


People at different locations around the world are communicating via computer.



"Where a language is widely used over a relatively large geographical area as a language of wider communication, it is known as a lingua franca—a common language but one which is native only to some of its speakers. The term 'lingua franca' itself is an extension of the use of the name of the original 'Lingua Franca,' a Medieval trading pidgin used in the Mediterranean region."



"The status of English is such that it has been adopted as the world's lingua franca for communication in Olympic sport, international trade, and air-traffic control. Unlike any other language, past or present, English has spread to all five continents and has become a truly global language."


"Even though everybody around the world speaks English—sort of—in their dealings with American media and business, politics, and culture, the English that is spoken is a lingua franca, a Bodysnatched English to be carefully scrutinized as to its meanings when it is used by a foreign culture."


"But what do we mean by the term English as a lingua franca? The term lingua franca is usually taken to mean 'any lingual medium of communication between people of different mother tongues, for whom it is a second language' (Samarin, 1987, p. 371). In this definition, then, a lingua franca has no native speakers, and this notion is carried over into definitions of English as a lingua franca, such as in the following example: '[ELF] is a 'contact language' between persons who share neither a common native tongue nor a common (national) culture, and for whom English is the chosen foreign language of communication' (Firth, 1996, p. 240). Clearly, the role of English as the chosen foreign language of communication in Europe is an extremely important one, and one that is on the increase. ... It is important to note that this means that both in Europe as well as in the world as a whole, English is now a language that is mainly used by bi- and multilinguals, and that its (often monolingual) native speakers are a minority."

Barbara Seidlhofer,“共同财产:英语作为欧洲的通用语”,《国际英语教学手册》,吉姆·康明斯和克里斯·戴维森主编。斯普林格,2007


"I want to draw a distinction between a language which is spread through nurture, a mother tongue, and a language that is spread through recruitment, which is a lingua franca. A lingua franca is a language that you consciously learn because you need to, because you want to. A mother tongue is a language that you learn because you can't help it. The reason English is spreading around the world at the moment is because of its utility as a lingua franca. Globish—a simplified version of English that's used around the world--will be there as long as it is needed, but since it's not being picked up as a mother tongue, it's not typically being spoken by people to their children. It is not getting effectively to first base, the most crucial first base for long-term survival of a language."

尼古拉斯·奥斯特勒(Nicholas Ostler)在罗伯特·麦克鲁姆(Robert McCrum)的《我的好主意:英语在进步,但总有一天会消亡》中引用了他的话,《卫报》,卫报新闻和媒体,2010年10月30日


"Because the cyberspace community, at least at the moment, is overwhelmingly English-speaking, it is appropriate to say that English is its unofficial language. ... The colonial past, imperialistic stealth, and the emergence of other language blocs in cyberspace as it grows will minimize in due time the preeminence of English as the de facto language of cyberspace. ... [Jukka] Korpela foresees another alternative to cyberspace English and a constructed language. He predicts the development of better language machine translation algorithms. Such algorithms will result in efficient and sufficient quality language translators, and there will be no need for a lingua franca."


  • 发表于 2021-10-08 21:21
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  • 分类:语言


洋泾浜(pidgin)和通用语(lingua franca)的区别

洋泾浜语和通用语的主要区别在于,洋泾浜语是一种语言的简化形式,为不讲共同语言的人之间的交流而创造,而通用语是一种用于不讲对方母语的人之间交流的语言。 因此,洋泾浜语是一种由两种现有语言创造出来的新语...

  • 发布于 2020-10-21 20:37
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abh之间的差异(differences between abh)和gbh公司(gbh)的区别

abh与gbh ABH和GBH不是日常用语。人们通常在阅读庭审记录或讨论法律咨询时会遇到这些术语。为了避免混淆一个术语和另一个术语,在比较这两个术语之前,必须了解这两个术语的工作定义。 在严重程度上,ABH或实际身体伤害...

  • 发布于 2021-06-23 06:04
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洋泾浜(the pidgin)和通用语(lingua franca)的区别

...世界上诞生的两种基于需求的语言形式——洋泾浜语和通用语。 什么是通用语(a lingua franca)? 通用语是一种创造出来的共同语言,使没有共同母语的人能够相互交流。这种共同语言不是由不同的语言创造出来的,就是采用一种...

  • 发布于 2021-06-24 19:01
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在日常用语中,最容易混淆和互换的词是契约和契约。大多数人,甚至是传教士,都倾向于把这两个词随意地抛来抛去,用一个词来代替另一个词。事实是,没有区别就没有区别,特别是如果这类词语适用于婚姻问题的话。 盟...

  • 发布于 2021-06-25 22:58
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什么是不同类型的措辞(the different types of diction)

...、情境和背景,词语的选择可能会有所不同。例如,正式用语可用于会议、学术报告等正式场合,而非正式用语则用于日常语言。因此,用词可以分为不同的类型。在这里,我们将详细介绍不同类型的措辞。 什么是不同类型的...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 07:13
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...史诗的特征 诗歌中广泛而冗长的叙述 高雅的、仪式性的用语,通常由六米组成 从向缪斯祈祷开始 超自然的存在和奇迹 一个超人的英雄,传奇的和著名的,从事伟大的勇气和英勇的行为 主人公通常是一个**,他的性格特征代表...

  • 发布于 2021-07-01 14:06
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... 在大多数语言中,“阿姨”被认为是“阿姨”的非正式用语,在大多数与文学关系不大的书中都有使用。这个词被认为比较正式,在语言中主要是这样使用的。这个词可以用几个例子来解释,比如“你好,阿姨,看起来你今晚...

  • 发布于 2021-07-08 13:00
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...语或思想。 “引用”和“引用”之间有细微的区别。引用语是对某人过去说过或写过的话的重复或再创造。引用是指一个人或出版物的某一特定主题、词语或思想。这样做是为了证明一个观点或支持一个人的理论。 根据《韦氏...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 06:46
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...语言发生了变化,以反映这种互动,群体有时会发展出通用语和洋泾浜语。 通用语是不同人群在没有共同语言时用来交流的语言。一般来说,通用语是与交际双方的母语不同的第三种语言。有时,随着语言的普及,一个地区...

  • 发布于 2021-09-03 08:14
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...西哥中部,到16世纪,纳瓦特尔语成为所有中美洲人的通用语。 “Nahuatal”一词本身就是在某种程度上表示“好声音”的几个词之一,这是Nahuatal语言核心的编码意义的一个例子。新西班牙的地图绘制者、牧师和启蒙运动领袖何...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 07:01
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