什么是热水器最安全的温度设置?(the safest temperature settings for a hot water heater?)

A water heater should not be set beyond 125 degrees Fahrenheit.


As temperatures over 125 degree fahrenheit can burn both children and adults quickly and severely, boilers must be locked at lower settings.



Some pediatricians suggest 120 degrees is the hottest water should be in homes with small children.



Two seconds of exposure to water at 150 degrees will severely burn a child.


Temperatures higher than 125 degrees can burn a child in the bath.


  • 发表于 2021-12-17 11:56
  • 阅读 ( 312 )
  • 分类:生活方式



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气体(gas)和电热水器(electric water heater)的区别

A 燃气热水器使用热从燃烧燃料(通常是天然气)到加热水电热水器使用电阻线圈。燃气热水器的能效比电热水器低,但电本身的成本使电热水器的运行成本更高。燃气热水器也有更快的回收率,这使他们成为一个更大的...

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...reezer. Make sure there's room for expansion. This will help stabilize the temperature in the freezer.Don't put hot food directly into the freezer. Sticking hot food in the freezer can cause a drastic change in temperature. Put it in the refrigerator first to let it cool before freezing.要了解更...

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移动式家用热水器(mobile home water heater)和普通热水器(regular water heater)的区别


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如何我选择最安全的空间加热器?(i choose the safest space heater?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-16 13:00
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什么是闪蒸热水器?(a flash water heater?)

... 闪蒸、无水箱或按需热水器是根据需要加热水,而不是将水储存在水箱中的热水器。一般来说,闪蒸热水器比罐式热水器效率更高,并且在需要时能持续产生热水。许多节能型家庭和企业使用...

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什么是热水器元件?(a water heater element?)

... 热水器需要一个加热器元件来加热气缸装置内的水。热水器元件是一根金属棒,用于加热热水器罐内的水。金属棒通过电变热,从而使周围的水变热。 ...

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