什么是半导体和半导体(a semiconductor and )



Silicon semiconductor. Silicon semiconductor.



什么是电子掺杂(electron doping)?


'Doping' is a procedure that makes semiconductors such as silicon and germanium ready for use in diodes and transistors. Semiconductors in their undoped form are actually electrical insulators that don't insulate very well. They form a crystal pattern where every electron has a definite place. Most semiconductor materials have four valence electrons, four electrons in the outer shell. By putting one or two percent of atoms with five valence electrons such as arsenic in with a four valence electron semiconductor such as silicon, something interesting happens. There are not enough arsenic atoms to affect the overall crystal structure. Four of the five electrons are used in the same pattern as for silicon. The fifth atom doesn't fit well in the structure. It still prefers to hang near the arsenic atom, but it is not held tightly. It is very easy to knock it loose and send it on its way through the material. A doped semiconductor is much more like a conductor than an undoped semiconductor. You can also dope a semiconductor with a three-electron atom such as aluminum. The aluminum fits into the crystal structure, but now the structure is missing an electron. This is called a hole. Making a neighboring electron move into the hole is sort of like making the hole move. Putting an electron-doped semiconductor (n-type) with a hole-doped semiconductor (p-type) creates a diode. Other combinations create devices such as transistors.







  • 阿贡国家实验室。“牛顿——问问科学家。”互联网档案,2015年2月27日。

  • 发表于 2021-10-21 03:11
  • 阅读 ( 360 )
  • 分类:IT



...比较-半导体与超导体的表格形式 5. 摘要 什么是半导体(a semiconductor)? 半导体是一种导体,其导电值介于绝缘体和导体的值之间。也就是说,半导体的导电性与导体的导电性相当。这些通常是晶体固体,应用于各种领域,如二极...

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p型(p-type)和n型半导体(n-type semiconductor)的区别

...的,而n型半导体中的杂质是Ⅳ族元素。 什么是半导体(a semiconductor)? 半导体是一种导电性介于导体和绝缘体之间的材料。在固体能带理论中,能级是用能带来表示的。根据这一理论,对于要导电的材料,价带中的电子应该能够...

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...缘体,而在高温时则充当导体。导体(conductor) vs. 半导体(semiconductor)导体和半导体的区别在于导电能力不同。导体和半导体都有广泛的用途,人们在日常生活中都会用到。尽管它们之间没有什么相似之处,但却有很大的不同。导...

  • 发布于 2021-07-11 09:25
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导体半导体(conductor semiconductor)和绝缘体(insulator)的区别

...离子态和一些非金属导体,包括石墨。 什么是半导体(a semiconductor)? 半导体是一种导电性介于导体和绝缘体之间的材料。更重要的是,这些材料的电阻率随着温度的升高而下降。此外,我们可以通过在材料的晶体结构中引入杂...

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本征半导体(intrinsic semiconductors)和非本征半导体(附对照表)(extrinsic semiconductors (with comparison table))的区别

...p型。 Also Read: Difference Between P-type Semi Conductor And N-type Semiconductor

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什么是不同类型的半导体?(the different types of semiconductor?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-09 09:12
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什么是模拟半导体?(an analog semiconductor?)

模拟半导体是一种支持多种功能的电子元件。它既可以生成信号,也可以变换信号特性,如振幅、相位和频率。模拟半导体分为低功率或高功率音频或射频应用。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-12-11 10:00
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如何我会成为一名半导体工程师吗?(i become a semiconductor engineer?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-21 01:42
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什么是半导体激光器?(a semiconductor laser?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-29 18:51
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什么是互补金属氧化物半导体?(a complementary metal oxide semiconductor?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-30 06:17
  • 阅读 ( 304 )