什么是食用油的替代品?(alternatives to cooking oil?)

When baking ...

Cooking oil is an important addition to many recipes. Many baking recipes require this ingredient, while several other recipes call for using it in the pan that will be used for cooking. Unfortunately, this material is high in fat and is not the healthiest ingredient to add to a recipe. Thankfully, there are many available alternatives to it.

When baking muffins or cakes, mashed bananas, applesauce, prunes, and plain yogurt can each be an excellent alternative for cooking oil. It may also be beneficial to add a bit of skim milk to the fruit in order to liquefy it if the oil needs to be liquid for the recipe. Not only does this replacement reduce the amount of fat in the recipe, but it also adds a bit of flavor and a healthy component to these otherwise unhealthy foods.

Pureed fruit can be used to replace cooking oil in an equal substitution. If the recipe calls for ¼ cup of oil, for example, ¼ cup of applesauce can be used as a replacement. This provides the baked good with the necessary moisture. It is also acceptable to replace only a portion of the cooking oil with a fruit puree substitute.

Meats can also be cooked without using cooking oil. In order to eliminate the need for oil altogether, the meat can be wrapped in foil and cooked on a grill. By adding some vegetables inside the foil, the meat can get a little extra flavor while an entire meal is cooked.

Many recipes, particularly baking recipes, require adding baking oil to the pan in order to prevent sticking. In order to avoid adding this extra fat to the dish, a non-stick cooking spray is an excellent alternative. It prevents sticking, yet eliminates the unwanted fat and calories associated with cooking oil. Care must be taken, however, to avoid using too much of this spray on a pan. Otherwise, non-stick cooking sprays can add more fat to the recipe than using traditional cooking oil. Only a thin layer of non-stick cooking spray is necessary.

  • 发表于 2021-12-01 18:32
  • 阅读 ( 53 )
  • 分类:美食



主要差异替代(main difference alternate) vs. 可供替代的(alternative) Alternate和Alternate是两个在美式英语和英式英语中意义稍有不同的词。由于这些词的意思有些不同,许多人感到困惑。在本文中,我们希望能澄清您对这两个词的困惑。a...

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芥子油(mustard oil)和菜籽油(canola oil)的区别

...了水分和香料的味道。油炸或烧烤烹饪应用大量使用。与食用油一样,食用油在医疗健康方面也占有很大的份额,因此,在健康和身体健康维护方面,所有食用油都有其自身的重要性和益处。 其中包括已知的芥子油和菜籽油。...

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菜籽油(canola oil)和红花油(safflower oil)的区别

关键区别:菜籽油和红花油都是注重饮食的食用油,因为它们都富含单不饱和脂肪。菜籽油是从油菜种子中提取的,而红花油是从红花种子中提取的。除了它们的来源,这些油彼此非常相似,并以其对心脏健康的好处而闻名。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 06:21
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食用油(cooking oil)和植物油(vegetable oil)的区别

关键区别:食用油和植物油没有太大区别。两者的关键区别在于,植物油是食用油的一种,食用油只用于烹饪,而植物油可以用于烹饪和其他各种用途。 在烹饪时,油被认为是必不可少的,没有油或某种形式的脂肪就可以烹饪...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 06:41
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食用油(cooking oil)和煎炸油(frying oil)的区别

关键区别:食用油是油炸和其他烹饪目的的最佳替代品。而煎炸油是用于高温烹调和油炸的。根据它们的烟点,烹调油被进一步归类为煎炸油。 烹调油和煎炸油没有太大区别。根据其名称,适用于油炸目的的油,如高温油炸、...

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食用油(cooking oil)和葵花籽油(sunflower oil)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-12 06:58
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食用油(cooking oil)和燃料油(fuel oil)的区别

...燃料油是两种完全不同的油,它们有不同的用途和用途。食用油及其种类广泛用于烹饪或烹饪目的;燃料油及其类型是从广泛蒸馏获得的石油,用于燃料用途。 “油”一词涵盖了可燃液体的广泛版本,在自然界中有多种用途。...

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...ate(最后一个音节与“net”押韵)指的是准备取代他人的替代品。作为一个形容词,“alternate”(最后一个音节与“net”押韵)的意思是轮流出现,或者是两个或多个选择中的一个。 如何使用“替代方案” 作为一个名词,“...

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什么是不同类型的肉类替代品?(the different types of meat alternatives?)

... 选择纯素或素食者的人在饮食中需要肉类替代品,以满足他们推荐的每日蛋白质量。幸运的是,肉类替代品有很多选择,其中许多味道与真品相似。如果一个人是素食主义者,他们可以从鱼类或奶制品中找到蛋白...

  • 发布于 2021-12-02 10:42
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