什么是高速usb主机控制器?(a hi-speed usb host controller?)



A USB cable.

USB在1995年11月首次上市,但新标准存在兼容性问题。这些错误已被解决,随后的USB版本现在被称为“原始”USB 1.1。USB 1.1的数据传输速率(DTR)令人印象深刻,达到每秒12兆比特(mbps),旨在取代外围设备较慢的并行和串行端口。第一批被广泛用于USB端口的设备是键盘和鼠标。打印机、扫描仪、外部磁带机和其他设备。

USB cables are used to connect devices -- such as printers, keyboards and music players -- to computers.

随着对更快数据传输的需求增加,更新版本的USB响应了这一要求。USB 2.0拥有480 mbps的最大数据速率,比原始USB快40倍。支持旧标准的计算机需要一个新的高速USB主机控制器来利用更快的速度。为新2.0标准制造的设备,如记忆棒和数码相机,如果插入安装了USB 1.1控制器的计算机,将默认为旧的、较慢的传输速度。


要利用USB 2.0速度,计算机和插入USB端口的设备都必须支持2.0标准。高速USB主机控制器无法使USB 1.1设备以2.0速度运行。高速控制器是向后兼容的,但是,对于需要它的设备,可以回到较慢的1.1标准。


The data transfer rate USB 1.1 was impressive at 12 megabits per second (mbps), and it was intended to replace slower parallel and serial ports for peripheral devices.

  • 发表于 2021-12-10 15:24
  • 阅读 ( 80 )
  • 分类:互联网



...排列的,所以您应该可以在列表的末尾找到通用串行总线控制器。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-11 11:20
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... 一个游戏机,无论是真实的还是虚拟的,都只和它的控制器一样好。选择错误的控制器,不管一个游戏看起来有多好,它都会感觉错误。幸运的是,由于RetroPie项目支持这么多控制器,很容易找到适合您的最佳控制器。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-20 09:45
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...标准。虽然现在已经不常见了,但在一些相机、PlayStation3控制器、MP3播放器和类似产品上仍然可以看到这些。 Micro-USB:目前用于移动和便携式设备的标准(尽管普及率在缓慢下降),甚至比mini-USB还小。尽管在各...

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PlayStation5(PS5)的DualSense控制器支持蓝牙功能,这意味着您无需将其**主机即可使用。但是,您必须将它与控制台配对。下面是如何将其置于配对模式。 像它的前辈,DualShock 3和DualShock 4,PS5的DualSense控制器可以无线使用。但...

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...e a “read-only” USB device. Even before USB, the computer’s keyboard controller would accept commands because it did a few things besides read the keyboard (reference): 接着是德米特里·格里戈里耶夫的回答: Any USB device regardless of its class requires bidirectional communic...

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... computer undifferentiated access to the mass storage. It assumes absolute control over the file system similar to that of a hard drive. As such, unless explicitly commanded by the host system to sever the connection between the devices, there is a chance that the host computer might corrupt the fil...

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...ver-powering the drive, it will take just as much current as it needs. 有什么要补充的解释吗?在评论中发出声音。想从其他精通技术的Stack Exchange用户那里了解更多答案吗?在这里查看完整的讨论主题。

  • 发布于 2021-04-10 01:27
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...The vast majority of simple hubs do not really implement any sort of power control. They will just connect the USB power lines directly to either their host or an external (regulated) power supply, which means you would effectively be sharing the capacity of the power source over all ports. In pract...

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...specification. On the hardware side, the detection is done by the USB Host Controller. Then in the kernel the Host Controller Driver takes over and translates the low-level bits on the wire to USB protocol formatted information. This information then gets populated in the u**core driver in the kerne...

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...r standard like firewire. Drives are just devices, they are not hosts that control or decide anything. Without the host, they cannot even interact with the outside world. Assuming that you can connect the two drives like that, how will they know which files and/or folders you want to copy? How will ...

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