
Sake Dean Mahomed过着杰出的生活,25岁时离开印度前往英国。他显著的成就包括在东印度陆军连队服役,出版了一本详述他旅行经历的自传,并在伦敦开了一家餐馆。然而,他真正声名鹊起的原因是他扮演了一个将“香波”(shampi)引入英国的角色。洗发水的实践催生了整个头发护理市场,现在是一个数十亿美元的全球产业。这是如此普遍,以至于现在不洗头被认为是禁忌。大多数美国人报告说他们每周洗头5-7次...

在世界上做出改变的著名印第安人1.Sake Dean Mahomed

Sake Dean Mahomed过着杰出的生活,25岁时离开印度前往英国。他显著的成就包括在东印度陆军连队服役,出版了一本详述他旅行经历的自传,并在伦敦开了一家餐馆。然而,他真正声名鹊起的原因是他扮演了一个将“香波”(shampi)引入英国的角色。洗发水的实践催生了整个头发护理市场,现在是一个数十亿美元的全球产业。这是如此普遍,以至于现在不洗头被认为是禁忌。大多数美国人报告说他们每周洗头5-7次,但超过8%的人报告在同一时间内洗头12次或以上!马霍米德推出的洗发水无疑为一个闻起来比其他情况要好得多的世界做出了贡献。






3.Srinivasa Ramanujan

在世界上做出改变的著名印第安人Ramanujan made extraordinary contributions to string theory and number theory, causing him to be the first Indian mathematician to be elected a Fellow of the British Royal Society. Ramanujan had very little formal training in mathematics, but began teaching himself by studying books in the library at the age of twelve. Since he could only afford a small amount of paper, remarkably he learned to do much work in his head or on a chalkboard, only transferring the results to paper. This led to few people understanding his work, as only mathematical geniuses could understand how he obtained his results without seeing the process. As a result of his complete devotion to the field of mathematics, he ultimately began research positions at the University of Madras and eventually Cambridge. Even among the brightest minds, Ramanujan stood above others, and within number theory he seemed to have a special clarity and many of the solutions that stumped others seemed obvious to him. He only lived to the age of 32 and ultimately died from tuberculosis, but in his short lifetime, he produced almost four thousand proofs, identities, conjectures and equations in pure mathematics. His contributions to the fields of math and physics have led to many scientific breakthroughs. 4.Julaluddin Mohammad Akbar

在世界上做出改变的著名印第安人Commonly known as just Akbar or Akbar the Great, he served as the third Mughal Emperor of India and lived between 1542 and 1605. He had an acute understanding of military and political strategy and was a lover of the arts, culture and knowledge. Akbar was also the first to commission the first prefabricated homes and moveable structures. This revolutionized the way many people live and prefabricated homes are hugely popular in modern times. They provide an affordable and convenient option for housing and are commonly used during disaster relief. Currently, an estimated 20 million Americans live in manufactured homes, which makes up approximately 6.4% of the total housing market. This number may also climb much higher in the future due to the green movement fueling interest in tiny homes and many individuals attempting to leave a smaller carbon footprint. Akbar’s early contributions to the housing industry now provides an option for decent and affordable housing for many people globally.



在世界上做出改变的著名印第安人Gandhi is perhaps the most well-known Indian in the world. During the time of his birth in 1869, India was part of the British Empire. While completing work in South Africa, Gandhi experienced discrimination and racial segregation, which helped to shape him as someone who was devoted to fighting racial prejudice. He remained committed to this goal throughout his life and struggled for equal rights both in South Africa as well as in his homeland. His first civil disobedience campaign occurred in South Africa in 1906 but he continued to use this tactic when he returned to India in 1915. He invoked a life of simplicity and devoted himself to prayer, fasting and meditation. He also campaigned for peaceful protests and strikes in the quest for his country’s freedom. Due to the large popularity of the movement he founded, he was frequently a political prisoner and was ultimately assassinated by a Hindu extremist. His efforts contributed to the freedom of India and he remains as a symbol of hope and inspiration for oppressed people throughout the world.


  • 发表于 2021-11-16 17:19
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杰西卡·埃尔姆(Jessica Elm)是威斯康星州印第安人奥奈达部落(Oneida)的一名公民,她在攻读社会工作硕士学位时,经常听说基因是如何导致美洲印第安人酗酒的高风险的。但她自己的家庭经历——以及她发现的研究——却讲...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 13:17
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...,推特用户把罗布·托马斯当成流行语机器,对克利夫兰印第安人的卡洛斯·桑塔纳(Carlos Santana,无亲属关系)进行“平滑”的引用,想象卡洛斯·桑塔纳在与罗布·托马斯的假电话交谈中哭泣,而感叹未能以“离正午太阳7英寸...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 01:47
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...次采访。你看,2014年弗拉拉西奥正确地预测了小熊队和印第安人队将在2016年世界大赛第7场的加时赛中战平(他错误地预言这将是世界末日的开始,但我们稍后会谈到这一点。) 直到昨晚,芝加哥小熊队自1908年以来还...

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 13:46
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...对喜欢。一位年轻的考古学家正在用激光雷达绘制缅因州印第安人遗址的地图,他告诉我:“激光雷达是裂缝!” 我们来谈谈你们发现的那个城市。在用激光雷达找到它之后,你必须把它接地。站在一个你知道(或相信)...

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 17:49
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...鱼,而马哈拉施特拉邦人更喜欢吃素。阿拉伯人(arabs) vs. 印第安人(indians)阿拉伯人和印度人的区别在于阿拉伯人居住在中东和北非的部分地区,而印度人则居住在印度的南亚。然而,宗教也有区别,因为你会发现阿拉伯人信奉***...

  • 发布于 2021-07-10 17:49
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什么是发现主义?(the doctrine of discovery?)


  • 发布于 2021-09-02 17:18
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  • 发布于 2021-09-03 15:35
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...姆·索普,一个有波塔瓦托米、萨克和福克斯血统的美国印第安人。 索普克服了他年轻时的悲剧——他的孪生兄弟以及他的母亲和父亲去世,成为奥运会上的明星,同时也是篮球、棒球和足球的职业运动员。索普的技术为他赢得...

  • 发布于 2021-09-12 07:33
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  • 发布于 2021-09-20 09:21
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...11页 罗伯特·富尔顿 1807年,罗伯特·富尔顿发明了世界上第一艘商业上成功的蒸汽船克莱蒙特号。像富尔顿这样的汽船使原材料和制成品的运输变得经济可靠,并为美国向西扩张做出了重大贡献。富尔顿还发明了第一艘蒸...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 05:45
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