什么是语言障碍(单词厌恶)?(logomisia (word aversion)?)



logomisia (word aversion)



"A Web site called Visual Thesaurus asked its readers to rate how much they like or dislike certain words. And the second-most-hated word was moist. (A friend once said that she dislikes cake mixes that are advertised as being 'extra-moist' because that basically means 'super-dank.') Oh, and the most-hated word of all was hate. So a lot of people hate hate." (Bart King, The Big Book of Gross Stuff. Gibbs Smith, 2010) "My mother. She hates balloons and the word moist. She considers it pornographic." (Ellen Muth as George Lass in Dead Like Me, 2002)


"My own word aversion is longstanding, and several decades from the first time I heard it I still pull back, like the flanges of a freshly opened oyster. It is the verb to drool, when applied to written prose, and especially to anything I myself have written. Very nice people have told me, for a long time now, that some things they have read of mine, in books or magazines, have made them drool. . . . "I . . . should be grateful, and even humble, that I have reminded people of what fun it is, vicariously or not, to eat/live. Instead I am revolted. I see a slavering slobbering maw. It dribbles helplessly, in a Pavlovian response. It drools." (M.F.K. Fisher, "As the Lingo Languishes." The State of the Language, ed. by Leonard Michaels and Christopher B. Ricks. University of California Press, 1979)


"There are people who dislike the sound of certain words—they would enjoy eating cheese if it had a different name, but so long as it is called cheese, they will have none of it." (Samuel Engle Burr, An Introduction to College. Burgess, 1949)


"Suck was a queer word. The fellow called Simon Moonan that name because Simon Moonan used to tie the prefect's false sleeves behind his back and the prefect used to let on to be angry. But the sound was ugly. Once he had washed his hands in the lavatory of the Wicklow Hotel and his father pulled the stopper up by the chain after and the dirty water went down through the hole in the basin. And when it had all gone down slowly the hole in the basin had made a sound like that: suck. Only louder." (James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 1916)


"Jason Riggle, a professor in the department of linguistics at the University of Chicago, says word aversions are similar to phobias. 'If there is a single central hallmark to this, it’s probably that it’s a more visceral response,' he says. 'The [words] evoke nausea and disgust rather than, say, annoyance or moral outrage. And the disgust response is triggered because the word evokes a highly specific and somewhat unusual association with imagery or a scenario that people would typically find disgusting—but don’t typically associate with the word.' These aversions, Riggle adds, don’t seem to be elicited solely by specific letter combinations or word characteristics. 'If we collected enough of [these words], it might be the case that the words that fall in this category have some properties in common,' he says. 'But it’s not the case that words with those properties in common always fall in the category.'" (Matthew J.X. Malady, "Why Do We Hate Certain Words?" Slate, April 1, 2013)


  • 发表于 2021-10-05 09:55
  • 阅读 ( 213 )
  • 分类:语言



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