" - Abstractions: democracy, education, health, knowledge, love An education is of utmost importance. Education is crucial to economic security. - Groups of things: clothing, equipment, garbage, homework, money, traffic The homework for French class is time-consuming. I spend a lot of time doing homework. - Substances: air, blood, coffee, ice, rice, tea, water, wood This tea is watery. She prefers tea for breakfast."


"[T]here is a resolute sadness between X and me that our marriage is over, a sadness that does not feel sad."



"Some noncount nouns accept the indefinite article when they are modified . . ., e.g.: They are doing a brisk business. (NOT * a business.)​ In some cases no modification seems to be required. In the following example, however, modification is in fact implied:​ She has had an education. ['a good education']"


"How do you go to a woman who lives at the foot of a mountain of sadness and shovel more around her ankles, the sadnesses of strangers?"



"What about 'a loaf of bread' or 'a slice of bread'? Aren't these count nouns? The noncount noun, e.g. bread is still a noncount noun. What has happened is that we have added a quantifiying phrase, a loaf or a slice, before the noncount noun, bread. "Many noncount nouns can be quantified, that is made countable, by adding certain phrases before them: a grain of sand, three bottles of water, a piece of advice. When one of these phrases comes before a noun, we call the entire group of words a noun phrase."

(Andrea DeCapua,《教师语法:母语和非母语人士美式英语指南》,斯普林格,2008)


"Non-count nouns are often called 'mass' nouns. We have preferred 'non-count,' in part because it reflects clearly the test we use for determining whether a noun is count or non-count, in part because 'mass' is not suitable for the full range of non-count nouns. The term 'mass' is readily applicable with nouns like water or coal that denote substances but it is less evident that it applies transparently to abstract non-count nouns such as knowledge, spelling, work."


  • 发表于 2021-09-22 17:57
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对象(object)和英语语法补语(complement in english grammar)的区别

英语语法中宾语和补语的主要区别在于宾语是影响主语行为的因素,而补语是句中的一部分,通常在动词后面,增加了主语或宾语的信息。 在英语的语法和句法中,我们遇到各种各样的术语。宾语和补语是英语语法中的两个术...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 20:04
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...指的是句子中正在讨论的任何人或事物。 名词和主语是英语语法中两个非常重要的词类。句子的主语可以是名词,也可以是代词,通过观察主语可以了解句子。句子中可以使用各种类型的名词,如普通名词、专有名词、集合名...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 03:22
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...而不能吃两个意大利面?还是两袋大米而不是两袋大米?英语语法中的大多数名词都像单词plate和bag:它们可以被计算。被称为计数名词的名词既有单数形式也有复数形式,如“一颗钻石”和“四颗钻石” 不可数名词 但也有...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 17:47
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...你提交给课堂的实际文档时,它看起来更具体。”-导航英语语法,2014年。 名词定语 定语名词是在另一个名词前面充当形容词的名词,如“托儿所”和“生日聚会” 因为有这么多名词可以作为形容词的等价物,所以将定语...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 09:54
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在英语语法中,名词是一个词类(或词类),用来命名或识别一个人、地方、事物、性质、想法或活动。大多数名词既有单数形式,也有复数形式,前面可以有冠词和/或一个或多个形容词,可以作为名词短语的开头。 名词或...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 01:25
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比较这两句话: 学习英语有时很无聊。 学习英语有时很无聊。 这两个句子都用来对一项学习英语的活动作一般性陈述。以下是两种形式的概述: 第一种形式:动名词+宾语+'to'变位+(频率副词)+形容词 示例: 打网...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 08:50
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  • 发布于 2021-09-22 05:11
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什么是语法中的分部词?(partitives in grammar?)

在英语语法中,分部词是一个词或短语(如“some of”或“a slice of”),表示某事物的一部分或数量与整体不同。分部词也称为“分部名词”或“分部名词短语”,来自拉丁语“partitus”,意思是“与一个部分有关” 分部词既...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 20:47
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...和行为命名为“(O'Dwyer 2006)。 例子 下面摘自《分析英语语法》的一段话给出了一个“临界情况”的例子,在两种不同的语境中,一个词可以被视为动名词或分词,但它们只是略有不同。语言学家如何判断不寻常的或边缘的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 01:46
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...中等数量,以及少和少指小数量……”(罗恩·考恩,《英语教师语法:教程和参考指南》,剑桥大学出版社,2008年) 分部词和量词:一致性 “事实上,部分结构与由of构成的包含词和量词之间存在着某种模糊的区别。在一...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 17:28
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