如何“vos”在阿根廷使用?('vos' used in argentina?)



Calle de Tilcara


在这些地区,vos完全或部分取代了tú。在一些使用vos的地方,它的动词形式与tú相同。但阿根廷大部分地区并非如此。一般来说,现在时动词在-ar动词、és for-er动词和ífor-ir动词的词根后加上ás的词尾。因为重音在最后一个音节上,所以你不会发现使用tú时词干的变化。例如,现在时,第二人称熟悉的tener(to have)形式是tenés,poder的现在时形式是podés。在不规则的表格中有ser的sos。因此,vos sos mi ami amigo相当于túeres mi amigo,或“你是我的朋友”


  • Ésta es para vos。丽拉·奎里斯?(这是给你的,你想要吗?)
  • 十个大馅饼?埃斯托斯·埃斯蒂洛斯·森·珀尔克托斯·帕拉沃斯!(你有大脚吗?这些款式非常适合你。)
  • 托多斯·奎雷莫斯·沃斯·甘斯。(我们都希望你赢。)
  • 不,我不知道。(她没有因此而生你的气。)
  • 干草辛科科萨是一把利剑。(有五件事你需要知道。注意,在这个句子中vos可以省略,因为vos的动词形式是tenés。)




I grew up in Guatemala, la capital to be specific. Here are some conversation examples of how I use tú/usted/vos (this is in no way a representation of how everyone else in Guate uses them): To a male friend: "Vos Humberto mano, a la gran pu--, porque no la llamaste!" Between my parents(*): "Hola mijo, como está? Ya almorzo?" (They use usted to address me). "Sí mama, estoy bien, y tú como estas?" (I use tú to address them.) To a girl I just met or an acquaintance: Usted is the universal rule. To a girl who is very close: "Claudia, te gustaría ir a comer algo?" Tutear is the term used when a guy and a girl reach the comfort level to refer to each other using tú. To my sister(**): "Vos Sonia, a qué horas vas a venir?"


The usage of vos and tú is interesting because it is an important element in the regional characteristics of the language and social relationships. What the other Guatemalan user pointed out in his clarification is true. Vos is used when there is a lot of familiarity, but if used out of the familiarity context it can be disrespectful or impolite. In fact, some people use vos in a disdainful way to address a Mayan stranger, but use the formal usted when addressing a ladino (non-Maya) stranger of equal or "higher" social level. In other cases, using vos with a stranger is regarded as rather friendly than impolite, but this is a deeply rooted cultural and social element that can't be described in just a few lines. Between male friends, vos is indeed the predominant form. Using tú between men is very rare, and it is often characterized as queer. Vos is also used between close female friends, and relatives and friends of whichever sex, to a lesser extent. However, whenever tú is used, it's conjugated as with vos (e.g., tú sos mi mejor amiga. Ana, tú comés muy poco). The use of the traditional conjugation of tú is very rare. In some cases, the use of vos, tú or usted is not mutual. Sometimes, a person will address you in either way, and you in turn will address that person with a different pronoun. This can be seen with people from different generations, social groups or levels, sexes or even a peer, depending whether you want to show respect, friendliness, distance or simply because that is the way you are used to address a certain group. This explains the example of the other Guatemalan, where his mother uses usted and he uses tú, and how he addresses acquaintances or women with usted, which is due to the way he is used to address them within his social sphere. This is true for all social levels of ladinos in urban areas and many rural areas. Some things vary with people of Mayan descent.

  • 发表于 2021-10-09 20:35
  • 阅读 ( 210 )
  • 分类:语言



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