


Two girls using a tin can telephone in a hedge maze Two girls using a tin can telephone in a hedge maze


在日常话语中,模糊限制语可以简单地说“可能”、“几乎”或“有些”。它有助于以礼貌的专业方式表达强烈的意见,例如,“我认为在某种程度上……”​ 在极端的另一端,在政治争议时期或选举季节,这种技术似乎可以在任何地方使用。

语言学家和认知科学家Steven Pinker批判性地指出,“许多作家用一团绒毛来缓冲他们的散文,这意味着他们不愿意站在他们所说的后面,包括几乎,显然,相对,公平,部分,几乎,部分,主要,大概,相反,相对,表面上,可以说,在某种程度上,某种程度上,我想说的是无处不在的……”(“风格感”,2014年)。


"Hedges are not always the same as 'weasel words,' which temper the directness of a statement. (The two terms reflect a different point of view. 'Weasel words' is pejorative—we're trying to avoid responsibility for our claims. 'Hedges' qualify, soften, or make claims more polite.) The two examples that follow show how hedges can be used to let us 'weasel out' of responsibility for our statements. 'Perhaps Gould overstated his argument regarding an apparent weakness in Darwin's notes.' 'The data appear to support the assumption of significant differences between the two groups of students.' Hedges, however, also serve a ritual function. They may act like disfluencies in smoothing over a disagreement with a conversational partner. 'Maybe she just feels kinda blue.' In this last example, it is a simple matter to understand the locutionary force of the utterance—that is, what the sentence says. However, the illocutionary force of the utterance—what is intended by the utterance—is not clear unless context is taken into account." (​"Discourse and Language Education." Cambridge University Press, 1992)


美联社(Associated Press)的样式手册提醒作家小心使用避讳词“指称”,注意假设的行为没有被视为事实,但不要将其用作“例行限定词”。例如,如果警察记录中出现了某件事,它不需要仅仅因为不知道到底是谁参与了这件事就加以回避。

作者戈登·洛贝格(Gordon Loberger)和凯特·舒普(Kate Shoup)都看到了这一点。

"Writers and reporters for various media are increasingly sensitive to possible legal repercussions regarding the things they report. As a result, many of them, seemingly to protect themselves and their organizations, tend to overuse hedge words—that is, words that allow the speaker or writer to hedge on the meaning of his or her statement. As such, readers and listeners are subjected to such statements as the following: 'The alleged burglary occurred last night.' 'The diplomat died of an apparent heart attack.' Such hedge words are unnecessary if the police report indeed shows that a burglary occurred and if the medical report lists a heart attack as the cause of the diplomat's death. In any case, the second sentence above would certainly make more sense if it were written another way. (Besides, what is an 'apparent heart attack'?) 'Apparently, the diplomat died of a heart attack.' 'The diplomat died, apparently of a heart attack.'" ("Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook." Wiley, 2009)

  • 发表于 2021-10-16 17:44
  • 阅读 ( 224 )
  • 分类:语言



...数习语仍然保留了原来的定义。 另一方面,表情是通过言语、面部特征,甚至通过肢体语言来分享你的观点或想法。用一个短语来表达,可以帮助听者像说话者那样看单词,并以听话的方式理解单词。简言之,表达是说话人用...

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...朱丽叶已经死了,但是观众知道她已经睡了一段时间。 言语反讽:言语反讽是一种陈述或评论,其意图与表面表达的意思大不相同。像混凝土般柔软,根管般愉悦,阿拉斯加冬日般阳光明媚等讽刺明喻也被认为是言语讽刺的一...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 07:10
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...一特定人群所说的各种语言。俚语是一种非正式的非标准言语变体,由新造的、变化迅速的词和短语组成。方言和俚语的主要区别在于俚语是以词汇来区分的,而方言则是以语法、词汇和发音来区分的。 这篇文章解释道, 1.什...

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俚语(slang)和口语(colloquial language)的区别

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  • 发布于 2021-07-02 06:52
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言语的(verbal)和非言语交际(nonverbal communication)的区别

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人际交往(interpersonal communication)和自我交流(intrapersonal communication)的区别

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言语交际(verbal communication)和电子通信(electronic communication)的区别

...是与他人交换思想和信息的过程。交际有各种类型,包括言语交际、非言语交际、印刷、电子交际等。尽管言语交际和电子交际看起来很相似,但它们却有很大的不同,了解这两者之间的区别是非常重要的。。言语交际(verbal comm...

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...ical device, literary technique, or event in which what really happens)? 言语反讽是指一个人说的话与他们的意思完全相反。这张床像混凝土一样软。这种说法很讽刺,因为尽管他们说床很软,但事实恰恰相反。事实上,这张床和水泥一样硬。...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 19:10
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