如何用“and”或“but”开头一句话(begin a sentence with 'and' or 'but')



Close-Up Of Ampersand Symbol On Table

哈佛大学修辞学家亚当斯·谢尔曼·希尔(Adams Sherman Hill)在一个多世纪前也提出了同样的观点:“有时反对在句子开头使用but或and;但对于这一点,有很多很好的用法”(修辞原则,1896年)。事实上,至少早在10世纪,以连词开头的句子就已经很普遍了。



Never begin a sentence with a conjunction of any kind, especially one of the FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so ).


但至少这位教授有好朋友。威廉·肖恩(William Shawn)是《纽约客》杂志的长期编辑,在职业生涯早期,他喜欢将句子的首字母but转换成howevers。正如本·雅戈达(Ben Yagoda)在《当你抓住一个形容词时,杀死它》一书中所报道的那样,肖恩的习惯激发了该杂志的一位作家圣克莱尔·麦克尔韦(St.Clair McKelway)撰写了这篇“慷慨激昂的辩护”,但:

If you are trying for an effect which comes from having built up a small pile of pleasant possibilities which you then want to push over as quickly as possible, dashing the reader's hopes that he is going to get out of a nasty situation as easily as you have intentionally led him to believe, you have got to use the word "but" and it is usually more effective if you begin the sentence with it. "But love is tricky" means one thing, and "however, love is tricky" means another — or at least gives the reader a different sensation. "However" indicates a philosophical sigh; "but" presents an insuperable obstacle. . . . "But," when used as I used it in these two places, is, as a matter of fact, a wonderful word. In three letters it says a little of "however," and also "be that as it may," and also "here's something you weren't expecting" and a number of other phrases along that line. There is no substitute for it. It is short and ugly and common. But I love it.




  • 发表于 2021-09-28 16:23
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