


Blue-fronted Amazon parrot


Telemachus: "We're waiting for Odysseus to come home." Antinuous: "You're waiting for who to do what?" From "The Comeback" by Albert Ramsdell Gurney Mary: "What do you want?" George Bailey: "What do I want? Why, I'm just here to get warm, that's all!" From "It's a Wonderful Life" Holden: "I used to play checkers with her all the time." Stradlater: "You used to play what with her all the time?" Holden: "Checkers." From "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, 1951


"We use echo questions either because we did not fully hear or understand what was said, or because its content is too surprising to be believed. A: It cost $5,000. B: How much did it cost? A: His son's an osteopath. B: His son's a what? Echo questions are usually spoken with a rising intonation and with a strong emphasis on the wh-word (what, who, how, and so on)." From "A Glossary of Grammar Terms" by Geoffrey Leech, Edinburgh University Press, 2006


"Consider the following dialogue: A: He had said someone would do something. B: He had said who would do what? Speaker B largely echoes what Speaker A says, except for replacing someone by who and something by what. For obvious reasons, the type of question produced by speaker B is called an echo question. However, speaker B could alternatively have replied with a non-echo question like, 'Who had he said would do what?' "If we compare the echo question, He had said who would do what? with the corresponding non-echo question Who had, he said would do what? we find that the latter involves two movement operations which are not found previously. One is an auxiliary inversion operation by which the past-tense auxiliary had is moved in front of its subject he. The other is a wh-movement operation by which the wh-word who is moved to the front of the overall sentence, and positioned in front of had." From "English Syntax: An Introduction" by Geoffrey Leech, Cambridge University Press, 2004


"A speaker may question a question by repeating it with a rising intonation. Note that we use normal question structures with inverted word order, not indirect question structures, in this case. " 'Where are you going?' 'Where am I going? Home.' 'What does he want?' 'What does he want? Money as usual.' 'Are you tired?' 'Am I tired? Of course not.' 'Do squirrels eat insects?' 'Do squirrels eat insects? I'm not sure.' " From "Practical English Usage" by Michael Swan, Oxford University Press, 1995
  • 发表于 2021-10-04 04:34
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  • 分类:语言



... 一旦**Echo Show,您需要选择一种语言,输入Wi-Fi凭据,并使用触摸屏输入您的Amazon帐户信息。由于Echo Show只能由Prime会员购买,因此需要一个帐户才能使用该设备。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 11:14
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...。你正在设置一个回声点,所以选择这个选项。确认您的语言选项,然后点击连接到Wi-Fi按钮。因为你早些时候就插上了你的设备,光环已经是橙色了。按继续按钮。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 20:33
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...用云来回答您的问题。与Alexa不同,googleassistant使用自然语言处理,提高了可靠性。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 09:42
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...发展。亚马逊最近发表了一篇文章,解释了语音合成标记语言(SSML)的重大更新。与用于网站文本的HTML一样,SSML是一种控制Echo等设备上语音发音的语言。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 17:07
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facebook门户、googlehome hub和amazon echo show的对比

...亮度。你甚至可以问谷歌任何问题,在你选择30种不同的语言。HomeHub将显示一个答案以及一系列建议的后续问题。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-21 11:18
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...欢口音。谢天谢地,你可以定制Alexa的演讲,包括口音、语言、节奏,甚至把声音改成名人的声音,所有这些都只需几个简单的步骤。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 02:21
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...唤醒字。这个唤醒字检测包括一个运行的缓冲区,缓冲区中的最后几秒钟的音频,虽然这个数据从来没有传输到任何地方,并删除了新的音频进来。实际上,您的回声上存储的音频永远不会超过最后几秒钟。 相关:如何让Alexa更...

  • 发布于 2021-04-07 06:20
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...很好的语音驱动个人助理和硬件平台组合,但即使是Echo中的敏感麦克风也有其局限性。通过配套的语音遥控器扩展回声的范围,实现全方位的功能。 我为什么要这么做? 如果你住在一个小公寓里,本教程并不适合你,因为中...

  • 发布于 2021-04-10 02:39
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亚马逊正在更新Alexa,以允许它在更多语言之间自动切换。这个更新是在11月份的一系列小的Alexa添加之后进行的,增加了功能,使Alexa更加有用。 Alexa在2019年首次获得自动响应英语和其他语言请求的能力。但是,您一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 23:49
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 02:34
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