


young people holding champagne flutes and celebrating with Mardi Gras masks

罗纳德·沃德豪(Ronald Wardhaugh)和珍妮特·富勒(Janet Fuller)指出,“民族方言不仅仅是大多数语言的外国口音,因为他们的许多说话者很可能是大多数语言的单语说话者……民族方言是大多数语言的群体内说话方式”(社会语言学导论,2015年)。



"People who live in one place talk differently from people in another place due largely to the settlement patterns of that area--the linguistic characteristics of the people who settled there are the primary influence on that dialect, and the speech of most people in that area shares similar dialect features. However, . . . African American English is spoken primarily by Americans of African descent; its unique characteristics were due initially to settlement patterns as well but now persist due to the social isolation of African Americans and the historical discrimination against them. African American English is therefore more accurately defined as an ethnic dialect than as a regional one."



"The desegregation of ethnic communities is an ongoing process in American society that continually brings speakers of different groups into closer contact. However, the result of contact is not always the erosion of ethnic dialect boundaries. Ethnolinguistic distinctiveness can be remarkably persistent, even in face of sustained, daily inter-ethnic contact. Ethnic dialect varieties are a product of cultural and individual identity as well as a matter of simple contact. One of the dialect lessons of the twentieth century is that speakers of ethnic varieties like Ebonics not only have maintained but have even enhanced their linguistic distinctiveness over the past half century."


"Although no other ethnic dialect has been studied to the extent that AAVE has, we know that there are other ethnic groups in the United States with distinctive linguistic characteristics: Jews, Italians, Germans, Latinos, Vietnamese, Native Americans, and Arabs are some examples. In these cases the distinctive characteristics of English are traceable to another language, such as Jewish English oy vay from Yiddish or the southeastern Pennsylvania Dutch (actually German) Make the window shut. In some cases, the immigrant populations are too new to determine what lasting effects the first language will have on English. And, of course, we must always keep in mind that language differences never fall into discrete compartments even though it may seem that way when we try to describe them. Rather, such factors as region, social class, and ethnic identity will interact in complicated ways."

(Anita K.Berry,《语言与教育的语言学视角》,格林伍德,2002年)

  • 发表于 2021-10-07 07:39
  • 阅读 ( 222 )
  • 分类:语言


民族(ethnic group)和部落(tribe)的区别

主要区别——民族与部落 民族和部落属于社会分层因素。种族涵盖了更广泛的社区,而部落可以是一小部分人,他们遵循他们历史上接受的习俗和传统,生活在一个公认的领袖之下。各个民族也可以说是部落群体的历史演变...

  • 发布于 2020-10-20 12:46
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  • 发布于 2021-06-23 07:01
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  • 发布于 2021-06-23 15:22
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...学、句法学和语义学。 世界上有很多种语言。2015年,SIL民族志收录了7102种活的人类语言。英语、普通话、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、印地语和德语是世界上说得最多的语言之一。甚至这些语言也有不同的变体,称为方言。 Pr...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 00:29
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中国文化(chinese culture)和日本文化(japanese culture)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-08 13:43
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...建教堂、犹太教堂、寺庙或清真寺有助于他们建立自己的民族认同和社区。 种族是一种基于人口共同特征的分类方法,例如共同的遗产、共同的文化、共同的语言或方言。种族也可能基于共同的祖先和宗教。有些民族的特点可...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 17:23
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...的集体认同感很大程度上是基于该群体的共同遗产。每个民族都是不同的。文化反映了特定时期描述一个社会的特征。文化主要与群体的艺术形式相联系。 种族和文化是相互关联的。但它们到底是什么意思?它们仅仅是彼此的...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 17:52
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...分类方法,如共同遗产、共同文化、共同语言或方言。 民族和种族这两个词过去比较容易辨别。然而,由于移民和全球化的影响,这两个术语已经重叠,以至于大多数人甚至不知道这两个术语的含义。更不用说种族这个词因为...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 01:22
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  • 发布于 2021-09-07 04:48
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...到1871年,才有一个国家被称为德国,比大多数其他欧洲民族国家要晚得多。然而,欧洲讲德语的部分并不总是与当前的政治边界重合。在法国东部被称为Elsace Lorraine(Elsaß)的地区,一种被称为Alsatian(Elsässich)的德语方言今...

  • 发布于 2021-09-10 21:22
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